Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is the next episode of the LEGO series. Once again, we impersonate characters from DC comic books. This game guide presents a complete walkthrough to all the quests in the game. Every admirer of the DC universe, as well as players who've just started getting to know it, should take interest in this game. In the first few chapters of the guide, you will find some general tips concerning game mechanics and information about solving puzzles, which you will encounter throughout the game. Later chapters contain a complete walkthrough, along with hints that will be useful when fighting bosses or solving difficult logic riddles. The "Bosses and strategies" chapter contains description of all the elite opponents and tactics that will allow you to handle them. There are also chapters devoted to collectibles, which you encounter very often in Beyond Gotham. Thanks to them, you will be able to complete the game in 100% and the hints in the guide will allow you to find all the secrets that you might've overlooked. In one of the last chapters, you will find a list of all the playable characters in the game, along with explanation of their skills and hints on when to use them. The last chapter is devoted to the technical aspects of the game.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham game guide contains:
Jacek "Ramzes" Winkler ()
During your stay on Green Lantern's planets, you will encounter a whole lot of quests and secrets. To find every one of them, you need to know the territory well, but there's one thing that will help you - columns of light. Columns of light are hints that help you find a secret or a quest. There is no map depicting the planets, so this is the only way of navigating through the area. You can unlock new vehicles here, which you haven't encountered earlier. You can also test them by participating in races. Completing all the quests on the planets will provide you new characters and more Gold Bricks, which will allow you to complete 100% of the game. Each planet also has its own marker on the world map, which shows the progress in finding secrets. You can check your progress any time. A good idea is to purchase the coin attractor, for one Red Brick, as it will be no longer necessary to walk through each coin.
The Atom will allow you to enter small rooms.
Surely, you've encountered a Minikit or a Character Token that was out of your reach and the hint was mentioning a yet unknown character - The Atom. This hero has a special power that allows him to shrink to the size of an atom, giving you the ability to enter rooms unavailable for other characters. If you have no Red Bricks for which you could buy the ability to shrink your heroes, Atom should be your choice for picking up all the collectibles.
To unlock The Atom, you have to complete The Big Grapple mission. Just as in the case of picking up collectibles, the best moment to unlock him is right after completing the main campaign, because it's necessary for you to already have Plastic Man and Batman's Arctic Suit. After a short cut-scene, switch to Plastic Man and approach the platform shown on the picture. After stepping onto the other side, you will not only be able to move around freely, but you will also obtain a Minikit.
The place shown on the picture is the area where you can unlock The Atom. Destroy all the silver objects and build a machine from the bricks on the floor. You can use Cyborg's Demolition Suit.
After completing the task, go to the left side and put out the fire using Batman's Arctic Suit. Then, use the machine to pull the lever located higher.
Go to the left side and use the vehicle located there. Face the machine that you've built (if you have any troubles with the camera, just use the key responsible for looking down). When driving, clean up the green toxic substance visible on the picture.
After facing the machine, the vehicle will land automatically. Get out of it and use the two levers that will appear nearby. After doing that, you will unlock The Atom Character Token.
Unlocking Poison Ivy is necessary for completing 100% of the game.
Poison Ivy is another character that will allow you to collect Minikits unavailable for others. To unlock here, you have to complete a series of steps. The first one, just like in any other case, is to complete the main campaign. It is definitely the best moment for starting to unlock all the characters or finding collectibles. The second step is to go to the Hall of Justice and completing all the quests that you encounter (the description of all of them can be found in the Hall of Justice chapter (Missions)). The mission, in which you unlock Poison Ivy as a reward, is called Love Stinks and it's the twelfth mission in this location. To complete it, you first have to complete all the quests connected to Hall of Doom.
Poison Ivy and the monster will be standing at the beginning of the Hall of Doom after you complete the Garden of Love mission. Talk to her and you will receive a quest. It consists in preparing a special concoction, which will bring the monster back to live (you can find the description of the whole mission in the Hall of Justice chapter - Love Stinks). For completing this mission, you will obtain a Character Token - Poison Ivy.
Collecting coins doesn't have to be arduous
When completing the main campaign, you've surely found not much coins. Their number is usually less then 170000 per mission and new character prices are often ten times higher. To buy all the characters and vehicles, you would have to collect coins for several days, but there's one trick that will help you to do it faster.
