Drag Racing Cheat for Coins and Cash & Review - AppGameCheats.com

Drag Racing Cheat for Coins and Cash & Review

Drag Racing is a simply named game and you get exactly what you may expect out of it. A very simplistic game that uses what it knows best and works with it to make quite a good racing game without all the fidgety controls you’re used to. Available for Android and iOS this game does not disappoint anybody looking for a simple and fun racing game. Racing games tend to have an odd steering system that makes the game less tolerable and makes me usually not want to play them – that being said I avoid racing games usually and stick to games that have you on a linear path to avoid said steering system. Drag Racing impliments this system and focus on the gear shifting and timing aspect that drag racing is all about in real life.

There are a few different modes you can play and each one seems to be just as fun as the other. You can play in what is called a basic mode and that is where you play against an AI car and it does help you learn the controls to the game along with getting a bit of money to start out and help you afford new things. That mode is very simple and is something akin to a tutorial but a bit more hands on than a normal tutorial would be. Alongside that mode there is another mode that are “bosses”. The races are significantly harder and you are rewarded much more compared to the normal races.

You will earn RP, which is the currency used to upgrade your car, you’ll find these matches a bit harder as they don’t go easy on you really. These matches are somewhat important when it comes to wanting to grind out more RP to get your car in its best shape. The last, and most likely the most popular of the modes, is to play online with other players that you are randomly matched with. There is a bit of reason to who you are matched with and it is based on your car and the upgrades you have unlocked at that time. If you don’t want to wait to ffind a match then you can simply play against a ghost, or a time that a previous player has set, to try and beat their score. You will find this mode has the better replay value in comparison and makes the game that much better.

As you play more you’ll understand that upgrades are almost everything when it comes to getting a better time and beating everybody that you face in multiplayer. There are aspects to the game that do make it a bit more fair if you’re a bit worse off on upgrades compared to your opponent. Getting a good start off the line will be something you want to ensure every race because it will greatly increase your chances of winning. Watch the flag girl who will signal you to go – as she drops the flag down it’s your cue to start going and you better be as fast as possible. Shifting is an important part of the game and it does take a bit of getting used to for most but as long as you understand the basics of drag racing it will be no problem. Get your fingers, I chose to use my thumbs, hovering over the up and down shift buttons. You’ll need to use the at different times and it may take a bit of learning for you to understand when to.

Drag Racing Cheat for Coins and Cash

If you are playing Drag Racing on iOS or Android, you might have noticed you need coins and cash in order to upgrade your cars and get more parts. While you can get these items in the app store, this does cost real money, and most people don’t like paying for these items with their hard earned money. We have decided that it would be a good idea to add Drag Racing to our hack database, which means you can download our hack tool for free to get unlimited amounts of these items.

Check out the picture below to see the options menu in the setup, and this is where you input the amounts of each of the items you want to add to your account.


Download our hack tool from the website, which takes 30 seconds, and it will automatically install as well. Once the automatic install is completed, which takes no more than 45 seconds, you will then need to pick either iOS or Android depending on what device you are using to play the game. After this, you will need to then input how many of the coins and cash you want to add to your account.

Simply click “Start” when you are ready to begin the hack tool, which takes less than 60 seconds to complete. Once the tool is complete, you will be able to open up the game on your device and then you will see the coins and cash already added to your account. This helps you because you will never need to buy anything from the app store again.

Drag Racing Tips

Get a good feel of the UI and understand what everything on your screen means before starting to play against real people online. There are blue and green lights on your dash that help signal when you should launch, starting off from the line, and when to shift. It helps to pay attention to these at first and soon you’ll just get the hang of it and not need them. They are quite handy at the beginning stages and I hope they do as much for you as they did for me. I suggest you figure out the timing and when to shift and just abandoning them from there – just figure out how you want to win and develop a strategy.


Now not only can you upgrade your car, but you can buy a new one and upgrade that car to be even better than the stock car is. Make sure you test drive the car you may want to buy before just throwing your money at it blindly. You may not like the feel of the car and maybe the look of the car is that important to you. Also you need to keep in mind that the more expensive your car – the tougher people you’ll end up facing when it comes to online and offline mode alike. Upgrading your car too much will pit you against higher leveled people and that may cause you to lose races if you aren’t prepared.

The stock car will not get you anywhere once you start racing more and playing against people who have upgrades added to the car. One of the more important things to upgrade is the “tuning”. It is one of the more pricey upgrades but will vastly improve your times and make a world of difference when you look at it. The stock settings for this are quite terrible when compared to even the first upgrade and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the new performance. The good thing is the tuning doesn’t count towards your cost of the car when it comes to online play. The upgrades are very expensive so that would be a bit unfair to you if you bought those upgrades and were playing against top tier people in the game already.


