The unofficial Rocket League guide offers comprehensive info on this very unusual type of a football game in which, instead of playing as standard players, you score goals while driving rocket powered and heavily armored vehicles. The majority of this guide is focused on providing the reader with the easiest and most enjoyable start to his adventure with Rocket League. Some of the main chapters of this guide provide insight on how to control the vehicles properly, how to position the camera behind the car so that it offers the best experience and what things should be done immediately after launching Rocket League for the first time. Another big chapter of the guide contains information on the most important types of moves that can be used while on the field. You can find out about the very basic plays like hitting the ball, performing jumps and using a boost feature; however, we've also covered more complex things. The guide tells about rocket flying, using the stadium's walls to your advantage, performing various dodges and other useful maneuvers. The next big chapter of this guide is the one about types of matches depending on the number of players. This is a very important aspect of the game. For instance, when playing a standard duel (one on one) you have to act very differently than when you're in a match with the maximum number of eight players. This chapter also informs about the differences in the gameplay depending on whether you're playing with friends, people you don't know or bots controlled by the AI. The remaining chapters of the guide cover topics such as available game modes, modifying cars in your garage and earning achievements. It's worth mentioning that video clips have been added to the selected pages of this guide. They are meant to be there to show how to perform some of the more complicated moves or how to earn certain achievements in the easiest possible way.
Important! This game guide was prepared based on a PlayStation 4 version of the game, but almost all of the information offered by it can also be used in the PC edition. We've based our work on the release from August 2015. It is very possible that the game may be updated in the upcoming months, receiving new game modes and major gameplay changes. You must take that into consideration when using our guide.
Jacek "Stranger" Halas ()
Controlling the vehicle
Looking around / Using the rear view (hold the analogue stick)
Jump / Skipping a replay after a goal (if this is a multiplayer match then all of the players must agree to not watching the rest of the replay)
Rocket boost (hold the button)
Powerslide (handbrake) / Air roll
Activating or deactivating the Ball Cam (focusing the camera on the ball)
Text chat - list of four different "information" responses
Text chat - list of four different "compliments" responses
Text chat - list of four different "reactions" responses
Text chat - list of four different "apologies" responses
Current scoreboard (hold the button)
Brake / Drive backwards
Voice chat
Text chat (the game will display a keyboard)
Pausing the game
Double jump (hold the X button after you've pressed it for the second time)
Performing a dodge in the direction of the analogue stick (it can be a front flip, a side dodge or a back flip)
Performing a rocket flight after a standard jump (hold the Circle button)
Performing a controlled flight after a jump (move the analogue stick up or down)
Performing a rocket flight after a double jump
Performing a controlled flight after a double jump - this is the most efficient way to do long rocket flights in the game
Default camera settings in Rocket League aren't really that bad, but if you're serious about participating in online matches with other good players or even going against AI bots with higher skill settings, then you should take some time to tweak them so that it'll be easier for you to move on the field and score goals. You can change the settings by pausing the game or going back to the main menu and choosing Options. Select the Camera tab. Recommended camera settings are displayed on the screenshot above. The most important settings from the list are:
Ball Cam is one of the most useful features of Rocket League and you should be using it the moment you start playing the game for the first time. Its purpose is very simple - the camera automatically focuses itself on the ball and turns towards it no matter if you're driving yourself in a straight line or not. This makes the games much easier, especially if you're in a very dynamic match and you can't spare even a second or two to pinpoint the current location of the ball. The Ball Cam also comes in handy when you must perform a precise shot that should end with scoring a goal, when you have to hit the ball located above your car or when you're acting as a goalkeeper and must defend the goal line from the attacks of the other team.
All of the things mentioned above are really great, but this doesn't mean that the Ball Cam doesn't have any disadvantages. It may be problematic to play properly with Ball Cam turned on when you're acting defensively on your half of the field or when you have to quickly retreat towards your goal right after an unsuccessful attack from your team. In situations like these you may have some serious issues trying to establish how far you're from your goal or what trajectory you should choose in order to hit the ball and prevent the other team from scoring a goal. Another type of a situation when the Ball Cam is not welcome is when you're driving on the walls of the stadium. The Ball Cam always focuses on the ball and that can make driving in a straight line a difficult task. You may also get confused on where precisely your car is located and that's never a good thing.
To summarize, you should keep the Ball Cam turned on for the entire time spent on getting to know the game better, learning the basic moves and improving your skills. Once you've completed a lot of matches (like more than a hundred) and gained some precious experience, you may consider turning off the Ball Cam in certain types of situations in order to gain more freedom and to maintain full control over what's happening on the field. Playing the game with the Ball Cam turned off for the entire time is not necessarily a recipe for disaster; however, if you want to be successful without it, you must be great at driving, know the ball physics really well and look around a lot on your own (notice the markings on the ground - they will tell you where the ball is even if it's currently in the air).
The basics of Rocket League are really easy to learn and even a casual player can understand everything after merely a few minutes of playtime. Reaching a high skill level, useful in matches with other professional players and high difficulty bots, is something entirely different and requires a lot of hours spent on perfecting the basic moves and learning the more advanced maneuvers (they're covered later in the guide). Below is a list of things you should do after launching the game for the first time and during your first hours spent in Rocket League. Following these advice will help you out a lot and won't drive you away from the game after a streak of lost matches.
