Fast Finger

Fast Finger is one of those games that is so much fun in short bursts. You only get a maximum number of lives, but man-oh-man do you finish them fast. It is very easy to get frustrated too. So don’t fret, check out the tips below and hopefully you will be enlightened. If this guide even makes you think, “Hey, why didn’t I think of that before”, then I consider this a success.

Spectate and Formulate

In Fast Finger, the obstacles will not move until you place your finger on the starting zone. Then, all hell breaks loose and you are left wondering how to get through them. Well, that’s exactly what you should do first. Use one life to sit there and watch everything move and figure out how you are going to maneuver the obstacle course.

Figure out if you should take the long way or the short way, and whether the risks are worth taking. I know this sounds counter-intuitive to the game, but you are racing against time when you start an attempt and you don’t have many opportunities to just “wing-it”.

No Hesitation

By far the MOST important trick of all in this game is to simply move without hesitation. Most of the obstacles in this game prey on those who wait for just a fraction of a second too slow. Be confident and be undoubtful. Keep in mind that there is NOTHING to lose! If you die, you just start over, no biggy! If you run out of lives, just wait a while and it will be replenished.

If you have just a second of doubt or indecision in the middle of a level, you will be fired on or a thorny stick will kill you or a cruel laser will incinerate you. So move your fingers like a tiger is chasing you from behind. You wouldn’t stop to think about whether to go left or right when there is a fast approaching danger zoning in on you.


Due to the nature of this game, it can get tiresome and frustrating pretty quickly. Believe me, I have had bouts of rage and anger that led me to almost destroy my mobile device. But the important thing is, I did not, and I do not recommend you do too. Otherwise, how are you gonna play all your other games?

If you feel sick to your stomach over the 1000th time you die to the laser, just put down your device slowly and gently, and go eat a snack or kiss your girlfriend.

Tutorial Videos

There were a few times when I was stuck, and almost 100% certain that the level is impossible, that I just HAD to Google it to see if anyone else is thinking the same. Instead, I came across videos of people succeeding and that not only gave me motivation to keep trying, but also to see how they managed to overcome the obstacles.

So if you start to think that the level is impossible, do a search and see how it is done in front of you. You will have a light-bulb moment that will lead to the next 30 mins of frantic finger movements.

Good luck and may the odds be forever in your favor.