Table Tennis Touch Tips and Tricks

Table Tennis Touch by developer Yakuto is an amazing table tennis simulator. If you are fan of table tennis or in sports games on mobile devices, I strongly recommend giving this a go. Click here to buy and download the game. Otherwise, wait for it to go on sale. The game just went through a massive update that introduces many new features, tables and more. For more information on that big update, click here.

Anyway, as with most sports games, or any game for that matter, the difficulty curve rises exponentially the more you play. So don’t be surprised to find the AI trashing you in straight sets at bigger tournaments. This guide will hopefully give you some ideas to avoid a humiliating defeat.

Make them work for it.

This may be common sense to most of you but even the best tend to slack off a bit sometimes during lull periods of a match. When you find yourself hitting to the opponent, remind yourself to always make them work for it. Hit side to side and go for the corners! That will keep them on their toes and render them unable to hit any killer shots. When they eventually make a mistake, make them pay with a smash. Then, hold your chin high and wag your finger at them Bruce Lee style.

Be innovative

I believe it was Albert Einstein that said that if you keep doing the same thing that led to failure, you are crazy. If you find that your tactic is not working on the opponent, try changing things up. Try slicing a different way or reacting differently when the opponent gives you a difficult ball.

The ability to adapt during a match is one of the most understated secrets to success in sports. Constantly shaking things up also creates an air of unpredictability that the opponent will find upsetting.


There are two ways to serve. The standard serve and the more difficult sliced serve. The standard serve only serves you (haha, pun intended) so far, until you need to master the sliced serve. Yes, it is riskier, and more complex to pull off, but it is essential it to execute some tactical play. The main reason to master it is to have a variety of serves to keep your opponent on their toes.

Remember that your opponent has a lot of time to prepare for your serve. So if they can predict where or how you are going to hit it, they can severely punish you on the return. Remember that you also have a lot of time to prepare for your serve, so make use of that to punish them instead.

Practice, practice and practice

No matter how talented you are though, sports is all about practice, practice and practice. So the more you play, the better you get. If you are unable to win a certain player or tournament, perhaps replay some of the older ones or redo the training mini-games to improve precision and skill.

Practice matches also allows you to try out different strategies and shots. If you need help mastering a particular serve or shot, do it over and over until you get good at it.


Finally, don’t give up! All you need is a little discipline and perseverance, and you can be good at anything. If you need to be reminded that you can do it, remember that AI is made up of only lines of codes that dictate how they behave, whereas you actually have a brain. So use that to your advantage. Observe how they react to your shots when you play and outsmart them.

Hope that helps!