Your natural instinct may be telling you to go ahead and dive in the matches immediately after you've installed the game, but you shouldn't be doing that until you've familiarized yourself with all the basics and practised all of the basic moves. Your first order of business should be choosing the Training option from the main menu. Pick the Tutorial. There are two different training sessions in this mode. The Basic tutorial offers info on how to control the car, how to perform jumps and dodges, how to use the boost and how to rely on the Ball Cam. The Advanced tutorial will introduce you to a little more complex things like doing double jumps, performing side rolls and front flips and rocket flying using the car's boost. Don't worry that you won't be given a chance to fully test some of these moves, because that's what other lessons are for.
Once you've completed both tutorials you should take interest in three other training sessions found in the lower part of the screen. The Goalie training will allow you to become a goalkeeper and in this mode you score points by successfully defending the goal. The Striker training is a direct opposite of the goalie, because you're an attacker and you must score goals to earn points. The Aerial training is the most complex and difficult one, because it focuses on performing various aerial moves (like double jumps followed by a rocket flight). Try scoring a maximum number of points in the basic versions of all of those three trainings and at least a few points on their Pro levels. The highest difficulty setting for the training sessions is All-Star and you should leave it for later, because all of the lessons in it are very hard. They're reserved for skilled players wanting to improve their skills even more in performing the most difficult moves (you can go back to it once you feel like you've became a pro player yourself).
After you've completed at least some of the tutorials you can make the next step and that is to begin training the basic types of maneuvers. If you don't feel up for a bigger challenge, you can stay in the tutorial section of the menu and choose Free Play. This mode doesn't have any other cars and it also doesn't have rules or the time limit. You can stay as long as you want and test all of the moves you wanted. If you feel like you shouldn't wait any longer you can choose the Exhibition mode from the main menu (a single match). My recommendation is to start taking part in matches using 2v2 (two on two) or 3v3 (three on three) settings, because they offer the best chance to learn a lot in a short period of time. If you choose the 1v1 match you won't be able to test all of the moves and tactics (especially the ones that rely on team coordination) and a lot of the 4v4 matches tend to be chaotic because of the presence of eight cars on the field. So much chaos can be confusing and instead of learning you'll be wasting your time trying to figure out what's going on. As for the difficulty level of the bots, obviously you should start with the Rookie level. AI bots are very dumb and slow on the Rookie level. They're in fact so bad that instead on focusing only on winning you'll be able to do training in specific areas during watches, like for example only in scoring goals, only in hitting the ball properly or only in defending the goal line from (rare) shots from the opposite team. Once you have enough experience and got better at playing the game you should switch the AI bots to Pro skill level and/or go to the Season mode. This mode is more challenging, because in order to win the championship you must be consistent in your winnings.
Important - I wouldn't recommend spending too much time playing only with bots. They don't reflect exactly how most of the players behave on the field in the offensive and defensive situations and if you'll start taking certain habits you won't be acting the way you should while playing with the other gamers. A dozen or so Exhibition matches plus a complete Season should be more than enough to learn the basics of the game and to start thinking about going against other players (preferably online).
Below is a list of various hints which may come in handy at the beginning of the game and also when trying to learn how to play it properly. Some of the topics mentioned on this page have been covered more extensively in the other chapters of the guide.
The only way to move the ball in Rocket League is to continue hitting it with your car. Obviously each hit is not the same, but unique. The ball physics in the game aren't entirely realistic, however the basic principals are preserved. There are two main factors responsible for where the ball will go - how hard you've hit the ball with your car and at what angle. You can influence the first factor not only by using your gas and brake pedals, but also by relying on a rocket boost which has been covered more extensively below. As for choosing the correct angle, this is a very important aspect if you want your each shot to be very precise. It's not always possible to score precise hits in the heat of the battle, but if you're presented with an opportunity to plan your shot you shouldn't miss out on it. For instance, hitting the right side of the ball will send it more to your left and hitting the bottom side of the ball will send it flying high in the air.
Performing jumps is a good way of helping in hitting the ball. You should rely on jumps especially when you want to hit the ball before it bounces back after hitting the ground, if you want to hit its bottom or top side with more precision or when you want to outrun all of the other players and be the first one to come in contact with the ball. You can do single or double jumps and choosing the correct move should be based on the current situation (don't rely on only double jumps).
Another move you should be using regularly is the rocket boost. What's great about this feature is that you can use the boost to achieve many different things. It's main purpose is to allow your car to quickly move from one end of the field to another. This may come in handy when you want to finish an attack after the ball has found itself near the enemy's goal or when you need to quickly return to your own goal line after the other team has begun their offensive. Other ways of using the boost involve increasing the strength of your shots (once the ball has been hit it will gain a lot of speed), rocket flying (you can find more info on that move on one of the other pages of this chapter) and stopping or destroying vehicles from the other team as a result of hitting them (an important thing to know is that a car is not destroyed forever, because it respawns after a short break).
Driving with rocket boost turned on is very limited. You can check the current state of the boost by looking at the gauge in the right bottom corner of the screen. You can recharge your boost by driving over orange pressure plates located in the outer sections of the stadiums. Be on a look out for pressure plates with orbs hovering around them. Driving over them will FULLY recharge your boost bar, even if it was fully depleted before making this move.
