These Are the Best Heroes in Card King: Dragon Wars

Heroes in Card King: Dragon Wars are insanely useful, but they also cost a lot of Gems to purchase – and since getting the premium currency without spending real money is not that easy, you should make sure that whenever you decide to purchase a hero, it will be extremely useful for you and help you win a ton of battles.

To help make your decision easier, we checked them all out to see which performs best in battles, and we have for you the best heroes in Card King: Dragon Wars. We have only selected two for this article and we believe that they are enough for all players to build great decks around them. So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out the Card King: Dragon Wars heroes below!

card king dragon wars best heroes

Euryale Far-Treader

Despite her impossible name, Euryale is actually an extremely useful and powerful hero and my favorite by far. The Gorgon hero has the “Hybrid Attack” specialty on most of her cards, meaning that your creatures attack using the sum of the magical and regular attack. Area Hybrid Attack and Full Team Hybrid Attack are cards that can change the tide of battle completely.

She also has an amazing “Inflict team Paralyze for 3 turns” which basically reduces incoming attacks from the entire team of your opponent for 3 turns: this is again a great card! The only problem is the Siphoning Strike card which is pretty much useless, drawing 50 energy from your opponent. But overall, she is an amazing hero!

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The dwarf offers a great combinations of attack and defense cards, with the likes of Cleaving Smashes (Area Attack x2), or Disenchanting Swing (Area Attack that inflicts Weaken Strength of 2 turns). It’s best against opponents with red cards (attackers) but works on most occasions, too.

The Ceaseless Rush gives you Adrenaline for 4 turns, which is the worst card to get, but you also have the Dwarven Fortitude that gives a card Defense and Resistance Boost for 5 turns: combine it with a green card that has to be attacked and you’re in for an easy fight!

Do you agree with these choices as the best heroes in Card King: Dragon Wars? Let us know by commenting below!