Sky Force 2014 Cheats: Tips & Tricks to Complete All Stages

The Sky Force 10th anniversary is upon us with the iOS release of Sky Force 2014 and we are here to help you get the most out of the game by sharing some Sky Force 2014 cheats and tips that will see you get all the medals, complete all the missions and unlock all stages. It will be mostly you doing the hard work, but I am sure it will be fun!

So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below Touch Tap Play’s Sky Force 2014 cheats and tips to complete all stages!

1. Learn the patterns
Each stage sees the enemy forces coming from the same place and following the same routes. Remember them and it will be a lot easier to take them out and complete a stage. During my first playthrough I had to go through the first and easiest stage multiple times before even reaching the end, so learning the patterns is what you should do.

If you want to check out how terrible I was during my first playthrough, you have the Sky Force 2014 gameplay video below:

2. Upgrade your ship

Continuously upgrading your ship is the key to victory. Don’t spend your hard earned stars to rush the production (as I did in the gameplay video) and instead play the waiting game. You can have multiple upgrades going and they are unlocked naturally as you play the game, so you won’t have to be extremely picky when it comes to choosing what to upgrade. Start with the obvious one: a bit of health and a lot of Main Cannon power and then work your way up to the stronger ones.

3. Destroy glowing enemies
Whenever you see an enemy that is glowing, try to take it out because it holds some sort of power-up: extra health, increased fire rate or other goodies. It’s always something, so destroy them all!

4. Main priority: getting stars and shooting down enemies
Rescuing all people is not a requirement you can easily complete unless you really know a level and you have a strong enough ship to take out most of the enemy forces. Focusing on bringing down the enemy ships, though, gives you higher chances of at least completing the 70% destruction requirement and you will also get a lot more stars that will help you upgrade the ship faster. So focus on shooting down the enemy and only afterwards on fully maxing out each stage.

These would be for now our Sky Force 2014 tips and tricks that will hopefully get you to the end and help you complete all the missions on all stages. Good luck!