Minimalistic walkthrough: Essential tips for surviving in Rymdkapsel

PS Mobile's Rymdkapsel is strategy gaming done right. Despite its minimalistic approach, there's still a huge amount of depth to this slick indie release.

You've got multiple rooms to worry about, and you'll need to think about where you place them, what order to build them in, and how to keep them well stocked up.

Then you've got monoliths to pray to, enemy waves to hold back, and an army to raise. It can be extremely difficult to know exactly what to do next - especially when time isn't on your side.

I've played a great deal of Rymdkapsel so you can have a better chance at survival. Heed my words, and make with the space construction.

A nice spread

The most important thing to note is that you need to get to those monoliths around the edges of the world, pronto. The added speed that they give to your units is necessary to keep up with the enemies later in the game.

The moment the game starts, lay down a series of corridors that go directly to each and every monolith. You'll only see the outline for now, but that's fine - you're preparing your space station for later.

Note that you can completely ignore the tutorial and just move as quickly as possible without listening to its advice.

You can also ignore the first wave of attackers - they're just scouts and they won't attack, so you can pretend that the first wave doesn't even exist.

Now that you've got your paths planned to each monolith, choose one in particular, and work towards getting that entire path complete as quickly as possible. Once you've reached a monolith, get three guys researching it as soon as possible for that added speed bonus.

One on every corner

Of course, you won't get very far if you concentrate solely on the monolith paths - you also need to make sure you have the various industry buildings chugging away on the sidelines.

As you begin to build your first monolith corridor, build one of each of the other types of building along the sides too. A good spread of rooms surrounding each pathway is essential to keeping walking distance as tight as possible.

Build the gardens, kitchen, and quarters next to each other, as they all interact often, and make sure you have a weapons room halfway along each path, such that when the enemy siren goes off, your guys can get to the room quickly.

Remember too that the extractor room needs the pink cloud before you can place it down. You should always have at least two extractor rooms on the go at any one time, as the pink clouds will suddenly run out without warning.

If you do find that you've run out of pink clouds and pink materials, the only way out is to sell rooms, which is essentially the end of your civilisation. Make sure you don't get stuck in this situation - build multiple extractor rooms, and keep stocking up on pink.

Building an army

While you're concentrating on building up your monolith paths and forming rooms around them, don't forget to keep your army built up too.

I found that building a couple of quarters for each monolith in the world was a good balance - this meant I had an extra four guys for each path I was building.

It's a good idea to get this built sooner rather than later, since obviously more hands make light work.

Of course, you also need to make sure that with each quarters you build, you're building an extra weapons room too, or else you'll find that you have guys unable to defend themselves when the enemy comes knocking.

If you do find this is the case at any point, simply tell your spare men to do a job that is close by a weapons room - food service, for example, then when they are near the weapons room, switch them over to defence duty.

This will cause them to lie on the floor near the weapons room, and they'll have more chance of surviving the attack, thanks to the guys guarding them in the nearby room.