Epic Boss Fighter Cheats & Hack for Coins & Upgrades 2016

Epic Boss Fighter Cheats & Tips for Coins, All Upgrades, & All Equipment Unlock

When monstrous bosses come out to conquer the world, people panic and ask for heroes. Blast finds himself in this same situation, trying to enjoy his morning, when suddenly the whole world asks for his help! Will he be able to deal with the treat of ancient monsters, giant cactuses, rock monstrosities and laser tanks in Epic Boss Fighter?

Epic Boss Fighter is an action shooter game by Entertainment Forge and Gilbert De Vera, sponsored by Armor Games. The game enjoys a fairly positive rating from its players, ranging from 4/5 to 4.5/5 stars over multiple sites in 2016. Let’s delve deep into the gameplay and see how addicting this space invaders-esque title can be!

Epic Boss Fighter cuts most of the background story or basic levels of other boss related games, and instead focuses exclusively on the boss fights. You control a hero named Blast, who seems to be living a fairly normal life, but gets interrupted when all kinds of alien beasts assault the planet. He must put on his superhero suit and battle for Earth!

Epic Boss Fighter Hack for Coins, All Upgrades & All Equipment Unlock 2016

Do you want to win at Epic Boss Fighter? Want to beat all of your friends? You’ll need a lot of coins, upgrades, and equipment. To get them for free, download our Epic Boss Fighter hack tool now, straight from our website. This will let you easily get coins, and unlock all upgrades and all equipment.

The Epic Boss Fighter hack tool is super simple to use! Have a look at the image below. All you need to do is enter the amount of coins you want. It couldn’t be any easier. The 2016 Epic Boss Fighter hack works for Mac and PC and there are no surveys! The upgrades and equipment will unlock automatically.


Download our Epic Boss Fighter hack tool from our site. It will take 30 seconds to download. After it finishes downloading, you’ll need to install it. This takes another 30 seconds. Make sure you click PC or Mac before starting the hack. You don’t have to fill out any surveys! Enter the amount of coins you would like.

Then, click on the big, blue “start” button. This will begin hacking the game. After it’s finished — just another 30 seconds, we promise! — open the app like you normally would. Your coins, upgrades, and equipment will be loaded.

Epic Boss Fighter Gameplay

When you first start the game, you will immediately find yourself facing off against the first of the 10 bosses available in the game. This boss is a huge scarab-like bug, who spawns smaller bugs to attack you, while charging at you relentlessly. You control the movement of Blast by using either WASD, or moving your mouse around on the screen, which causes him to follow your cursor. Attacking is something you don’t have to worry about, as our hero will continously keep firing his laser gun towards the boss.

As you maneuver, dodging bugs and attacks, your goal is obviously to destroy the boss by lowering its health to zero, as indicated by the red line on the top of the screen. Once you successfully got rid of this threat, you will instantly teleport and move onto the next encounter with the second boss, and so on. But if you were to die at any time during the game, that means you lose the current run. Don’t worry though, as losing a run in Epic Boss Fighter is not all that bad, as you get to use the upgrade screen after each death!

In the upgrade screen, you use coins dropped by enemies and bosses to purchase upgrades to your statistics or unlock special equipment. Stat upgrades include the increase of the number of bullets Blast can fire at the same time, damage increase, attack speed, movement speed, or the coin magnet, which attracts coins dropped by enemies, making your job of currency harvest easier. Then you also have the health upgrade, which adds extra pips of health to your hero, making the game last longer by being able to take more hits. If the extra health is not enough, then you can consider unlocking the Heal Pack, which causes bosses to drop health at various intervals during a run.

Epic Boss Fighter also has equipment unlocks, as mentioned before. These include a shield for Blast, which can be activated at any time with the spacebar or left mouse button to make him dodge all damage for a short time, and recharge over time. Then there is the Robot Suit, which replaces our hero entirely, increasing all stats and adding extra damage, but taking away the shield and adding a bomb instead. This bomb when activated destroys all enemies on the screen and damages the current boss, but has a cooldown time, like the shield. Lastly, you get the option to unlock Ally Droids, who will block shots from enemies and also keep attacking alongside you, to add extra firepower. The Ally Droid can be upgraded multiple times, adding two more Droids, and you can also upgrade their damage output.  

Once you finished with the upgrades, you get to try again, attempting a second run. Since your stats are upgraded and you might have also unlocked some equipment, this time the same boss will be much easier to be dealt with! As you progress from boss to boss, you will also earn more coins over time, allowing more upgrades and equipment to be installed after the next death. As you become more powerful, the first few bosses will not even be fought anymore on a new run, as they would be too easy for a heavily upgraded player. Instead you will start with tougher foes.

Of the 10 different bosses, you will meet a battle tank with a bullet hell attack, a cactus spawning smaller cacti and sprouting spikes, a stone golem throwing rocks and causing huge stone pillars to emerge from the ground, or even a futuristic battle robot, who will heal itself if you don’t act fast enough. These are just a few examples, but all bosses have different aesthetics and battle modes, and thus require various tactics to successfully destroy them. It will certainly take a few attempts to reach the final boss, then beat the game!

