Lord of Riddles Answers / Cheats

Lord of Riddles is a new Android game created by Black Cat Games which challenges you to… answer riddles! I don’t know about you, but I am not that good when it comes to answering riddles, so I really had some trouble answering these riddles. But it was fun and I am here to help you beat the game with some Lord of Riddles cheats aka Lord of Riddles answers for the riddles of the Android App.

So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below the Lord of Riddles answers for the levels that I have completed (and more are coming soon)!

lord of riddles answers

Lord of Riddles answer: level 1
I’m full of holes, yet I’m full of water.
Answer: Sponge

Lord of Riddles answer: level 2
It’s red, blue purple and green, no one can reach it, not even a queen
Answer: Rainbow

Lord of Riddles answer: level 3
I’m white, I’m round, but not always around. Sometimes you see me, sometimes you don’t.
Answer: Moon

Lord of Riddles answer: level 4
What begins and has no end? What is the ending of all that begins?
Answer: Death

Lord of Riddles answer: level 5
I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch, Will soon turn red.
Answer: Fire

Lord of Riddles answer: level 6
If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it
Answer: Secret

Lord of Riddles answer: level 7
What has a neck and no head, two arms but no hands?
Answer: shirt

Lord of Riddles answer: level 8
I have an end but no beginning, a home but no family, a space without room. I never speak but there is no word I cannot make.
Answer: Keyboard

And these are the Lord of Riddles answers for you right now! Stay tuned and make sure to check back often for more answers which will be posted as soon as I manage to solve the riddles!