It seems that there were just 10 puzzles left to complete in Iconmania level 7, and I am here to share the correct answers with you. Therefore, here we have the Icomania answers for level 7, puzzle 202 to 211 and this set of cheats will help you get all the way to level 8 in Iconmania.
Please have in mind that the order of the puzzles in your game might differ from the one in ours, but the images are actually the same, so you will find what your looking for (if not in this article, certainly in our archive of answers). Now let’s check out the Iconmania answers for level 7, the remaining puzzles, below.
Image: A pig looking character
Answer: Alf
Image: An orange dog
Answer: Pluto
Image: A man wearing laurels, with white hair
Answer: Caesar
Image: Letter K visible on blue background
Answer: Nokia
Character: A face looking like a ghost
Answer: Voldemort
Answer: George Clooney
Image: An yellow shield on blue background (Brand)
Answer: Warner
Answer: Kevin Costner
Image: Two red O’s and one gray S (Brand)
Answer: Opera
Image: Red letters Pi visible
Answer: Pirelli
And this is it! With these latest puzzles, the level 7 of Icomania has been completed and we should be very proud of ourselves with this achievement!