Resources are limited in Madden Mobile 16. Stamina and money run out quick, so spend wisely. If you’re starting out, here are a few tips to get you going.
1) Don’t hit the auction. Especially at the beginning of the season. The auction is expensive and there’s no real benefit to getting top notch players early unless you’re just collecting players. Wait until Spring when supply will have increased and prices dropped. For now, spend your money on Pro-Packs. There is one exception to the no-auction rule: get a kicker early if your main goal is rivalry play. Check out why in my post, “Tips for Success: Rivalry Rankings”.
Disagree? You think the auction is the greatest invention since the forward pass? Read my article on why you don’t really need the auction.
2) Buy Pro Packs only. Don’t spend money on other packs like Legends packs or any other packs. You’ll regret it if you do. Some of the “Premium” packs are expensive. Sometimes $70K, and you’ll often get junk. It’s better to buy a Pro Pack six times for that much money. Pro Packs will give you good players. For example, I pulled Aaron Rodgers (Rated 90) from a Pro Pack. I also pulled several Mystery Packs, one of which was Cam Newton (90). I auctioned Aaron Rodgers for $100K and spent all of it on Pro Packs. From the $100K worth of Pro Packs, I pulled Latavius Murray (88), Luke Kuechly (89) and Alex Boone (84). The other players I used toward other sets that resulted in more goodies. Buy Pro Packs.
Mystery Pack from a Pro Pack became Cam Newton.
3) Spend Stamina on easy-to-win live events. First of all, win every live event at least once. You get extra cash for first-time wins. And then focus on easy-win, big-return events. Focus first on short-term events like seasonal and other weekly events. And then move onto the recurring live events. Road to Riches is a priority. Do the Ring or News events only if it’s easy to win. Otherwise, win those once and forget about it. Return on those aren’t great and you’ll sit on duplicate News and Ring cards. Play Scrimmages instead. Those give you cards that can be exchanged.
Some live events are better than others.
4) Finish the Team Sets. These are relatively easy to complete. Each team requires 3 Bronze Players, 4 Silver Players, 2 Bronze Trophies, and 3 Silver Trophies. May take some time, but if you’re buying Pro Packs like you should, it’ll only take a few weeks to complete all team sets. You receive one Gold and 2500 coins for completing the set – not a great reward but get these sets out of the way, which will help you with your season score at the end of the season.
Get Team Sets out of the way.
5) Don’t try to complete Captain Sets. Those will come but no need to hit the auction or tie up Gold players until you’re ready. If and when you receive the team collectible and an elite player to spare, then go for it. Otherwise, let it be, no need to hit the auction block to complete a set that will ultimately result in a Rated 90 team-boost player.
6) Complete the Flashback Pack not Elite Pack. The Elite pack requires 11 Elite, 2 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze Trophies. The Flashback Pack requires 17 Elite and 7 Gold trophies. Those extra 6 Elite trophies may seem like a lot more, but the payoff is much greater. I received Vince Wilfork (Rated 86) from an Elite pack. I got a Flashback Antrel Rolle (93, Boost: 2% XP, +1 ACC to all) from a Flashback Pack. That’s a huge difference.
Elite Packs are okay, but….
…Flashback Packs are better.
Rolle was the reward for completing a Flashback Pack.
To acquire trophies, but Pro-Packs, use extra players to turn into trophies and then upgrade trophies to Elite.
Turn unwanted players into trophies.
7) Join a good league. League play doesn’t require too much stamina. Maybe 3-6 every couple days. But winning league tournaments and head-to-head matches will help you complete achievements and give you cards to complete sets and other rewards. Low investment, ok rewards.
8) Put Gold players up for Auction. Gold Players with ratings under 80 won’t fetch much – I exchange these guys for trophies. Any Gold Player with 80 or above fetch decent cash. Sell and then use the cash on Pro-Packs.
9) Play Seasons only if you really want to. I’m not a big fan of season play. Too much stamina and time. It’s a good way to practice plays, and you get $1500, but to complete an entire season is grueling. Play Seasons to get achievements and a few cards, but focus stamina and your time on other pursuits.
10) Most of all, keep playing the game! See you on the field.