How to Get More Gems in Mavenfall

Gems are the premium currency in Mavenfall and you definitely want to have as many as possible in order to get the best possible cards from the Card Shop (Gem Draw) and improve your heroes as much as possible. Of course, getting free gems in Mavenfall is not the easiest thing on earth, but I am here to share with you some tips and tricks on how to do that by sharing with you all the current methods that will reward you more or fewer gems.

Don’t forget to also check out our Mavenfall tips article to improve your game and once you’re done with it, read on to find out how to get more gems in Mavenfall!

Daily log in rewards
You will sometimes get gems by logging in daily in the game, even though you will mostly get cards from this. Still extremely useful because extra cards means cards for dust and cards for your heroes you don’t have to spend gems on!

The Daily Challenges
Completing the daily challenges is a great way to earn gems. The requirements are extremely simple and if you are at least a bit active in the game, you should have no problem completing the Daily Challenges and getting a ton of gems in the process, for free!

The Arena Battles
Battling in the Arena is also another easy method for getting free gems. Not only that you get 5 free gems every time you start a new battle in the Arena (so it doesn’t matter if you win or lose), but you also get free gems if you record and share your battle replay (which you should always do!). Also, when you progress to a new rank in the Arena, you will get a nice reward with tons of free gems to add to your treasury. So once you have a solid team, it’s worth playing in the Arena!

Get Gem Packs
Even though this is not completely free, purchasing larger packs of gems will give you free gems on a per-dollar value. The Pile or Pouch of Gems cost 4.99 and 9.99 respectively, but if you get the Bag of Gems, you win 10% more gems (40 gems in this case). The more you spend, the more free gems you get, even though the deals here are not as good as they are in other games. However, if you want to spend money, make sure you get a good deal for scoring those free gems. Alternately, you can wait for special Packages that give you even more value for your dollars. For example, at the moment of writing this, there is the Starter Package (which will probably be received by everybody when starting the game), which gives you 400 Gems for 9.99 (the standard value), but also 1,200 coins and a legendary card for your Wind Druid. Pretty nice deal overall!

Did you manage to find other ways of getting free gems in Mavenfall without breaking the rules? Let us know by commenting below!