Slingshot Braves Trips And Tricks (iOS)

Among the several role playing games available on the App Store, Slingshot Braves is definitely one of the most unique. The game apparently is not too different from all the others, but it features a really unique battle system, which is heavily inspired by Angry Birds and similar games. The game is also a looker, sporting some really good quality graphics. Being a free title, you really cannot go wrong with it, no matter how you look at it.

If you want to learn more about the mechanics behind the game or if you’re just starting out with the game, keep reading for some handy tips and tricks for Slingshot Braves.

  • Weapons

The weapon choice you will have to make at the beginning of the game isn’t that determinant. Just pick the one you’re most comfortable with and the other party members will be using the other types. Later in the game you will also find other weapons with different slingshot mechanics so make sure to always get the one that comes with the most comfortable mechanics.

  • Equipment Tips

The game’s equipment system is a lot deeper than what it may seem and goes beyond simply upgrading and replacing items. Upgrading an equipment piece with the same material the item is made of will result in a huge experience boost. Also, if you equip items made of the same material, you will enjoy an item synergy bonus so always think long and hard about the items you are going to equip.

Once you have upgraded an item to its max level, you will be able to evolve it. Once evolved, you will notice that the item is not as effective as it used to be, reverting to level 1. Once you start upgrading it, however, you will notice the difference so make sure to evolve your favorite items as soon as possible.

  • Events

No matter what you do, always make sure to partecipate in events, since it’s the best way to obtain some rare equipment pieces. Taking part in co-op battles is also another good way to get these items.