Flow Free Levels 21

Flow Free is the most addictive puzzle game as of late, and if you’ve yet to try it out, then this is the perfect guide for you. We’re going over the levels one by one and getting the least amount of moves in each one. We’re on levels 21 and 22 now, and they start to get a little more difficult from here on out, so if you find yourself having some trouble or are in need of some help, just read on!

So let’s not waste any time, walkthrough for levels 21 and 22, if you need help with either of these, this is for you!

Level 21

This level looks easy, but remember, we need to cover the whole board in pipe! So grab that green dot in the top row and go all the way over to the edge, 3 spaces left. Then go down one space, and right one space to complete the green cycle. Now, take the orange dot in the second row and go down one space, and then left 2 spaces. Go down one more space, and right 2 spaces to connect it to the other orange dot. In the last row, take the red dot in the bottom left corner and go right 2 spaces to connect it to the other red dot. Nice work! Grab the yellow dot in the bottom right corner and go left one space and up one space. Done with yellow! Finally, take the blue dot in the second-to-last row and go up one space, left one space, up one space again, right one space, and finally up one more space to finish the level! Well done!

Level 22

See the red dot in the top row? Grab it, and go left once, and down 2 spaces to the other red dot. Now, grab the orange dot in the second row and go right once, up once, and right 2 more spaces. Now, head down 3 spaces and left 2 spaces to connect it to the other orange dot. Nice work! Take the leftmost green dot in the bottom row and go right until you reach the other green dot. Just one more color to do! Take the blue dot in the third row and go right one space, and up one space to complete this level! Well done!