Iconmania Answers: Level 5, Puzzle 149

We’re back with more Icomania answers, the second and last part of Level 5, with puzzles 149 to 157 answered to help you get past the most difficult ones and solve each of these images. We have all the answers for the game posted on the website, so if you can’t find what you are looking for, make sure to give them a look by clicking the link.

Have in mind that our Iconmania answers for level 5, puzzle 149 to 157 are based on the order that we have and the images are randomized for each player. However, the images are the same, so searching by description and image you will find them.

Now let’s check out below the Icomania answers for level 5, the second half!

Iconmania Level 5 – 149 answer

iconmania answer level 5 149

Answer: Popeye

Iconmania Level 5 – 150 answer

iconmania answer level 5 150

Answer: Tom Hanks

Iconmania Level 5 – 151 answer

iconmania answer level 5 151

Image: Yellow background and a black D in a white circle (Brand)
Answer: Dunlop

Iconmania Level 5 – 152 answer

iconmania answer level 5 152

Image: Two white Ds on Black background (Brand)
Answer: Dolby

Iconmania Level 5 – 153 answer

iconmania answer level 5 153

Answer: Snoop Dogg

Iconmania Level 5 – 154 answer

iconmania answer level 5 154

Image: Orange letters C and O on black background (Brand)
Answer: Continental

Iconmania Level 5 – 155 answer

iconmania answer level 5 155

Answer: Excel

Iconmania Level 5 – 156 answer

iconmania answer level 5 156

Image: Some roofs of buildings with crosses on top (City)
Answer: Moscow

Iconmania Level 5 – 157 answer

iconmania answer level 5 157

Image: A blue a on white background (Brand)
Answer: Asics

And this is it! We have completed the last puzzle of level 5 in Iconmania, and I really hope that these answers helped you a lot. Stay tuned, because even more answers for Icomania are coming here on Android Entity!