Bubble Shooter Tips & Tricks For A Better Strategy
Bubble Shooter is a fun game, and in the later levels, can pose quite the challenge! If you’re finding yourself having trouble with a particular level, or just want an advantage, check out these Bubble Shooter tips to get the upper hand and develop a better strategy to get the maximum score in the game!
- Focus on the bubbles at the top. This seems like a no-brainer, but I found myself not obeying this golden rule some of the time. Add in the fact that when the whole level shifts down and moves closer to you, you’re more prone to shoot the closer ones, and it’s easy to see why you’d forget.

- Don’t forget about the switch button. When you get a new bubble, you see the next bubble as well, and can switch them. This can help immensely.
- If you get a bubble of a color that isn’t already in the level, instead of sending it off on its own, try to work it into a strategy. Place it under a group of bubbles of the same color, and then when you knock all those out, it’ll go too.
- Focus on the wooden and stone bubbles first. These may seem like these should take a backseat to knocking out large groups or hard to reach bubbles, but these can cause a lot of frustrations later in the game. Knock them out first to eliminate potential problems later.
- The fire bubble is a very powerful bubble, and can knock out those wooden and stone bubbles in one shot. Use this very carefully, and you can make the game a whole lot easier on yourself.
- Plan ahead. I can’t say this enough. You know both what bubble you have now and what’s coming next. Make up a mini strategy and formulate a way to work from top to bottom. This is a fun pick up and play game, but can also be quite tactical.
Follow these steps, and your time with Bubble Shooter will be spent clearing levels with ease, and blowing through them like nothing!