Games like
The Room and
Forever Lost are so static.
Who wants to solve puzzles on solid ground when you could be doing it in a lift shaft that's tumbling down a lift shaft towards your inevitable demise?
That's the barmy logic behind iOS and Android head-scratcher
Escape the Hellevator. You've got to solve puzzles, flip switches, and fiddle with inventory items - all while your stomach is in your mouth.
To help avoid any feelings of nausea, we've put together a guide to the first two chapters. Use this to solve a few puzzles and get back on solid ground.
Chapter 1 - Going Down!
Look over at the computer terminal and grab the scalpal from underneath the monitor.

Zoom out and focus on the pillow on your gurney. Drag the scalpel onto the pillow to cut it open and find a screwdriver handle inside. Take it.

There's a screwdriver bit on the floor to the right hand side of your bed. Zoom in and grab it.

Tap on the screwdriver handle in your inventory to see it in close up. Then drag the screwdriver bit onto the handle to fix them together.

Use the complete screwdriver on both of the screws on this emergency flap to open it up.

Spin the three shapes to look like the image above. That way, it mimics the hospital map behind you. Now simply tap on the extruding handle to finish the first chapter.
Chapter 2 - The Poisoned Past
In chapter two, we're going to poison an old woman. Sorry, granny! First things first, spy this ingredients list on the fridge door to see what we'll need: a bit of cooked meat, a leaf, a sprout, a slice of lemon, and some soup. We'll do them in that order.

Open the fridge door and get the frozen meat.

Open the microwave and put the meat in. Shut the door, spin the dial, and hit the thaw button. When it's done, open the microwave and grab the meat.

Look at the dog food bowl on the floor and tap on it to remove the food. Grab the key from underneath.

You can use the key to open the cupboard door on the other side of the room.

Inside, tap on the row of the white bottles to reveal a hidden bottom: filled with Deadly Kudzu. That sounds good. Let's grab that.

Look at the bottle in your inventory and then tap on the lid to remove it. Manipulate the bottle so you can see inside and tab on the green leaf. Another ingredient down!

The sprout is inside the bottom compartment of the fridge, near the copyright-dodging Seppi cans.

Open the drawer to the left of the oven to find a knife. Grab it.

Use your knife on the lemons on this side of the room to slice them open. Then take one of those bitter slices. Nearly there.

The meaty soup is in this cupboard, to the top left of the oven. Grab it.

And the can opener is under the sink, in this cupboard. As I'm sure you can guess, you need to look at the soup in your inventory and then drag the can opener onto the lid to open it up.

Drag all five ingredients - the meat, sprout, posionous leaf, soup, and lemon - into the pot on the stove. Then turn the handle. Smoke will start billowing out of the pot

Open the bin to get this leaflet. You'll notice a phone number for Uncle Dan's Oven Parts on the reverse side. It's 675-2811.

Pick up the phone and dial that number. You'll hear a voice message that says you're a winner. Lucky you!

Zoom out and look at the window. A box has appeared! Grab it, open it with the knife, and take the plastic doodad from inside.

Plop the plastic doodad in this spot and then turn both switches on to engage the extractor fan.

Open the oven and grab this bit of cloth. Clothy.

Pick up the pot with your cloth to add it to your inventory.

And put it in granny's cup. Sorry!

Look at granny's portrait on the wall to see a number. Type 631 into the combination lock next to the door to finish the chapter.