Atomic Slash Walkthrough Levels 16

Atomic Slash is probably the most addicting game as of late. The game combines extremely fun gameplay and amazing strategic on-the-fly style thinking to make for an ultra fun experience. I haven’t been able to put this one down since I began playing it. But if you find yourself needing some help on some of the levels, look no further than this Atomic Slash walkthrough. Today we’re going over levels 16-18!

Level 16

Ah, the rocketship! Try and come at this one from the bottom, if possible. Then chip away at it from the top, see if you can isolate the atoms to a specific part of the ship. Powerups are great to use on this level, it’s quite challenging on its own. Regardless, you should be able to get to 100% alright.

Level 17

This is quite an odd shape, and the number of atoms certainly doesn’t help. I’d recommend trying to get them trapped in the large enclosure-like shape at the bottom, and trying to cut at least half, 2/3rds if possible, of the shape off. From here you can pick at it from either side, and you’ll get to 100%.

Level 18

It’s best if most, if not all the atoms can get caught in the top of the T shape, and then cut the bottom portion up. However, seeing as how this rarely happens, you’ll either want to cut the edges off the T and funnel them into the middle, then chip away at it. Or come at it from top and bottom and get them stuck in the top of the T.