Important - Each pressure plate disables itself after a vehicle has driven over it so you will often be a witness of someone else "stealing" your boost opportunity at the very last moment. The good news is that you can choose from many different pressure plates and that they become active again after a few moments.
One of the most important advanced moves in Rocket League is using dodges to flip the car in one of the several directions. You can perform a flip by pushing the left analogue stick in a desired direction (or by holding a correct movement key on your keyboard) and then pressing the jump button/key twice.
Front flips are by far the most useful ones and you should be relying on them in two types of situations. First of all, performing a front flip allows you to cover more ground while driving. This comes in handy when you've depleted your boost bar or when you want to preserve the rocket boost energy for when you really need it. Second of all, front flips are a good way of scoring goals. They increase your chances of hitting the ball before other cars come in contact with them. They also make the ball fly faster and obviously that can be problematic for the players from the other team, making it a lot harder for them to defend your shot. Aside from front flips you should also consider using side dodges from time to time. They on the other hand are most useful when you're playing defensively. For example, making a side flip is a good idea when you've noticed that the ball is on a different trajectory and that you need to make small adjustments in the air in order to come in contact with it instead of flying right past it.
All of the stadiums found in the game have walls and roofs. This means that you don't have to stay on the ground for the entire time. You can drive on walls, especially since the game is very tolerant when it comes to grip and physics and therefore you don't have to worry about dropping to the ground as soon as you've slowed down. Driving on walls is especially useful when you want to get to the ball before other players come in contact with it. Obviously this method is not without its disadvantages. You must time your moves and show some precision, because otherwise you'll miss the ball completely. An important thing to know is that it's best to turn off Ball Cam when you're driving on walls, because focusing the camera on the ball can actually make it harder for you to do what you've planned.
Rocket flying with the help of the cars is by far the most advanced move and the hardest one to pull off and that's why this topic deserves a separate page in our guide. If you're interested in flying in Rocket League you will need to use the boost. It's always good to make sure that the boost bar is fully charged so that your flight won't end immediately after it's started. You must begin by performing a single or (a better idea) a double jump and then hold the boost button/key while you're still in the air. That's not all, because after you've begun your rocket flight you can control it in a limited way by tilting the left analogue stick up or down (or by using the correct movement keys) to change the direction of the flight.
If you want to improve your rocket flying skills then you should take interest in the Aerial tutorials, because they're all about hitting high flying balls using this ability. Don't worry if you manage to hit only a small number of balls, because that's part of the learning process. You have to spend a lot of time practising so that you'll have more control over your car and that you'll understand the physics of the game better which is needed to predict where the ball is going to go next.
As for the purpose of rocket flying, this move can be used for offensive and defensive actions. In both of these situations your main objective should be to get to the ball before other players manage to do that. Depending on the situation, this will allow you to send the ball towards enemy goal line or to clear the area around your goal from any danger.
Important - If you're interested in flying even higher you may consider experimenting with driving on the walls. You can bounce off the wall when you're close to the stadium's ceiling and then activate rocket flight.
Scoring goals in Rocket League is not only a result of good control over the vehicle, because in most cases there are various factors that influence if you can earn a point in a match or not. Generally speaking, you can score goals in the game in three different ways - it can be a result of merely having good luck (not such a rare occurance, especially in messy 4v4 matches), of performing a clean and undisturbed single attack or (the most common case) of taking part in a well coordinated team attack. This page of the guide will cover only the two last methods since you can't really influence how lucky (or unlucky) you and your team are.
Solo attacks happen mostly when you're playing against weak bots or players with not a lot of experience; however, you should know that you may also get opportunities to organize them when going against high skilled gamers and/or elite bots. The most common way to receive a chance to perform a solo attack is when the opposite team has made a major mistake or when the ball has found itself very close to your vehicle after being hit by another fast moving car. You should always be ready to engage in these types of situations so that you won't miss out on an opportunity of scoring an easy goal. Make sure to use boost to increase your chances and to add some advanced moves if the situation on the field requires it.
Important - In 1v1 (one on one) matches you have to rely only on solo attacks since obviously you don't have anyone else in the team to help out. This topic is covered in the Types of matches depending on the number of players chapter of our guide.
Goals scored as a result of teamwork are a much more frequent thing. A lot depends here on whether the team members are real people or bots and if they are capable of communicating with each other or not. You should always try relying on voice chat when you can so that you and your colleagues can divide assignments between yourselves and inform the rest about your progress (like about being ready to pass the ball to the guys stationed near the goal line). If you can't communicate with other players (they may be strangers or bots) you will have to try and predict their moves instead, based on their current movements.
The easiest way to score "team goals" is to use one of the players to pass the ball to the goal line of the opposite team. It's best that one of the players in your squad is tasked with passing the ball. Meanwhile the rest of the attackers should be waiting for a good opportunity near the goal line and try and hit the ball when such an occasion presents itself. Important - You should always be ready to strike again if the initial shot after the pass didn't result in scoring a goal. You must also be prepared to quickly return to your half of the field if the enemy team not only defended the shot but also initiated their own counterattack (you can find out more about playing defensively from the next page of this chapter).
