Star Wars: Force Collection: Top 10 Tips & Cheats

“May the Force be with you.” Especially when you run into some enemies with strong card decks in this awesome card-battling RPG.

Star Wars: Force Collection features the many popular characters of that galaxy far, far away. There’s tons of cards to collect and plenty of missions that will call upon your card decks for battle. These tips/tricks/cheats will get you right into the heat of things and keep you up to task.

Use the Force (and these tips) to make the most of your playtime in Star Wars: Force Collection!

1. Whatever Side You Fight On, Make Sure the Majority of Your Cards Reflect That Affiliation

– You’ll have to choose what side of the force you’re aligned with from the start. There’s the Light Side and then there’s the Dark Side.
– Just make sure you maximize the overall effects of your stat alignment by keeping a bunch of like-minded cards in your main deck formation.
– You’ll attain all types of awesome bonuses and perks for every Light/Dark side powered card that plays a part in the side that you chose.

Head to the next page to learn about converting stat points into EP!