When you actually finish Epic Boss Fighter, it doesn’t have to mean the end. Killing the last boss will unlock two new game modes to play: Endless and Endless (Insane). In these modes the bosses will spawn randomly one after another, and you have to survive for as long as you can, while in Insane the difficulty will also rise.

Cheats & Tips for Epic Boss Fighter

True to old-school styled games, Epic Boss Fighter is a truly challenging game, which not only requires good reflexes, but also tactical thinking and being good at recognizing patterns. To make your job a little easier, let me list you a few cheats, tips and tricks!


First, let me start with coins, as they will be very important during your playthrough of the game, no doubt about that. To get the highest amount possible, you should try to focus on killing as many small enemies spawned by bosses as possible. Each enemy drops a few coins, but as bosses move from one battle state to another, they will also drop a lot of coins. There might be a few cases where picking up coins can seem risky, especially when they are really close to the boss, but it can be worth it. Then you also have some small cheats to gather a few extra coins by liking the developer and publisher on Facebook!

As for general gameplay tips, the most important thing to remember is that boss fights will always have some kind of pattern. Every boss has at least two battle states, which can be indicated by their changed movement, or extra effects appearing. You should always pay attention to this, as learning these patterns is crucial to expect where attacks will land and how you should move.


Regarding the upgrades in Epic Boss Fighter, you should probably upgrade your stats at first, such as move speed, attack speed, number of shots fired or damage. The coin magnet might feel like a good investment, but honestly, early on it’s not the best purchase. Once you manage to get around 1000 coins per run, then you should consider getting the magnet, but only after purchasing some equipment. I can especially recommend the shield for Blast, as you can dodge literally any damage with it for a short time, which is extremely useful.


Something that’s worth mentioning separately is the Heal Pack upgrade, which causes bosses to drop health at random times during the fight. You can leave these on the ground for as long as you want, as they won’t disappear like coins do. If you are on full health, then taking the health pack will do nothing, but waste it. Also remember that some attacks might instantly kill you, while others will only do a few pips worth of damage, so the health packs are highly useful then.

Epic Boss Fighter Review

I just love boss fights, and I truly believe they are one of the best parts of any game that includes them! I felt like Epic Boss Fighter was just made for me, with its “no time to waste” attitude, focusing exclusively on the boss battles.


One of the first things that were made obvious for me when put against the first boss was how fast reflexes are crucial in this game. With hundreds of bugs scattering around the screen, and a huge scarab threatening my hero’s life, this turned out to be a challenge already. I have to admit, I died on the first level on my first attempt, as I was using the mouse controls, which turned out to be way less precise than the keyboard alternative.

After changing over to the keyboard, and also upgrading a few stats, I already felt more confident, beating not only the scarab, but the following tank, eye and cactus monsters as well. The interesting thing is every time I died in the game, I didn’t really feel anger or disappointment, but I saw it as an opportunity to upgrade and become even more powerful, to last longer the next time.


Once I learned most of the tricks of Epic Boss Fighter, unlocked the Robot Suit, the bomb and almost maxed out my stats, I finally managed to beat the game on my 17th try. It might not be the fastest run ever, but I certainly had a lot of fun with the game. The Endless modes were also interesting, but it’s more for the people who haven’t got enough of the same bosses already.

I think the story mode does a good justice for the game, introducing each boss at a steady rate, requiring precision in the player’s movement and their ability to memorize boss patterns. Epic Boss Fighter is an awesome game, which can easily become an addiction, until you manage to fight off the last boss!


Artwork: The artwork of Epic Boss Fighter gets a 7/10. The game uses a typical flash artstyle, but manages to personalize it with unique ideas. These include the distinct boss designs and the everchanging backgrounds.

Music & SFX: The music and SFX of the game deserves a 9/10. This title has a surprisingly catchy rock theme song, a calm shopping tune in the upgrade screen and an adrenaline pumping song during battles. I can’t help but feel like the developers knew exactly what they wanted, as the music feels like it’s where it belongs. The SFX is also pretty good, although explosion sounds could be a little louder, instead of a pop!

Story & Originality: I give the story and originality of Epic Boss Fighter a 7/10. Sadly, the story soon falls out of focus after the short intro in the beginning, and the ending doesn’t feel too satisfying either. Thankfully the game presents itself in an original enough way, with its simple, yet interesting enemy design and carefully planned upgrade system.

General Gameplay: The general gameplay gets a 9/10. For the most part, the gameplay is almost perfect. There is constant action and the game doesn’t let you rest even for a short time, until you die. This makes it a pretty much adrenaline filled experience, with satisfying boss fights, and tactical planning required.

Addictiveness: As for its addictiveness, I give the game an 8/10. If there is something without question, then the addictiveness of this game is that! Until you beat the final boss, you won’t feel content with your progress, and it will feel wrong to give up. Then once you finally beat the story, there is the Endless and Endless (Insane) modes left, for whenever you feel like busting some more monstrosities!

Overall Score: 8/10.