Factory96 Walkthrough Level 21

Finally, here we are at the last 5 levels of Factory96. Are you as sad as I am that it is going to be over? Are you ready to let it go and face a reality without it? Tough questions for sure, but not as tough as these 5 levels are going to be. Developers Virtual Vinyl really knows how to mix things up so that you are left scratching your head.

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If, like me, you find yourself about to bang your head against the wall, then you have come to the right place. Below is the exact instructions for you to pass the last 5 levels, and look for the links at the bottom of the page for previous levels. But before that, please read the following disclaimer:

Factory96 SPOILERS:

Similar to the other walkthroughs I have posted, I strongly recommend you try to guess the answers first. There is absolutely no fun if you just come here to copy all the answers. If you are stuck on a level, try asking around. Your friends, family or Facebook contacts might have a clue.  The whole idea of this game is the joy of finding out the answers. Don’t spoil it for yourself by taking the easy way out!

Factory96 Level 21 Answer

The last 5 levels begins with a difficult one. Shake your device until the bottom right compartment is opened. The letters FBI-141 is written at the bottom, but 141 is not your answer. What could it be then? Taken literally, FBI-141 means that FBI minus 141. FBI is 629 in numerics, so the answer will be: 4-8-8.

Factory96 Level 22 Answer

In the dark, you won’t be able to see anything. But hey, you have a flashlight from level 10, remember? Use your flashlight by tapping on it and search the dark room until you see a number on the wall to the right: 8-8-3.

Factory96 Level 23 Answer

Wow, this level went from easy to difficult after a few tries. Clicking on the projector will shine a green, red and yellow light on certain pillars. So I went ahead and tried the number of the pillars it shone on, but that wasn’t correct. Then I thought maybe it counted the other way, which was also wrong. Then I counted the letters of the colors Green, Red and Yellow, and again I was wrong. Little did I know that the second color was actually Violet, not red. So the number of letters in each color gives you the answer: 5-6-6.

Factory96 Level 24 Answer

Notice how when you click on a window panel, it changes color to blue? If you tap all the panels once to blue, then tap it all again, it will reveal the number for your answer: 7-1-4. Neat huh?!

Factory96 Level 25 Answer

Last but not least, we have the hardest of them all. When you’re done tapping and realizing nothing is happening, shake your device to reveal the letters on the door. Here, we have an anagram. Re-arrange the letters to spell out three numbers: ONE-THREE-SIX.

That’s it guys and girls, we have come to the end of Factory96. If and when they do update the game with more levels, I’ll be sure to provide more walkthroughs. Until that happens, I guess I’ll be looking for a new escape room puzzler to fill the void. If you know of any good ones, leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

For walkthroughs of the previous levels, click on the links below:

  • Factory96 Walkthrough (Level 16-20)
  • Factory96 Walkthrough (Level 11-15)
  • Factory96 Walkthrough (Level 6-10)
  • Factory96 Walkthrough (Level 1-5)