Iconmania Cheats: Level 3, 47

Welcome back to a new set of Iconmania cheats providing you with Iconmania answers for level 3 puzzles, from 47 to 64, showing you exactly what the zany images actually mean and helping you move forward in this extremely addictive game!

Please have in mind that my Icomania answers for level 3, 47 – 64 are in a different order from those in your game, but all the level 3 images are the same so you just have to look through all of them to find out what you are looking for. And if you need even more help, check out our Icomania Level 1 answers, Iconmania Level 2 answers and keep an eye on all the answers for this great game!

Iconmania Level 3 – 47 answer

iconmania answer level 47

Image: A bullet
Answer: The Matrix

Iconmania Level 3 – 48 answer

iconmania answer level 48

Answer: Rio de Janeiro

Iconmania Level 3 – 49 answer

iconmania answer level 49

Answer: Rome

Iconmania Level 3 – 50 answer

iconmania answer level 50

Image: A big boulder and a hand holding a whip
Answer: Indiana Jones

Iconmania Level 3 – 51 answer

iconmania answer level 51

Answer: Chrome

Iconmania Level 3 – 52 answer

iconmania answer level 52

Image: A person with the Facebook logo instead of face
Answer: Zuckerberg

Iconmania Level 3 – 53 answer

iconmania answer level 53

Image: A black car with a red line on it (TV & Movies)
Answer: Knight Rider

Iconmania Level 3 – 54 answer

iconmania answer level 54

Answer: Superman

Iconmania Level 3 – 55 answer

iconmania answer level 55

Answer: Pacman

Iconmania Level 3 – 56 answer

iconmania answer level 56

Image: Red bar that looks like upside down crown (Brand)
Answer: Levis

Iconmania Level 3 – 57 answer

iconmania answer level 57

Image: Something that looks like a grey spiral and a white circle in the middle (TV & Movies)
Answer: James Bond

Iconmania Level 3 – 58 answer

iconmania answer level 58

Answer: Visa

Iconmania Level 3 – 59 answer

iconmania answer level 59

Image: A blue circle
Answer: Skype

Iconmania Level 3 – 60 answer

iconmania answer level 60

Image: Black bar above an orange bar with yellow eyes (Character)
Answer: Mickey Mouse

Iconmania Level 3 – 61 answer

iconmania answer level 61

Answer: Las Vegas

Iconmania Level 3 – 62 answer

iconmania answer level 62

Answer: San Francisco

Iconmania Level 3 – 63 answer

iconmania answer level 63

Answer: Scream

Iconmania Level 3 – 64 answer

iconmania answer level 64

Answer: A Team

And this is it! We have completed the first part of the third level in Icomania and I am sure that these answers have helped you a lot, since there were some really difficult images here (and more are about to come). So check out the link at the beginning for all the Iconmania answers if you need more help!