Spirit Lords Moonstones & Gold Hack & Cheats - AppGameCheats.com

Spirit Lords Moonstones & Gold Hack & Cheats

Spirit Lords is a free multiplayer action RPG game offered by Kabam, and is available for Android and iOS devices. In Spirit Lords, you will have to collect a variety of spirits and harness the powers from the spirits so that you can use them in battle, and you use simple touch controls on your screen to engage in combat. Throughout the game, you will have to collect and upgrade spirit abilities, which will end up giving you over 200 unique combat abilities to use during battle. You will be able to equip your hero with a variety of different weapons and armor, which will be needed to battle the various races and bosses.


You can get Spirit Lords for both Android and iOS devices for free, which means you can get this game through both Google Play and Apple iTunes. If you are getting Spirit Lords through Google Play, you will need a specific Android OS, but it varies by the device you are using. The download and version of the game also will vary by the device you are using if you are downloading the game through Google Play. If you are downloading the game through iTunes, you will need to have iOS version 7.0 or later and this game is available for iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone. Spirit Lords is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. You will need to have 603 MB for the download, and this game is rated for 12 and older due to mild cartoon and fantasy violence. You can get this game on iOS in many languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. The Android and iOS versions of this game also have in-app purchases you can make, which costs real money, and it will add up quickly if you purchase more than a few of the items.

In-App Purchases

In Spirit Lords, there are a lot of different in-app purchases that you can make, which does cost you real money, and a lot of these items are expensive compared to other free games with in-app purchases. Some of the most common in-app purchases include a pile of moonstones for $.99, a small chest of moonstones for $2.99, a wooden chest of moonstones for $4.99, and iron chest of moonstones for $9.99. You can also get a bronze chest of moonstones for $19.99, a large chest of moonstones for $29.99, and a silver chest of moonstones for $49.99. Since these items are fairly expensive, even for one purchase, it’s best if you disable the in-app purchasing option if you are letting your children play this game. Although this game is rated for people 12 and older, it’s not that graphic or violent that younger children cannot play the game, but parental supervision should be required.

Spirit Lords Hack for Moonstones & Gold – iOS & Android

Most RPG’s require players to have lots of resources in order to advance.  Spirit Lords is no exception, moonstones and gold are very important in order to be successful in the game.  You can choose to spend real money on moonstones or you can just use a hack.

The hack for Spirit Lords enables players to add unlimited amounts of moonstones and gold to their accounts for free.  It’s easy to use the tool and it is available for both Android and iOS devices.  You can download it here at AGC.

You’ll be able to edit the options menu after you download the hack.  More instructions are listed below.


The hack for Spirit Lords installs immediately after you download it.  Begin by selecting the kind of device you are using to play the game, iOS or Android.  Tap the “Connect” button to link the tool to your account.  Now you can type in the amounts of gold and moonstones you want to add.  You can also check the boxes to unlock unlimited energy and mana.

After you’ve filled out all of the information, you can begin the hack by tapping the “Start” button.  It will take about 30 seconds for the hack to complete.  When the hack process is finished, open your Spirit Lords app and you’ll find the moonstones and gold have been added to your account.  Have fun battling in Spirit Lords without having to spend any money!


Cheats for Spirit Lords

Highest Difficulty Only: When you are playing Spirit Lords, you might notice that if you are in Story Quest, you can change the game to easy. You never want to play in easy mode and instead want to always select the highest difficulty, this is mostly due to the fact you can play most of the dungeons only one time. If you just play in easy mode, you will get worse loot and you will not be able to go back and get the better loot or better items. While it might seem hard, which it should be considering it’s a hard mode, it’s the best way to score the most valuable loot, and that helps you at the end.

Sell Your Items: You want to sell the items that you don’t need since you can only have 10 pieces of equipment on you at once. If you sell the extra equipment that you don’t need, you can make room for the equipment and items you will be getting in the future, which are always worth more in terms of damage and points. Once you get a new item that is better than what you are currently using, you will want to sell the item you are no longer going to use, and that will help you in terms of progressing through the game.


Spirit Upgrade Wisely: In Spirit Lords, you will have the option to upgrade your Spirits, but you want to do this wisely because it will help you get the most out of your Spirits. You want to try to max them out and then evolve them, and you can get an XP bonus if you use the same element during upgrades. This means that you want to use arcane with arcane, then fire with fire, so that you get the XP bonus every time.

Break All Boxes and Barrels: In Spirit Lords, you also want to make sure you are breaking all of the boxes and barrels that you see. A lot of the barrels and boxes will contain items or loot, but sometimes it’s not always obvious that something is in the box or barrel. It’s always better to break everything you see because you don’t want to miss out on something good, which can help you throughout the game.


