‘Clash of Clans’ Cheats: Top Tips for Healing Spells

Check out these essential methods and make sure you apply the best placement/usage of Clash of Clans’ Healing Spells!

Healing Spell (Spells)

• The Healing Spell…well, heals any troops that get caught in its Ring of Healing. Use this spell the most on your stronger troops so they have more time on the field and stay in front of your much weaker troops. You should also heal your Goblins while they’re attempting to rob someone’s Gold/Elixir. And make sure you use your Healing Spell to keep your Rage Spell afflicted units alive.

• Before you place a Healing Spell on the field, be sure that the troops that your targeting are prepared to stay inside that spell’s radius for an extended amount of time. You’ll come to realize that the Healing spell works great with troops that have high health and the type of troops that move at a slower speed. This means your more tank-like troops, like Giants and Golems, need to stay healed as much as possible while they’re doling out destruction.

Check out the level-by-level statistics of Clash of Clans’ Healing Spells on the next page!