Pac Man Bounce Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide to Beat All Levels

Namco Bandai have launched a brand new Pac Man game on the App Store – Pac-Man Bounce. For the fans of the ball-shaped, ghot-eating character, this game won’t offer too much because the gameplay is not what you’d expect from a Pac Man game, but it does grow onto you and all the puzzles get more and more difficult, so you have to master them all. In other words, you’ll probably spend quite some time playing the recently released adventure and we’re here to help make the experience as pleasant as possible by sharing with you some Pac Man Bounce cheats and tips to beat all levels and three star them easily. Or as easy as possible!

There is a lot to talk about in this game and even though it’s mostly on you to complete the levels, let’s check out some Pac Man Bounce tips and cheats below!

1. Adopt the reverse method
Start going backwards with your arrows – you will always have to get to the key, so take it one step at a time, but backwards. It’s usually easier if you redo the route starting from the key as it will show you routes that you can’t otherwise easily spot.

2. Timing is important
In later levels, timing is everything: no matter if you get a Power Pellet (which allows you to eat the Ghosts) or you simply have to squeeze in between them, starting a second too soon or too late will result in a failure. I have tried levels starting when the ghosts were in different places when I launched Pac Man and I have completely different outcomes – so it’s definitely something to consider!

3. Connect your game to Facebook
Binding your accounts helps you keep your progress if you somehow delete the App so it’s really worth doing so. You will not get spam posts from the game on your wall and the app won’t nag your friends.

4. Use the hints wisely
You can watch videos to get hints on how to complete and three star levels in the game, but have in mind that the videos you can watch are limited (they seem to reset every 24 hours, though) so don’t overdo it: try a level multiple times first and only when you really think that you’ve got no clue on how to end it watch the video ad to get the hints. Watching ads for free energy also “counts” to the limit of ads you can watch daily, so try to find the right balance if you want to keep playing and complete levels.

5. Bounce!
Don’t forget that if Pac Man hits a wall, it will bounce off it and start moving in the opposite direction. Use this a lot in the levels to reduce the number of arrows needed for changing direction and for three starring even those impossible-looking stages!

6. The time lapse cheat
You can try the following cheat to get some extra energy in the game, although we haven’t tested to see if it works: quit the game and set your time an hour forward. Get back to the game and see if your energy has been refilled.

These would be, for now, our tips and tricks for Pac Man Bounce. Do you have other advice for fellow Pac Man Bounce players? Let us know by commenting below!