Here are some general tips on scoring goals and they apply to both the solo actions as well as team attacks:
The fact that there are rocket-powered and heavily armor vehicles in Rocket League can be a nice encouragement to play very aggressively. However, you can't ignore the subject of defending your own goal. If you and your team think only about scoring goals, you can keep losing matches even if your offensive play is really good.
The tactics while playing defensively depend mostly on how many players there are in the game. In the 3v3 and 4v4 matches one of the players should spend all of his time playing as a goalkeeper and not moving away from his goal line, no matter what is happening on the rest of the field. An additional player can become a defender and stay on his team's side of the field, trying to stop enemy attacks before they will lead to some dangerous moments near the goal. 2v2 matches give you the largest number of choices when it comes to choosing tactics for the game. The two players from the team can divide their roles to become an attacker and a defender or they can both go into offensive. If you want to choose the second method, you must be ready to retreat as soon as it's necessary, because if the other team manages to construct a good attack they will score an easy goal. As for the 1v1 matches, there is no room for playing defensively in these types of games. You must be focused only on getting to the ball and stopping your opponent from doing the same and you can't just play passively near your goal line blocking series of the other player's shots.
No matter what the circumstances are, there are some important things to remember when defending your own goal:
There are three main game modes in Rocket League:
The garage is surprisingly one of the least important elements of Rocket League. The choice of a car and its equipment doesn't affect the gameplay IN ANY WAY. All the vehicles in the game handle identically, they have the same top speed and durability. This means that the only reason to change cars and their equipment is to stand out from other players. Another important thing to know is that most cars and objects tied to them are inaccessible when you first start the game. Thankfully unlocking them is very easy, because all you have to do is complete enough matches. Furthermore, the game doesn't care if you've won in a match or lost it. The only thing that counts is that it's finished.
The available tabs in the garage menu are:
Matches involving only two players are very different from 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 events. There are two main reasons for that. First of all, since there's no one else in your team you don't have to organize any actions with other players or bots. This can be viewed as a good thing, but on the other hand winning the duels relies only on how good you are. You can't just sit back and let the remaining players to do the hard job. This can be troublesome, especially if you're having some difficulties with sending the ball exactly where you've planned to.
Another important difference is that there are no roles to be divided between players in 1v1 matches. This means that you must change your current tactic based on where the ball is and also based on what your opponent is currently doing. You must know that there's no room for passive play in two-players' duels so you can't become a goalkeeper or a defender and stick with that choice until the end of the match. Instead you must continue playing aggressively and switch to the defensive only when the other players has successfully taken control over the ball and is close to scoring a goal. You also can't spare any time to plan your moves from a distance or to observe the trajectory of the ball, because if you do that your opponent may take control over the ball in the meantime and that'll most certainly complicate things. The only good tactic is to keep following the ball and continue fighting for control over it before the other player does the same thing.
Generally speaking, winning 1v1 matches may be considered harder than succeeding in other types of matches described on the next page of this guide. The duels are much more dynamic and everything depends on how good you are at getting to the ball quickly and sending it where it's supposed to go. Make sure to take some time training with bots before trying your chances against other players. I recommend choosing at the least the Pro difficulty for the bots (even if you haven't tried duels before), because they're practically defenseless on the Rookie level and you won't learn anything by playing with them.
2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 matches are very different from the duels described on the previous page of this guide, because they're all about good communication between players and teamwork so that each person has a specific job to do. Obviously a lot here depends on how skilled and versatile the players are and if they're willing to cooperate with other people to achieve final success.
In 3v3 and 4v4 matches it's pretty much mandatory for one of the members of the team to focus on defending the goal. If you're going against a strong team or if you don't want to take unnecessary risks (like after scoring a goal and gaining an advantage over the other team) the team should delegate another player to take a role of a defender. Such a person should remain on their team's half of the field, focusing on bouncing back all the balls which are heading towards the goal line. In addition to that, a defender needs to step forward if the goalkeeper fails to do his job or if he's the one that wasn't able to stop the advances of the other team. As for the remaining players from the team, their role is to become attackers. You can learn more about being an attacker from the How to score goals? page of our game guide. To put things short - attackers should work with each other, passing the balls and then hitting them when they're close to the other team's goal line.
2v2 matches offer more freedom when it comes to choosing a style of play. The players may divide their responsibilities 50/50 so that one of them will become an attacked and the other one a defender/goalkeeper. In some situations, especially when going against weaker teams, they can also try and work together on scoring goals, increasing the probability of success. If you plan on playing this way, you have to pay more attention to what the other team is doing and try to prevent them from organizing counterattacks after they've regained control of the ball (a rocket boost and front flips will come in handy here, allowing you to quickly return to your half of the field).
Matches with friends and matches with complete strangers are very different from each other in Rocket League and the differences can be noticed in many aspects of the game. You should always try and play with your friends if possible, even if they're not professionals when it comes to performing advanced aerial shots or other complex moves. When playing with friends you can organize your tactics even before the match has started. It's a good idea to figure out what each person is best at and then taking on that job. Communicating during a match is equally important and doing this can significantly increase the success rate of all of your actions. You should always inform your teammates about things like being close to passing a ball or the need to go back to protect the goal when the other team begins their attack.