Attack From a Distance: In Spirit Lords, you will be able to attack enemies from a distance by using long-distance attacks. This is the best way to go about killing a group of enemies because you will be able to hit them before they hit you, and this helps you stay alive longer in the game. You also want to approach them slowly, by creeping up on them, because it will help you stay alive before they have a chance to try to attack you.

Review of Spirit Lords

When you first start Spirit Lords, you will be given a short tutorial on how you use the controls in the game, as well as tells you the premise of the game. In this game, you will notice that the spirits are with the living, and the evil creatures in the game are trying to capture and use the spirits for evil. The heroes in the game, which also includes your hero character are trying to do something about these evil creatures before they take all of the spirits.

You will start out Spirit Lords by picking a certain class, such as a Mage that throws magic or a Barbarian, which is more of the combat hacking type of class. You will then be able to customize a few things in the menu before you are put into the world. In order to move around, you will just have to tap the screen, and then you will need to tap the screen to attack the enemies. You can double tap to jump or teleport, and you can drag your finger across the screen for the special movies. Once you engage in your first combat, you will notice that it’s really fun and entertaining, although you won’t be doing a lot of special moves or attacks during combat, which you might find a little boring.


Combat is basically tapping the screen and then swinging to slash your enemy, and then all you have to do is pick up the loot that the dead characters will drop. To put it in better terms, this game is a hack-and-slash loot-grabbing game, but the graphics are really well done, and you will really like the simplicity of the combat. The one really cool part about combat is that when you are fighting, you have the chance to earn element-based spirits, which have a lot of powerful skills and abilities. You will be able to level up the abilities and combine them to make even more powerful spirits to fight with. You will need these combination spirits when you get further into the game, because the boss battles do become more difficult.

In terms of currency, you have currency in the game, which is called Moonstones. You can earn moonstones through various ways in the game, including winning during combat. You can spend your moonstones on so many different things in the game, which will help you progress through the game quickly. You can get shards or new monsters if you want, as well as a variety of other items that you can use during battle, such as new equipment. You can get through the game without needing to purchase moonstones using the in-app purchasing option, so you don’t need to spend real money.


One of the best parts about this game is the graphics, and that involves more than just the combat scenes. You will see icons appear on the screen that will immediately tell you if the equipment you just got is better or worse than what you have now. This is a really good function because you don’t have to keep swapping out items and try to remember how good they were before you equip and get into battle, since everything is right there telling you whether the items are worth it for your character or not. You will also be shown your statistics on the front of the screen, so it’s really easy to keep track of everything. The characters are all done really well, all round and colorful, with a lot of detail and variation in them. You will find that the graphics really set this game apart, and the animation is all done carefully. Overall, if you like these types of action RPG hack-and-slash types of games, you will really enjoy Spirit Lords.


Gameplay: In terms of gameplay, Spirit Lords gets a 9/10 because you will find yourself enjoying how simple everything is, from starting your class to the tutorial at the beginning. The combat is easy and there is nothing difficult you need to memorize since it’s all tapping or dragging your finger to where you want to go. You will like how there is no lag in this game and every part of the game transitions smoothly from one thing to the next. The details in this game also make the gameplay better, since you are given all of the information you need on equipment and on looted items.

Graphics: The graphics in Spirit Lords gets a 9/10 because you will love the detail involved with the Spirits and the heroes, as well as with the evil villains. You will really like how colorful and detailed every character in the game is, especially how they all are round and oddly proportioned. One really cool part about the graphics is that it is done really well, even though it’s not as gory or intense as some other hack-and-slash games out there.

Music: The music in Spirit Lords gets a 7/10 since it is not horrible music, but you will get annoyed with it after a while. You do not really need the music on to have a good time in this game, although the music can help you in terms of pumping you up for a fight. You will not have trouble concentrating if the music is on, which is a good thing, but the music isn’t really that good, which means you will likely want to turn it off after a while.

Overall: Overall, this game gets a 9/10 because you will really love how easy it is to play the game, even if you have never played this type of game before. The combat is very easy to get used to since it is pretty simple, but sometimes simple is better. The animation and detail in the good and bad characters is really amazing, and everything looks crisp and clear. The one really good part about this game is that the free-to-play barriers don’t hold you back that much, which is great compared to a lot of other free action RPG games. You will not be bombarded with advertisements telling you to purchase this or that, and you can get through the game with the moonstones you earn legit without needing to buy any with real money.