The Croods Cheats: Tips & Tricks (The Croods Game)

The Croods is the latest game from Rovio and this time they move away from Angry Birds and Bad Piggies and go into unfamiliar places (at least for them) with a time management / simulation game based on the animation feature from Dreamworks. I am here to talk to you about The Croods cheatstips and tricks that will help you get things going faster than usual and help you get the most out of Rovio’s title.

So let’s not waste any time and let’s see how to turn that prehistoric land into a running zoo of strange animals! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Croods cheats for the app you probably love by now!

the croods cheats
1. Focus on getting berries
Although not extremely useful later on, berries are the easiest to get and you can stack up tons of them pretty fast. So it would be a good idea to upgrade the Berry Bush early on even though it costs a ton of Premium currency – you won’t regret it, because you can use it to stockpile on soup since Ugga will ask a lot of berries first. And since soup is extremely important… it’s good to get it as cheap as possible.

2. Stock up on soup
Later on, it will be more difficult to get the soup for berries as you will have access to more resources and a waiting – luck game will be involved. So make sure that early on you are extremely active on making soup out of berries, since you will need a ton of soup to upgrade your animals.

3. Upgrade the cave
At least once early on – or better, twice – in order to have a lot of space for berries and soup. Did I ever tell you how important it is to get a lot of soup?

4. How to trap animals
Trapping is, in theory, extremely easy, but you want to make sure that you do your best to trap them properly, you don’t want to let them escape and have to start over. So when building a trap, make sure you boost it at least twice (which is available for coins only) or 3 times to be 100% sure, but the third boost costs premium currency. However, the more boosts, the bigger the chances to actually capture the animal!

5. Prepare for the waiting game
The Croods is, unfortunately, a waiting game where you should log in pretty often (once per hour, let’s say) in order to maximize production and resource gathering. It’s pretty difficult at first, so prepare for a long waiting game starting pretty early. Your five minutes breaks at work might be the best times to log in and give a few instructions – the more often you can log in and play, the faster you will progress.

6. Follow the quests!
Don’t even think about trapping or building some animal farms based on what you think might be good. Follow the quests and build accordingly: you can’t risk to have to wait for a new building, for gathering the resources or, God forbid, to have to release a tamed animal, which means you wasted a ton of good resources. So play it safe at first and follow the quest line or you might regret it!

7. Don’t boost the Molarbear
This is the first animal you get and the easiest to capture and tame. It’s better and cheaper to keep your Molarbears at lower levels, but have more of them, than to waste valuable soup on them. Keep the soup for the other animals who are really slow in producing stuff.

8. Don’t feed the animals more than needed!
Apparently, you can do so, but it will just be a waste of resources as they won’t produce more!

9. Be patient & have fun
As I already said, The Croods is really a slow game and proves that Rovio might still have a thing or two to learn about the genre. However, it can easily get you hooked, so you might want to sit back and relax: it’s not a race we’re talking about here, so enjoy the ride!

And these are the tips & tricks I have to share with you regarding The Croods. If you have other advice or questions about this great game, ask them in the comment section below!