When you're playing against strangers you lose most of the advantages mentioned above. You can't plan the match even before it's started and you can also have some serious issues trying to communicate with other players. This can lead to very dangerous situations like leaving the goal unguarded or attacking the ball by all the players at the same time. There are some ways to make these kinds of problems less noticeable and less annoying. One of the most important things to do is to try and observe your team members during various situations on the field. After you've completed a few matches as a team you'll know more about their favorites styles of play and their strongest moves on the field. A thing worth mentioning is that you don't have to rely only on voice communication, because the game also allows to send text messages to other players. If you're playing the PC version you can consider typing short comments yourself. The PS4 also offers a chance to use the keyboard, but typing is much slower for obvious reasons and it's not a good idea to use it, especially during dynamic matches. Instead of typing things you can rely on sending short messages from the in-game lists. You can display the lists by pressing directional buttons on the controller (D-pad) and each list contains four messages. Some of them are irrelevant, but some are useful. For instance, you can inform your team members that you'll be defending the goal or that you're close to passing the ball.
Important - Don't expect to encounter players in online matches for 100% of the time, because in certain situations bots can appear in their absence. You can decide whether you want bots to join the matches or not in the online settings. Aside from that the bots usually appear when one of the players has suddenly left the game and the purpose for that is to maintain similar chances for winning for both teams. Thankfully the "summoned" bots rarely stay in the game until the end of the match, because the game actively seeks new gamers and when it has found one the bot is automatically replaced by a living person. You can quickly check if you're playing with people or with bots by holding the button/key responsible for showing the current scoreboard - bots don't have avatars and they are marked with the AI sign.
The basic version of Rocket League offers a chance to obtain a total of 36 achievements / trophies. The good news is that most of the achievements can be unlocked simply by playing the game, without taking special interest in them and without having to modify the style of play during matches. Furthermore, you can make your job easier when trying to collect some of the trophies by playing alone or with AI bots. Setting the bots skill level to Rookie will result in them not giving you any problems. Doing this will allow you to score series of goals or to perform more complicated moves needed for some of the achievements (like for an example earning a goal while driving backwards). A full list of achievement was added below. Each achievement has a description of the requirements and a commentary on how to unlock it the easiest possible way.
How to unlock: You must play an online game with a friend.
Comments: You can't unlock this achievement by playing offline, even if you use split screen mode. You must invite one of your friends to an online session (or join an existing session created by one of them). The rules of the match don't matter and you'll receive the achievement as soon as the first match together has started.
How to unlock: You must obtain all cars.
Comments: There's a total of eleven vehicles in the game. Four of them (Gizmo, Octane, Road Hog, X-Devil) are available right from the very beginning and the rest needs to be unlocked. Cars 5-10 can be obtained simply by completing matches, because they're treated as unlockable objects (more on that in the description of the Stocked achievement). The final eleventh vehicle is Sweet Tooth and gaining access to it is more complicated. You will receive this car after winning at least one match using Backfire, Breakout, Gizmo, Hotshot, Octane, Paladin, Road Hog and X-Devil. It's worth adding that the matches can be played using any settings, even without the presence of AI bots (Exhibition mode). You will receive the reward after winning the last required match.
Important - If you open the Garage menu you can start examining the cars you've unlocked. The game will always tell you how many matches you've won with that particular body - check the screenshot to find out where to look for this info. Using this method can allow you to easily establish which vehicles you'll still have to use in order to get the achievement.
How to unlock: You must score a goal by hitting your opponent into the ball.
Comments: It's best to pick 3v3 or 4v4 matches with bots for the purpose of this achievement. Make sure that the bots are on the Rookie skill setting so that they won't be playing aggressively and they won't be moving too fast. Remain close to the goal of the enemy team and start waiting for a good opportunity to make a move. You must hit an opponent's vehicle with high speed so that his car will crash into the ball and send it towards the goal. Some luck is obviously required here, but it shouldn't take you ages to unlock this achievement.
Important - If you're struggling with this achievement you can ask your friend for help or even use the second controller and stop the vehicle from the other team near the goal. Next you'll have to move the ball to the correct spot and then hit the vehicle to trigger the chain reaction (proper speed and angle are still required).
How to unlock: You must win the championship in the Season mode.
Comments: Winning the championship will take a lot of time and a lot of matches. Thankfully it's not a difficult task, because you can modify the settings of the Season mode before starting the championship. I recommend choosing 2v2 matches, setting the skill level of the bots to Rookie and establishing that top 6 teams will advance to the play-offs.
The first part of the season involves all of the teams and it's about earning as many points for the wins as possible. Obviously you should be trying to win all matches, but nothing bad will happen if you'll lose once or twice. All you have to do is make sure that you're always in the top 6 of the best teams. Once you've advanced to the play-offs you MUST win each new match you take part in. Don't worry if you see that you're losing the current match, because you can pause the game at any time and restart it (just make sure to do it before the match comes to an end!). Winning the championship will result in receiving a cup and this achievement.
How to unlock: You must win a match without losing any goals.
Comments: This is an extremely simple achievement, because you don't even have to play against anyone. Choose an Exhibition match without bots, score at least one goal and wait for the match to end. If you don't want to "cheat" the game using the method mentioned above you can take part in a 1v1 match with a Rookie bot. The AI should be very weak and will allow you to control the ball throughout the entire match.
How to unlock: You must win a 2v2 (two on two) match.
