After numerous failed cartoons and ratings dropping into the red, the Cartoon Survivor show is in a crisis. Hope returns in the form of the Doo Doo bird! It’s not the best hope but they’ll take anything! Cartoon Survivor is a level-based 2.5D runner that has you controlling the newest star of the show: Doo Doo! Guide him through a dangerous obstacle course with the help of our Cartoon Survivor cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!
1. Always pick the shortest wick when going for stars!
Before each level, you get to decide how long your dynamite wick is. The longer the wick, the more time you have, but the less stars you can earn. The longest wick can get you one star, the medium wick two stars, and the longest wick 3 stars. Always pick the shortest wick so that you can earn the maximum amount of stars. It’ll be tricky, but you can do it!
2. Save your money for the helmets!
You can spend your hard-earned coins on costumes or helmets. Hold off on buying costumes – they don’t do anything besides fancy up your doo doo. Helmets, on the other hand, provide a special bonus depending on which one is worn. For example, the brick helmet – which should be the first helmet you purchase – enables doo doo to break through previously indestructible walls. These walls often hide trophies behind them and hidden paths! There are more kinds of helmets, but you’ll probably only be able to afford the brick one for now.
3. Keep an eye out for the breakable walls!
Going off of tip #2, breakable walls will have a special symbol on them. It kind of looks like a construction site symbol – it’s a yellow diamond with red symbols on it. If you have the brick helmet, you can charge straight into it! The first one we saw was on eggsploration, on the bottom route.
4. Don’t worry about getting everything in one run!
You’re going to miss the optional trophies on your first run through a level usually. Do not fret! After you’ve chosen the shortest wick and gotten all stars, go ahead and replay the level, this time picking the longest wick. This way you have plenty of time to explore the level and try to obtain all the trophies.
5. Make big bucks with blue coins!
If you revisit a level, blue coins will appear in the locations that the trophies were in. These blue coins are worth a whopping 100 coins each, so if you need to make some money, try replaying levels where you’ve gotten all the trophies and know their locations.
6. Always keep a speed boost on hand!
Speed boosts can be activated at anytime to give doo doo a small boost that lasts a couple seconds. You start off each level with three and can hold up to a maximum of six. Be sure to be liberal with your boosts if you’ve picked the shortest wick, but also always have at least one saved for an emergency. Run into an object brings doo doo’s momentum to a screeching halt, and can be the deciding factor between a successful run and a time out. A boost is a quick remedy!
With any luck, you should be able to get Cartoon Survior’s ratings back up! If you have any other tips or tricks to share with the community, please leave a comment below!