Hellraid: The Escape is a dark and dingy puzzler, made by Shortbreak Studios to celebrate the upcoming Techland game,
While that next-gen game is a co-op slash-em-up, this is a more cerebral affair, with
The Room-style puzzles littered throughout dungeons and torture chambers.
It can be tricky. So if you get stuck, consult this guide to find out exactly how to get through, and get out.
Oh, and in this guide we'll use the word "focus" a lot. That simply means to double tap on a section that is sparkling with gold to zoom in, so you can manipulate the environment.

If you walk through the open arch, you'll be immediately killed by the necromancer. Instead, waltz through the portal on the right to enter the same room, but with no baddy.

Focus on the labyrinth game on the table. Hold your device out flat and tap the screen to start. Now tilt your device around so the eyeball safely rolls to the exit on the bottom left, without getting stuck on the spikes around the outside. Once the eye is out it will be added to your inventory.

Walk over to the locked door on the left, take the magic eye out of your pocket, and throw it through the gap in the door. Your viewpoint will snap to that of the eyeball, letting you roam about in the locked room.

Once you're inside, make your way up the plank in this room and push into the red eyeball symbol at the top to open the door. Don't go back to human mode just yet, though…

Instead, jump off the ledge and roll down into the corridor with the pacing necromancer. On your right is a ramp - go up it, turn around, and go up the second ramp. Roll along the top ledge and drop down onto the wooden plank that goes across the corridor.

At the end of the plank, drop down onto the ledge. There's another red eyeball symbol here, and touching this one makes spikes shoot out of the wall. Wait until the necromancer is in place and then push the button to make the spikes pop out and kill the enemy. Now hit the back button to return to human form.

As a human, walk into the corridor and pick up the key that the necromancer dropped. Use it to open the door at the end of the hall.

Inside this room, focus on the curtains to the right of the clock. Pull the green curtain back with one finger and tap on the clock hand with another to pick it up.

Plop the clock hand onto the clock, and then turn the minutes hand so it matches up with the real world time on your device. Get it right and the door in this room will pop open - exit through it to finish the stage.