100 Cells Level 11

It’s time to continue the walkthrough for the escape the room game 100 Cells, available for Android-powered devices, with the guide to 5 more levels: Level 11, Level 12, 13, 14 and 15. These 5 new levels are really challenging and most likely you will need help to fin the solution. Luckily, I am here and hopefully you will have fun beating these five new levels.

So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below the 100 Cells Level 11 – Level 15 walkthrough!

100 cells walkthrough

100 Cells Level 11 walkthrough

Move away the plants next to the safe and get the key. Use it on the safe and get the matches. Use the matches to light up the two lamps and you can exit!

100 Cells Level 12 walkthrough

Judging from the clues on the wall, we need to find out the corresponding number for the letters of the alphabet (the number of the letter +5, since B (2) is 7 and M (13) is 18). Now, using the hint above the door “We need TNT”, we have the code for T,N and T again: 251925

100 Cells Level 13 walkthrough

This is a very difficult puzzle, Sudoku-style, in which we need to find out which are the numbers in the red squares in order to have the code. For that, we need to solve a lot of maths, but if you don’t want to do it, here are the numbers: 9, 14, 12 (the hint is that we can only use numbers from 1 to 16, and only once).

100 Cells Level 14 walkthrough

Now we have a really tough Sudoku puzzle to solve. I have done it for you, and you can see the solution below (then tap the arrow and exit):

100 Cells Level 15 walkthrough

This is again using our math skills, here are the numbers in case you can’t figure out the puzzle:

And this is it! You have completed 5 more levels from the 100 Cells game and hopefully this walkthrough helped you get past it and helped you beat the game. We will be here soon with the walkthroughs for the next levels, but until then, you can check out the walkthrough for the first 10 levels.

UPDATE: We have now published the 100 Cells Level 16 – 20 walkthrough.