RP is the currency within the game that you can buy through in app purchases and it does help with upgrades but you aren’t forced to buy them. Winning against bosses will help you gain RP and so will finishing some of the in game achievements that the game has to offer. You can also earn some RP from online matches and that is probably your best bet because you can play those over and over and they are different each time. Don’t rush into online battles though because that will cause you to lose the races most likely and that is a general waste of time if your car isn’t that upgraded. Nitrous is an upgrade that can make you win a race when you may be falling behind. If you are having trouble in a race then nitrous may be a good option to use but make sure your car has good traction because your tires will just spin otherwise.

In-Depth Drag Racing Review

The game has an odd way of making you want to play just one more race, and that one more race turns into five or six more and I’m not all that sure why. Winning in the game feels very rewarding when it does happen and it allows you to upgrade your car which you’ll need to do to win more race and it’s a vicious cycle. The gameplay itself is very simple and the controls are handled well compared to a lot of racing games these days. I would say that this game is one of the better racing games like this for the mobile market and you can find that out for yourself. All of the upgrades and the ladder system they have for races makes the game friendly for those just starting and offers nearly endless expansion to a casual player of the game. The plus side is there is no need to spend money on the game because RP, the currency that can be bought, can be earned by just playing the multiplayer game mode along with the boss mode.


Drag Racing is one of the best racing games for the Android platform in general and that statement is proven as you play the game a bit more. The upgrade system along with the variety of races you can do is a lot considering the mobile gaming market is limited to the processing power of the phones they are made for. The game has a slight learning curve and it makes learning driving in game easy with a few tips on when to shift and when you should launch. If you are somebody who is knowledgable when it comes to driving and shifting then this game will be much easier for you and you will have an edge over other players at the start. The game allows for your own methods when it comes to races and when you may want to use nitrous. There aren’t many things wrong with this game and they manage to take a game that is so simple and keep me interested with it for the time being.

The major problem I have with this game is the fact that they have adopted the “full screen interruption” ad placement like a lot of games have. It stops everything you’re doing to show you an ad and this tends to happen much too often for my liking. They attempt to push the in app purchases on you at any given moment and it bothers me because they really aren’t needed at all. The game is done so well but they managed to ruin some aspects of it by putting these ads and “exclusive chances” to buy RP in the game. Other than that this game is well made and has nothing else negative going for it in my mind. It’s a must download for anybody who enjoys racing games or drag racing in general.

Our Drag Racing Ratings

Artwork and SFX: The graphics as shown in some of the pictures you may see online are a bit deceptive. Pictures may make the game look like the graphics are of AAA quality but that is far from true. The graphics are polished enough to where things look nice but the game has yet to lag or drain battery at a rapid rate. Everything looks fine and the simple artwork fits the somewhat simple game. The sounds of the revving engine are done perfectly and the background music to accompany the game is perfect and not too loud at any times. The sharp and well done artwork and SFX lands Drag Racing an 8/10 rating.


Gameplay: The first time you pick up the game you’ll probably end up playing for quite a bit. The upgrades and need to do better keeps you playing the game and it does a pretty decent job at doing so. The game gives hints and helps you learn the ropes of the game before you go off and try out different techniques in order to do better each race. Every aspect is done perfectly and the gear shifting is smooth enough to where you will be able to do it without needing the hints after a while. The game has plenty of replay value and I don’t see much wrong wit the gameplay. The only negative thing is not to do with the gameplay but the ads that cover your entire screen are a bit off putting when it comes to wanting to sit down and play the game without interruptions. The game gets a 9/10 for its gameplay and features.


Addictiveness: With so many different cars and upgrades there is a lot of things you can do in the game to keep yourself busy. When you want a quick race you can just play against the AI and not have to wait the entire time to find an opponent. The game has plenty of options and got me to play for an hour or two when I first started playing. The game makes you want to win a race and upgrade something on your car, then repeat the process in order to afford a new car or more upgrades and it just kind of traps you if you’re somebody who is obsessed with making progress in games. I give Drag Racing an 8/10 for its addictiveness.

Overall Drag Racing is a great game that doesn’t really break any barriers in the mobile gaming market but it does do what it sets out to very well. The gameplay is addictive at times and leads to me wanting to play more and more in order to upgrade everything I can. I give Drag Racing an overall rating of 8/10 and I suggest that you check the game out yourself.