Doors & Rooms 5

Hello and welcome to the Doors & Rooms 5-3 Walkthrough, the solution for the 5-3 stage of the game which takes us to the bedroom, a place that we’ll find it extremely difficult to get out from. But we have to do it and I am here to help, so let’s check out together the Doors & Rooms level 5-3 walkthrough which will certainly help us achieve our goal.

So here is the Doors & Rooms 5-3 Walkthrough (Stage 5-3 Solution):

1. Go right and tap the nightstand to get a vial. Tap the bed curtain and get a bull.
2. Go left and use the vial with the chain on the wall. Get the golden horse near the broken lights.
3. Zoom in to the eagle and take the knife from its claws.
4. Zoom in to the mannequin (it’s barely visible in the lower left area of the screen). In your inventory, dismantle the bull and the horse. Combine the two blades to get scissors and use them with the mannequin. Then use the key from the horse with the heart of the mannequin. In your inventory, combine the two again to get a jewel.
5. Tap on the right bedpost and then tap a few times until you reveal a key – take it. Use it with the doors and take a mask from there.
6. In your inventory, combine the mask with the jewel and then use the mask with the man’s painting on the window. Go back and tap the area on the rug that it’s now lit up. Note the symbols.
7. Tap the crate at the bottom of the bed and place the symbols in the same order. Here is how they look like to make things easier:


8. Take the scepter and dismantle it in the inventory. Use the head of the scepter with the door and yet another puzzle for us to solve!

9. The idea is to turn red all the pieces on the puzzle – it’s really difficult and will probably take you a while. I try to find an easy pattern and I will share it with you as soon as I have it!

And this is it! The walkthrough for Doors & Rooms Level 5-3 is complete and we’ll be here soon with the walkthrough for the other levels of this stage. Until then, you can check out the 5-2 walkthrough if you need help with it.