Bouncy Bill Seasons Winter Walkthrough Levels 10

Bouncy Bill Seasons is the type of game you just want to sit back and enjoy. The simplicity, but also the fun factor are both major parts of this game. Despite how easy some of the levels are, the enjoyment factor is through the roof. It’s a lot of fun, but if you’re having trouble, I’m here with the Bouncy Bill walkthrough to aid you! This will cover levels 9-11!

Level 10

On this level, you’ll need to use the bouncy pad above you to jump and get to the top of the tower of sliding platforms. Afterwards, try and jump down onto the second one, and it’ll shoot you right over onto the end tile. You’ve completed the level! Well done!

Level 11

Start off by jumping up and getting onto the top platform, and riding it over. Jump off above the sludge on the leftmost platform in the middle. Wade through it, then jump and break the breakable tile when the tile below you moving horizontally is in place for you to get on. Then just jump off into the sludge above the end tile, and you’re done!

Level 12

This is a bonus level, so I won’t be covering it. However, if you’re having trouble, let me know and I’ll do a bonus levels walkthrough.