Comments: Despite what you might think you don't have to complete a match with bots or with other gamers to get this achievement. You can go to the Exhibition Mode and choose to play a 2v2 match without any bots. All you have to do is score at least one goal and wait for the match to end. If you don't want to "cheat" the game using the method mentioned above, you can turn on the bots and set their skill level to Rookie so you'll basically have a guaranteed win.
How to unlock: You must complete all the training sessions.
Comments: Go to the main menu and choose the Training option. Ignore the main tutorial and the free play mode and instead take interest in three training sessions listed at the bottom of the page - Goalie (defending goals while playing as a goalkeeper), Striker (scoring goals while playing as an attacker) and Aerial (hitting the ball when it's high in the air). Each of these categories offers ten challenges on three different difficulty settings and for the purpose of this achievement you only have to complete the Rookie level. Once you've begun a training session start completing lessons. Since it's the lowest difficulty setting they shouldn't be a big problem to you. If you fail a lesson press a button/key responsible for retrying it and don't worry that doing this will prevent you from scoring a maximum 10 points. You will receive the achievement after completing the basic lessons from all three schools (you can ignore the Pro and All-Star challenges entirely).
Important - The challenges are randomized each time you begin a new training session. You can use this to your advantage to try and wait for getting the easiest set of lessons.
How to unlock: You must obtain 50 items (excluding the ones available at the start of the game).
Comments: You can find out more information on unlocking objects from the Stoked achievement description. Here's a short reminder - you receive a new item after each completed match and it doesn't matter if you've won the game or lost.
How to unlock: You must drive a total of 500 km.
Comments: This is the most troublesome achievement in the game and it's also the one that takes the most time to finish. You'll probably unlock it as the last one (obviously with the exception of Virtuoso). You can try and ignore this achievement for the majority of the game if you want to and you can simply continue completing matches hoping to receive it sooner or later. If you plan on behaving like this you must know that it make take you a lot more than 200 finished matches to unlock the achievement, especially if you like to play as a goalkeeper and a result of that you don't move that much on the field during matches.
Thankfully you can also try speeding things up so that getting the achievement won't take countless hours. An interest way of doing this is using two rubber bands on the controller so that the left analogue stick is pushed left or right for the entire game and that the right trigger (gas pedal) is pressed for the whole time. You can then choose an Exhibition match without bots and use the fact that matches can't end with a tie. If you don't want to cheat using this method, you can pick several alternative methods. My recommended method also involves choosing an Exhibition match (you can turn on the bots or not - it really doesn't matter) and using the rocket boost for as long as possible. Start driving on the outskirts of the stadium and focus only on reaching new orange pressure plates responsible for renewing the boost bar. All you have to do is keep driving and make sure that the boost stays on for the entire time. You will be gaining distance very fast and a result the achievement will be unlocked much sooner.
Sadly the statistics window in the game's main menu doesn't show how many km you've travelled so far. The only way to get some partial data on the current mileage is to start checking the available tires. Go to Garage and then choose the Wheels tab. Start looking at the wheels. The information about their mileage is displayed next to them - check the screenshot seen above to find out where to look for this information. You can then add the results to receive the current mileage. In my case the achievement was unlocked after all of the values summed up to about 74 km (this is most likely a glitch in the game - it counts the km incorrectly).
Important - This achievement unlocks during the game, not after you've completed a match.
Important - Since the recent update of the game you can also gain mileage in online matches (before the update the game only monitored offline games).
How to unlock: You must watch a saved replay of the match.
Comments: You can press a button/key responsible for saving a replay after you've finished a match. Once you've done that go back to the main menu. Choose Extras from the menu and then Replays. The achievement will unlock soon after the replay has started.
How to unlock: You must score your first goal.
Comments: You can obtain this achievement right after starting Rocket League for the first time. Choose the Exhibition match without bots and just hit the ball so you'll score a goal.
How to unlock: You must play an Exhibition match.
Comments: This is most likely going to be one of the first achievements you'll unlock. Choose the Exhibition mode from the main menu, tweak the settings to your satisfaction (you can play with bots or without them). The achievement will be unlocked after the match has ended (even if you've lost).
How to unlock: You must customize every slot of your car.
Comments: The required slots from the description of this achievement are Decals, Paint, Wheels, Rocket Trail, Topper and Antenna. There are two things you need to know about. First of all, when you're modifying the paint job of your vehicle you must change the colors in all four slots marked on the screenshot seen above (two colors for the blue team and two colors for the orange team). Second of all, some of the categories don't have any objects available at the start of the game. The only way to change that is to complete enough matches so that new objects will be added to the list in the garage menu.
Important - Don't try to customize Sweet Tooth for the purpose of this achievement, because the game won't allow you to make any modifications with the exception of paint jobs.
How to unlock: You must score 6 goals in a single match.
Comments: This achievement is a lot easier than you think, because you can choose an Exhibition mode (single match) without bots and then simply start sending the ball towards an unguarded goal. You can do that at the very beginning of each round (correct speed and angle are required) or hit the ball a few times to guide it towards its destination. Either way you shouldn't have any problems getting six goals that way in one match.
How to unlock: You must complete one of the training sessions.
