Lumino City is an adorable papercraft world, filled with puzzles and conundrums.
If you want to enter the city and track down your kidnapped grandpa, you're going to need to solve a number of tricky head scratchers.
That's where we come in, with a complete walkthrough to this charming little point and click adventure. Part two will be along shortly.

Grab the stick off the floor. Open up your bag and drag the stick to the bell. You'll be lifted up to the gate to Lumino City.

Look at the lock on the gate.

Hit the buttons in the order, shown above. Then wander through the now open gate.

Go into this little house. Grab the lemons off the tree. Then take the book out of the shelf. Inside is a wiring diagram - pop that in your pocket. Now go back outside.

Look at the fuse box on the wall. Place the wiring diagram on the connectors. Then place the lemons in the box. For each lemon, you need to pierce it with both a positive (+) and negative (-) connector. You'll need to spin the lemons to make all the connections.

The end result will look like this. You'll turn the power back on, and get a lemon for your trouble.

Go up to the top of the gate. Grab the winch and connect it to the TV antenna. Press the button to the right of the guard tower to pull the antenna back. Finally, sit on the antenna to enter the city.

Chase the cat into the mayor's house.

In the mayor's basement, you need to place the cogs on the wall to get the power going again. Here's the solution.

Back outside, look at the small panel on the wall. You now need to rotate the three discs on the floor to match the colourful diagram - like above. Then press the red staircase button.
If you got it right, a staircase will appear from the ground. Take it up to the higher walkway and follow it along to the next screen.

Go inside the camera house. Talk to the owner, and then go into the backroom. Look at the panel on the wall - our goal is to turn all the lights red, to make a dark room.
There are lots of combinations, but this one worked for us: A - A - A - Right Lock - C - B - Left Lock - C - C - C. You can press the bottom button to reset the lights.

You now have the slightly tricky job of putting the chemical labels back on the bottles. The solution can be seen above (you just need to put the yellow strip on the rightmost bottle).
With that done, pour in the bottles shown above (as denoted by the symbols in the basin). You can use the plug if you do it wrong.

Use the lever on the right of this room to print out a photo. Then place it in the basin of chemicals to expose it. Repeat this process three times to get photographs of Luma, the photographer, and… grandpa!? Exit the house.

Outside, show the photo of your grandpa to the security camera to open the door. Then head on inside.

Climb to the very top of the tower, and enter the crane compartment. Use the switch on the right to drop the backup power generator. Try to pull it yourself and you'll see that you need some help. Go back down.

First talk to the baker. He'll ask you to help him with stock keeping by highlighting a mistake in the pattern on his records. The answer is this orange one, as it breaks the pattern (yellow, black, red) in that column.

Give the bun to the man in the red window. Then talk to the man making a noise in the lower square house. He'll ask for a can opener. Get it from the lady in the upper square house (you'll need to talk to the man again), and give it to the man. They'll both head up top. Now go get in the crane car.

Now you need to tell the entire line of people to start the motor. This gives you a quick chance to move the crane arm - you should aim to move it both to the right and down. You'll soon need to tell everyone to pull the motor cord again.
Remember that you can go left and down for a bit, if that helps.
Once you're done, head into the small hole to the right of the light dome.

Inside, your job is to tie yourself to the bungie coord, and then place the mirrors to light up all four rooms. Place them as shown above to reveal the code.

Now go to the red area at the bottom and look at the key pad. Enter in the code shown above (which is based on the key combinations - read in a Z shape, and with each code going from top to bottom).

Look at the water wheel in this area, and note the position of the white, red, and green arrows on the design. Then try opening the red door at the top of the hill.

Twist the dials to match the arrows on the water wheel, and head inside the hut.

Inside, turn the red handle. Then pedal the bike until the water comes on. Go back outside, and use the red rope to go down to the lower level.

Talk to the man. He'll agree to let you play guitar if you get his green shorts off the water wheel. Take the spanner and then head back up, and into the hut.

Use the spanner on the broken shower switch to turn off the hose. Now go back to the water wheel.

Your job is to now jump on the water wheel and get the shorts. There are three points to jump onto (which become interactive when you stand to the bottom left of the wheel). You want the second one that comes around, which is like an off-shoot of the main spiral design.
Once you're on, quickly tap along the red wire to move along. If you don't get to the middle quick enough you'll step off. It's tricky, but keep at it. Once you're on properly, get the shorts, get back off, and go down to the lower level.

Give the man his trousers. He'll then ask you to play guitar with him. You'll have to repeat six different sections, and then play all six - without messing up - in a row.
Which is hard, unless you have the music sheets in front of you. Luckily for you, we've got them right here:

Play the entire song and you'll be able to go through the man's wife's house. Job done.
We'll have the rest of the guide soon.