Escape Game: “Snow White” Walkthrough

*Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the comments section.

Always make sure you zoom in on something as much as possible. If you don’t the game won’t register that you saw the clue, and it won’t work.

1. Turn to the screen with the knight. Zoom in a few times on the bags on the floor to move them aside. Take the scissors that appear.

2. Turn to the screen with the table and the desk. Take the candle from the right drawer of the desk.

3. Zoom in on the wastebasket and take out the crumpled memo.

4. Open up the memo and read it both sides. It gives instructions to the clock. Turn the hands so the small hand is on the 6 and the big hand is on the 3, like so:


Push the red button three times. Zoom out and there’s now a bird holding a key. Take it.

5. Turn to the room with the pink bookcase. Zoom in on the bottom shelf and use the key to open the small chest. Take out the scroll.

6. Read the scroll. Then find the green chest of drawers. Open top top one. According to the scroll, place the rabbit card in the red slot, sword in the blue slot, and phone in the green slot. The safe unlocks. Take the handle from it.

7. Go back to the pink bookshelf and read all four books. “The apple lies in the forest.”

8. Find the painting of the forest. Zoom in on it and use the scissors to cut an opening. Inside is an apple. Take it and cut it open to reveal the number “3.”

9. Find the two holes in the floor near the front door. Attach the handle you found. Open the trapdoor. Go downstairs.

10. Take the sword from the stone.

11. Zoom in on the loose brick in the wall. Use the scissors to remove it. Go back upstairs.

12. Put the sword in the right hand of the suit of armor. A little door on his stomach opens up to reveal a hammer. Take it.

12. Use the hammer on the crack in the wall near the suit of armor. A small vial is revealed. If you try to take it, it says you’d get hurt if you put your hand in like this.

13. Go to the room with the pink bookcase. Zoom in on the curtains. Use the scissors to cut off a piece.

14. Go back to the crack in the wall and use the piece of curtain to get the vial.

15. Go to the desk and read the book laying on it. It says a girl that slept a century will be awakened by chemical water.

16. Go back to the pink bookshelf and open the book about Sleeping Beauty. Pour the vial on its pages. The contents change, revealing that the little bird sings the song of morning.

17. Take out the brick from your bag. Use the hammer to break it open. Inside is a small key.

18. Find the green chest of drawers again. Use the key to open the bottom drawer and take out the box of matches.

19. Go back downstairs and zoom in on the words carved into the big chest. It asks what sing the little bird sings. So type in “morning”.

20. Open up the chest and take out the Teddy bear. Zoom in on it. It says “2”.

21. Light the candle with the matches and put it in the candleholder near the back. It lights up some writing on the wall.

22. Zoom in on the words. It says Mirror —> Apple —-> Bear.

23. Go back upstairs and turn to the desk again. Zoom in on the book. Open it and flip the pages until you find a mirror. It says “4”.

24. Now you have all three numbers for the combination lock on the middle drawer of the green chest. Put it in the order or Mirror, Apple, Bear, or 432.

25. Open the drawer and take the red key.

26. Use the key to open the front door and you’re out!



If you liked this game, make sure to check out “An Odd Game”, Atmosfear and Closed Room.