Six Guns Gang Showdown Free Stars, Coins, and Health Hack & Cheats -

Six Guns Gang Showdown Free Stars, Coins, and Health Hack & Cheats

Six Guns is a Western shooter game that incorporates a single player storyline along with a multiplayer setting to pit yourself against the best of players in a head-to-head battle. With well over ten million downloads and counting this game has plenty to offer when it comes to gameplay and graphics. Six Guns is available on the three major mobile platforms, Android, iOS, and for the Windows Phone users out there too! By syncing up your Google account, iTunes account, or Live account you can directly share achievements that you get to your friends and allows for you to get more points within the game. The UI, SFX, graphics, and storyline all add up to make this game playable for long amounts of time while the multiplayer mode allows for replay value.

As you open the app there is a main menu that gives several options to choose from. You can play the single player mode, the multiplayer mode, the events section, and the lottery mini-game. Each tab has its own purpose and each person can decide what they like to do themselves which gives the game room for different types of people to play.

The game begins and sets the mood for the game, giving the general location ( the desert) and shows you the controls to get yourself through the beginning part of the game allow yourself to learn as the story continues. The controls function as any basic shooter and have very smooth movement that allows for precision shooting and dodging. The storyline plays like a quest based game and takes you from city to city as you complete missions and try to save the people who have settled within the nearby towns. As the main character you are the “good guy” so to speak. You travel around, using the horse that is provided to move about faster, and rescue people who need help from the bandits that are trying to take over the towns.
Hint: While riding the horse you can click a button at the bottom right to use spurs on it to speed up your travel even that much more!

Game Modes and Mini Games

Giving a rundown of each mode will better let you understand the game and what might be of interest to you before you even download it. Note that these are simply my views on the game and are by no means fact, let these passages give a bit of a description to help you out.

Single Player: Single player gives a more relaxed vibe when it comes to most games and I feel a lot of people can agree. This game is no different in that sense and the single player mode has been something I’ve found to be more fun than multiplayer at times due to the fact I can play at my own pace and not be forced to try and one up everyone else in the lobby with me. That being said, any game that has a storyline such as this where quests continue to come up is going to get a bit tedious to the average person. This mode allows for a leisurely paced gameplay and offers its own back story as well. You progressively get stronger throughout the story mode and it does seem to get a bit less difficult when you’re able to do the missions much easier, but maybe that’s just me looking for a bit more challenge in most games.

Multiplayer: This mode is a great addition to the game and allows for you and friends to play together on one server by yourselves or you can join in on an open lobby and explore the multiplayer aspect of this game with lots of new people. There are two game modes that you can play, Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch. Each mode allows up to eight total players and four different maps to choose from. While playing a multiplayer match you will notice the game has been slightly tweaked by certain guns doing more damage and other upgrades such as unlimited ammo being removed due to ammo being unlimited innately. The different maps offer diversity to the game and allows for an exciting gameplay as you explore the maps for the first time and begin to strategize.

Hint: While dead in a multiplayer match you can spend one Sheriff Star to spawn instantly and not have to wait the couple of seconds.

Events: Just as the single players storyline has quests that earn you items in game the events tab allows you to complete missions just like the ones in the storyline to gain items for multiplayer and single player. Each event is different and once again allows the game to branch off of the single player storyline to a bit more diverse one. The bonus is you get to earn rewards while you play through the action packed instances. Each event has a time limit that allows you to complete it within that time frame or you miss out on the potential rewards. The timer system seems to work well because it gives incentive to play the events and not just put it off and do it whenever. You are given the opportunity to do them and you can either take the chance and gain from it or miss out and lose out on the rewards.

Lottery: Just as most games have there is a section for in app purchases and as somebody who doesn’t usually buy things in game I can say a feature like this is well welcomed. The lottery allows you to shoot at wooden signs that are spinning to reveal what is hidden behind them and earning you a new gun or even some extra money to spend in the shop. Playing the lottery each day gives you a bonus amount of money and upgrading to VIP gives you more perks as you continue to play the game each day.

All in all the different modes are very versatile and prove to be fun for somebody looking for a single players game to themselves or a person looking to play with friends or make friends on the game. The bonus modes added in, the lottery and the events, just make the game easier for you and also allow new content to be explored as the events update quite often.

Six Guns Showdown Free Stars, Coins, and Health Hack

If you are playing this game, you will notice that it is important to have a lot of health, and you will also need stars and coins to progress through the game. We have added a hack that gives you all of these items for free, and this hack works for iOS and Android.

Simply check out the picture below to see how easy it is to use, and the directions are pretty straight-forward as well.


