Bike Unchained Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide

Ready to shred the trail? Bike Unchained is a timing based biking game that’ll have you tricking and blazing your way down awesome mountains. Build a team full of bikers with different stats, customize your bikes and make ’em stand out from the crowd. Bike Unchained is going to test your timing, so let’s get started with our Bike Unchained cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

1. Get the flow timing down!

Pay attention to the green lines on the track. These will let you know when you should be flowing and when you should let go. As a general rule, whenever you see downhill slopes you should be flowing; if you see inclines or any kind of upward change, you should let go to preserve your speed. Getting the timing down on perfect flowing is key to fast times!

2. Keep trying until you get the perfect time!

In each level, there are three separate rewards categories: bronze, silver, and gold. The better your time is, the better your chance at getting gold. Before each level starts, you can check to see what time you need to beat. You get a separate reward for each tier, so if you manage to get gold, you’ll get all three rewards! You should always try for gold because it’s the only way to get obtanium, the premium currency of the game.

3. Pedal rapidly uphill!

You know how at the start of a race you have to tap the flow button repeatedly to start your momentum? You can also do this when you face an incline! Instead of just waiting for your biker to pass up the hill, you can tap the flow button to have them pedal faster. You’ll get up the incline much faster than you would if you just waited, so try it out!

4. Perform as many tricks as you can!

As you perform tricks in the air, your adrenaline meter will rise. At maximum adrenaline, you’ll gain a nice speed and jump boost for a short time. Try to perform as many tricks as you can – even when there aren’t any full ramps around! Watch out for small little humps and bumps that will give you a nice boost. Just be careful not to be too greedy – if you’re still in the middle of a trick animation and you hit the ground, you’ll lose all of your speed! Also, be sure to hit the flow button right before you land for a smooth landing. This will help preserve your speed.

5. Outfit your rider!

Be sure to claim your free sponsor packs! You’ll get random parts and riders from them. Eventually you’re going to need to build your team up full of diverse riders, so you need to make sure that they’re all good to go. Also, don’t forget to apply your XP packs! Your riders will not level up naturally on their own; you must apply collected XP packs to them to give them enough experience to level up. As riders level up, they can equip stronger skill badges.

You’re ready for the high paced racing adventure! If you have any other tips or tricks to share, leave a comment below!