Comments: This is an easier version of the Drill Sergeant achievement, because for its purpose you only have to complete one training session, not all three. Go to the main menu and choose the Training option. Ignore the main tutorial and the free play mode and instead take interest in three training sessions listed at the bottom of the page - Goalie (defending goals while playing as a goalkeeper), Striker (scoring goals while playing as an attacker) and Aerial (hitting the ball when it's high in the air). Each of these categories offers ten challenges on three different difficulty settings and for the purpose of this achievement you only have to complete the Rookie level. Once you've begun a training session start completing lessons. Since it's the lowest difficulty setting they shouldn't be a big problem to you. If you fail a lesson, press a button/key responsible for retrying it and don't worry that doing this will prevent you from scoring a maximum 10 points. You will receive the achievement after completing the basic lessons from one of the schools mentioned earlier (you can ignore the Pro and All-Star challenges entirely).
Important - The challenges are randomized each time you begin a new training session. You can use this to your advantage to try and wait for getting the easiest set of lessons.
How to unlock: You must win a match you were tied or losing with 60 seconds or less on the clock.
Comments: The easiest way to obtain this achievement is by playing the Rookie skill level bots in the Exhibition mode. Choose a 2v2 or 3v3 match. There must be at least a 1:1 tie (each team must score at least one goal!). Wait for the last minute of the match to begin and then start attacking the enemy's goal. Since you're going against Rookie bots, you shouldn't be stopped. Once you've scored a goal make sure that the other team doesn't do the same before the match ends.
Important - If you're having problems with this achievement, you can ask a friend to help you or connect a second controller. In both of these cases the other team won't be giving any reactions and therefore winning in the last minute will be a piece of cake.
How to unlock: You must win the first match in the Season mode.
Comments: Choose the Season mode from the main menu. You can pick your favorite type of matches (like 2v2 for example) and you should also make sure to set the skill level of the bots to Rookie. Winning against the opposite team shouldn't be a problem; however, if you see that you're losing, don't forget to restart the match before it ends.
How to unlock: You must obtain 5 items (excluding the ones available at the start of the game).
Comments: You can find out more information on unlocking objects from the Stoked achievement description. Here's a short reminder - you receive a new item after each completed match and it doesn't matter if you've won the game or lost.
How to unlock: You must complete 20 matches.
Comments: This is one of the easiest achievements in the game. You can complete matches in the singleplayer mode or in multiplayer sessions. Furthermore, you don't even have to win them, because only participating in them counts for this achievement.
How to unlock: You must make 20 saves.
Comments: Before you take interest in this achievement, you should know what types of actions are accounted. The game will only acknowledge defensive actions taken against the ball heading directly towards your goal and which resulted in hitting it back in order to prevent the other team from scoring a point. Other actions, such as hitting the ball when it's somewhere else in the goal line, are not taken under consideration.
You will know that you've performed a good defensive action if you'll see a Save (screenshot above) or Epic Save (hitting the ball at the very last moment) information at the top of the screen.
The fastest way to get this achievement in my opinion is to start playing 3v3 Exhibition matches with bots. Consider setting the skill level of the bots to Pro so that their attacks will be more frequent. I wouldn't recommend choosing the All-Star skill level, because you might have some serious problems hitting the ball before it reaches your goal.
How to unlock: You must complete a regular Season.
Comments: This is an easier version of the Champion achievement, because the game doesn't force you to win the championship. This means you don't have to work so hard to continue winning the matches. You should also know you can choose the shortest version of the season which consists of only nine matches.
Important - It's best to unlock this achievement while working on the Champion achievement so you won't have to restart the season. The achievement should pop after advancing to the play-offs.
How to unlock: You must play with two classic cars.
Comments: The classic cars are the vehicles from Psyonix's previous game. They are Octane and Backfire. Octane is available from the very beginning of the game and Backfire needs to be unlocked by completing a sufficient number of matches. The game only asks you to play these vehicles so you won't have to win any matches with them.
How to unlock: You must win a 1v1 (one on one) match.
Comments: Despite what you might think, you don't have to complete a match with a bot or with another gamer to get this achievement. You can go to the Exhibition Mode and choose to play a 1v1 match without the second bot. All you have to do is score at least one goal and wait for the match to end. If you don't want to "cheat" the game using the method mentioned above, you can turn on the bot and set his skill level to Rookie so you'll basically have a guaranteed win.
How to unlock: You must completely fill and empty the rocket boost bar ten times during a single match.
Comments: This is an easy achievement and it's best to obtain it by playing an Exhibition match without bots. Take interest in orange pressure plates with orbs hovering over them - one of them is displayed on the screenshot above. Driving over such a pressure plate will fully charge your rocket boost bar (100 units) and once that has happened you must start depleting it without any interruptions (consider driving on the walls of the stadiums so you won't crash into anything). Repeat this maneuver nine more times. Five minutes is plenty of time to get the job done and even if you don't make it, you can still use the overtime.
How to unlock: You must score a goal while reversing.
Comments: This achievement is a lot easier to get than what you might think, because you can unlock it while playing an Exhibition match without bots or other players. Once you've started a match make a 180 degree turn with your vehicle and then press the right analogue stick so that you'll change the position of the camera. You may now begin reversing. Don't move too fast and you won't have any problems with guiding the ball to the goal of the opposite team.
How to unlock: You must obtain all items (including all cars).
