No One Dies Today! Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide

Today we’re looking at another game that spawned from the Flappy Bird craze: No One Dies Today! By now, everyone is used to the “tap to dodge” endless game, right? Well, this one puts you in charge of guiding up to five stickmen at once! Sounds daunting? It is! But we’ll help you to the best of our ability with our No One Dies Today! cheats, tips & tricks strategy guide.

Let’s get to running now with our No One Dies Today! cheats, tips & tricks strategy guide.

Start on Normal difficulty!

I know it might tempting to jump right into Inferno so you can show off to your friends how awesome you are, but trust me; you won’t last very long if you do so. Ease yourself into the flow of the game with only two stickmen at once. Try it for a little while and you’ll start to see how tough this game can get.

Use swiping motions for simultaneous jumps!

Every so often you’ll find yourself with obstacles approaching at the same time for your stickmen. In these cases I find it very helpful to swipe vertically through the whole screen quickly to have all my stickmen jump at approximately the same time. It’s a lot faster than tapping each stickmen individually, so keep this in mind!

Use the left side of the screen!

Since my dominant hand is my right hand, I naturally started off using my right thumb for jumping. You can see why this is bad – the obstacles scroll from the right! Try using the left side of the screen for your taps so that you don’t block your view.

Keep your eyes moving!

This game is all about multitasking, so you need to train your eyes to be constantly looking back and forth to check for obstacles! What I do is keep my eyes in the middle of the screen and just keep scanning up and down.

Jump correctly!

The obstacles vary in height and width. For the very short ones you can jump pretty much any time you wish and you’ll make it over just fine. For the tall and wide ones try to jump as late as possible so that at the apex of your jump you pass right over them. Timing is key!

Make it harder whenever you feel ready, but don’t rush!

When you get comfortable with the jump timing and the constant multitasking, trying going up one difficulty level and work your way from there. Remember this game is very challenging and demands your full attention, so concentrate and focus! Ideally you want to aim for at least 30 seconds of survival time before you move onto the next difficulty level.

That’s about all we can talk about for this game. It really depends on your own skill, so when it comes down to just practice, practice, practice! You’ll be a pro runner keeping every one alive today in no time. Remember though, make sure to have fun! Any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment below. Until next time!