You will need to download the hack for Six Guns Showdown right here at AppGameCheats, which takes about 30 seconds to download. It will automatically install, again it should take about 30 seconds, but it depends on your internet speed. You will then select which device you are running the game on, and then you can input how many of each item you want to add to your game.

Once you get that done, click “Start” to begin the hack tool once you are ready. It should take less than a minute to finish. You can then boot up the game as you normally would, and you will see the coins, health, and stars are added to your account at no cost. This helps keep you playing the game longer without ever needing to spend real money buying items through the app store.

Six Guns Cheats and Tips

There have been incidents before where people have abused the game in ways it wasn’t mean to be played and that ruins the game for those trying to enjoy it, cheating and hacking are bannable on this game due to the game having a multiplayer aspect, but there are hints and tricks you can use to keep yourself safe from gunfire and make yourself a much better marksman. Strafing, or moving side to side, will allow you to be a harder target to hit while not making your shots much more difficult to hit. Using this tactic will allow you to take down enemies easier and keep your health higher than your opponents.

As cliche as it sounds the best tip is to practice. Going into a single player game would let you get better at aiming and just the general feel of moving about and shooting altogether. The next thing you can do is play with friend in a lobby by yourselves. This will let you learn the maps as you look around them and learn all about the new damage values the weapons have in the multiplayer mode.

Just like anything in life you have to practice to be the best! Getting to be one of the better players in multiplayer takes a long time but it’s up to you to work at getting better in your own ways to make it there. Keep practicing your shooting and moving and learn the maps and you too can be a much better player in no time.

AppGameCheats Six Guns Review

With a younger audience in mind the UI and graphics in general are very inviting and do not take a toll on your phone by any means. The game runs very well and has no kinks in it as far as I can see so far. The UI allows for easy access and did not confuse me even upon first glance at the game. It’s a game that goes from install to play in less than five seconds of opening the app which in my mind keeps the attention of people who don’t like long cutscenes and dialog. The initial walkthrough is able to be skipped if you would like but it really does allow you to understand the game and its concepts without the struggle of trying to do it yourself.

In app purchases seem to rule the mobile gaming market and really seem to lead to the demise of a game in my mind. The idea of a game that is pay to win is never something that I want to associate with a game in general, be it mobile or console. This does not really end up being a problem with this game other than few things that are pay only. Everything other than a few perks that deal with the lottery are available by earning them yourself via the lottery or the store. I like the option to buy things in game and to some people it’s a great way for them to play without having a lot of free time, but I’m glad to see this game is not overrun with people who paid to get to the position they’re at.


I’m curious if it is intentional or not but I have yet to see an ad on my game. If there’s no ads and this isn’t an error then I am very impressed by the company for making the game ad free for everybody and not making them pay for it. Ads, along with in app purchases, also seem to be around the corner from every move you make in any other game. Open up the main menu and there’s an ad, try to start a new game and there’s an ad. That’s where this game really shines for me and I commend the authors of this game for doing such.



Graphics and UI: As for the graphics and UI I give Six Guns a 7/10 for the quality of graphics on a mobile game and the easy access to the menu and other options due to the simplicity of the UI itself. Many games manage to clutter up the UI with drop down menus and several different tabs to choose from but Six Guns managed to make a clean UI that even a younger kid could navigate without issue.


Music and SFX: The soundtrack and music the set the scene is perfectly fit for the type of game this is and gives off a nice western vibe to it and I rate it a 8/10. The SFX for the game itself lead you to believe you’re playing a game that would cost money with the quality of sounds the game has compared to other games.

Plot and Originality: Shooter games are nothing new and neither are westerns. This game manages to keep itself fresh by adding events and a mini game to the things you can play instead of the storyline or multiplayer. I give the plot and originality a 7/10, only because of the work they put in to make it different from the rest of the game out there like it. The quests within the game are refreshing and don’t all follow the same plot either, they change up the gameplay to give it more replay value.

Gameplay: I’m going to give the game two separate ratings for the general gameplay section. One for the single player and one for the multiplayer section. The single player is slow and once again allows you a slow paced game to do as you like and not force anything. For the single player game I give it a 8/10. The multiplayer, which I have played a bit less of, is well done and has different maps and game modes to contribute to the originality of the game where others lack any sort of differences. It plays out like a console kind of game and has endless hours of fun that allow for you to play many games and not get tired of it at all. The multiplayer section gets a 9/10 from me due to the extensive options you have when it comes to playing.


Overall, Six Guns scores a 8/10 in my books and is a game I will continue to play and suggest to friends who enjoy these types of games.