Comments: Unlocking this achievement takes a lot of time, but the good news is that you don't have to perform any complicated actions in order to get it. 32 items are available at the start of the game and the 165 remaining ones need to be unlocked. You can unlock new items simply by taking part in matches. The great thing about this achievement is that the game only counts the fact of completing a match so it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing. Furthermore, you have a free choice of game modes - you can play solo matches, with bots, do a season, take interest in multiplayer etc. You can track your progress using the statistics window which is accessible from the main menu - choose Extras and then Stats. The number of played matches is displayed in the top left corner of the screen (see the screenshot above).
There's a total of eleven vehicles in the game, and they're also treated as objects, because they're basically new skins with identical top speed, acceleration and durability. Ten out of eleven cars can be unlocked thanks to completing matches. The final eleventh vehicle is Sweet Tooth and it's the only that's harder to unlock. Read the description of the Battle-Car Collector achievement to find out what needs to be done (you must win at least one match with several other vehicles).
How to unlock: You must win a total of 30 matches.
Comments: This is one of the easier achievements in the game, because it doesn't have any restrictions. You can play with the Rookie bots if you want to so that you won't have any problems winning with them.
How to unlock: You must play against every team in the Season mode.
Comments: You don't have to behave in any special way while playing the Season mode. You will eventually go against every team from the roster and it will happen even if you've chosen the shortest possible version of the season. You should also know that the game is interested only in the fact of completing matches against other teams so you don't necessarily have to with all of them.
How to unlock: You must win ten matches in a row.
Comments: This achievement is a lot less complicated than you would think, because you're free to choose the game mode and the game's settings. I recommend choosing the Exhibition mode or the Season mode. Pick the 1v1 or 2v2 game and set the skill level of the bots to Rookie so they won't be a challenge.
Important - You can also cheat a little if you want to by playing Exhibition games without any bots. All you have to do then is to score a single goal in the game and wait for it to end.
How to unlock: You must customize one slot in your vehicle.
Comments: This is a (much) easier version of the Grease Monkey achievement, because you only have to make one modification. Choose the Garage from the main menu, go to one of the tabs and make some changes to instantly unlock this achievement.
How to unlock: You must complete a match in every stadium.
Comments: Rocket League features four main stadiums - Beckwith Park, DFH Stadium, Mannfield and Urban Central. You have to finish one match on each of these stadiums and you can completely ignore their other varations (like the ones with modified weather or a different time of day). It's also worth mentioning that the game is not interested whether you've won or lost the matches.
How to unlock: You must win a 3v3 (three on three) match.
Comments: Despite what you might think you don't have to complete a match with bots or with other gamers to get this achievement. You can go to the Exhibition Mode and choose to play a 3v3 match without any bots. All you have to do is score at least one goal and wait for the match to end. If you don't want to "cheat" the game using the method mentioned above, you can turn on the bots and set their skill level to Rookie so you'll basically have a guaranteed win.
How to unlock: You must use rocket boost for a total of 5 minutes.
Comments: This is one of the easiest achievement in the game. Notice orange pressure plates around the stadium - driving over them will grant you energy needed for the rocket boost. Just keep using the rocket boost as often as possible and you'll eventually get the achievement (you can also ignore the match and simply start driving between pressure plates with rocket boost turned on).
How to unlock: You must obtain all of the remaining achievements / trophies.
Comments: In the PS4 version of Rocket League this is the platinum trophy. In the PC version it's an achievement awarded by unlocking the 35 remaining base achievements (not counting the DLC ones).
How to unlock: You must spend a total of 5 minutes driving on the walls of the stadium.
Comments: You shouldn't have any major problems with this achievement, because the cars in Rocket League offer tons of grip when driving on walls and you don't have to worry about them suddenly losing contact with the walls. Just make sure to stay away from the ceiling. You can get this achievement in any mode you want to - our recommendation is the Exhibition match without the presence of AI bots.
How to unlock: You must win a total of 5 matches.
Comments: This is one of the easiest achievement in the game, because it doesn't have any restrictions. You can play with the Rookie bots and that will guarantee you easy wins.
PC version of Rocket League doesn't have high system requirements. You can easily play the game even if you have a PC that is a few years old and if it contains a basic dual/quad core processor along with a GeForce GTX 2xx class graphics card. The game also doesn't need a lot of RAM, doesn't take much space on the HDD and can be launched on older operating systems (including Windows Vista with the latest Service Pack installed).
We've prepared this guide based on the PlayStation 4 version of the game. Although it's acceptable, its optimization is far from perfect. The game can put the console's fan to a test from time to time. The framerate also tends to drop a little, especially when playing with a maximum number of 8 players on a stadium with weather effects turned on. Thankfully those aren't serious issues and the game can be fully enjoyed without having to wait for the upcoming patches.
Rocket League offers a chance to play matches solo; however, it shines when it comes to multiplayer sessions. The developers have prepared a wide variety of multiplayer modes - you can play co-op or against each other. The game supports both the local sessions (split-screen) as well as the online ones. For the PC version of Rocket League we recommend playing with a controller, because using only a keyboard isn't that comfortable.
Singleplayer: Yes
Offline co-op (split screen/hot seat): Yes
Online co-op: Yes
Multiplayer: Yes