Right after completing the main campaign, go to Green Lantern's planet, Oa, and start collecting the coins spread around the map. Here, you can find the most of them and a small territory. You will find a whole lot of blue coins and a few purple ones (also hundreds of silver coins, but you can skip them). When clearing the location from all coins one time, you will collect about 100000 of them - not bad for a few minutes of work.
The computer in which you activate upgrades in exchange for Red Bricks
The next step is unlocking an upgrade that increases the number of coins that you collect. You can unlock five such upgrades in exchange for Red Bricks (x2, x4, x6, x8 and x10). Below, you can see a list of all the Red Bricks that unlock the upgrades.
After collecting the Bricks, you should go to the trophy hall in the Batcave or the Watchtower and activate them on the computer. Each activation costs a given amount of coins, so collect them in the place described earlier and buy the upgrade as soon as you have enough coins. The hardest part will be the beginning. With no upgrades, you will need to go back to Oa more than tem times to gather enough coins, but after purchasing the second upgrade, the speed of the process will be increased considerably. The upgrades doesn't "overwrite" one another, which means that if you have x2 upgrade and you buy the x4, you will receive 8 times more coins. When completing these steps, you will come to a moment in which you will collect up to a billion coins for one stay on Oa (the last upgrade is x3840!).
Remember also that when unlocking Red Bricks (buying upgrades), the upgrade won't start working until you activate it in the main menu. You can switch an upgrade on or off any time you want.
The best way to complete 100% of the game is to follow a few steps. The first one is of course completing the main campaign. When doing that, you don't need to look for Minikits or other collectibles. The only thing about which you should remember is collecting coins. In every mission, you can achieve the Real Hero rank, which is necessary for fully completing the game. The progress bar can be found in the main menu, during mission. You can of course omit this step and collect coins in free playing mode. The coins you collect during the main campaign do not reset and you won't be able to gather them in freeplay.
The next step is the freeplay mode. Here, you start to collect all the items and to unlock all the characters. Using the world map, you will be able to see how many of such collectibles can be found in a given mission and how many have you found so far. In the mission menu, you will also find information about the Real Hero rank. In freeplay, you can switch between characters with one or two clicks and collect items that were unavailable for you earlier.
Another important element is unlocking two characters - the Atom and Poison Ivy. They will allow you to access places that were locked for other characters (more on unlocking these characters in the chapters devoted to them) and you won't have to go back several times to places where you've already searched.
Once you gather all the collectibles, it's time to purchase all the characters and vehicles. Here you can use a little trick, which allows you to collect coins quickly (Check the "Earning coins fast" chapter for more info).
Requirements for completing 100% of the game:
The first mission starts with two characters: Batman and Robin. First, look around the room you are in and learn the controls. As soon as you do that, start smashing objects made of LEGO bricks. You will get points in return, thus improving your mission score (more information about the points can be found in the chapter General tips).
Jump at the platforms, as shown in the picture. In order to do this, you have to approach the first platform and press the interact button. When you are on the platform, jump, collecting bricks on the way. Approach the lever at the end of the second platform and press the interact button to open the gate.
Once you manage to open the water-gate, jump down and start smashing the objects that were previously flooded.
As soon as you destroy the objects and collect points, head left, and build a machine (the interact button). More information about building objects can be found in the chapter General tips).
Once you have built the machine switch characters to Robin (change suit button) and collect the token. This unlocks Robin's suit, giving you the ability to collect important bricks and walk through toxic areas.
While playing as Robin look around the room and start collecting the bricks lying on the floor (hold the interact button).
Once you collect all 25 bricks, approach the machine and press the interact button. The machine will use the bricks you gathered to build a cannon, which will help you get to the next part of this location. When the cannon is ready, approach it and press the interact button in order to set the direction. Once the barricade is down, switch characters to Batman and collect the token there.
Collecting the token will unlock another Batman's suit. Approach the wall and press the interact button, in order to use his special ability. After you do that, press again the interact button to destroy the wall. Now you have to arrange the pipes to allow water to flow through.
Rearrange the bricks so to create a water flow as shown in the picture above. Do not forget about unblocking the bricks at both ends of the flow.
Move to the next part of the location, smashing all brick-made objects on the way (the only thing you cannot smash is the golden toilet), until you get to the place shown in the picture. Switch characters to Robin and select his Hazard Suit (hold the change suit button in order to open the selection screen or press the quick access button, in order to switch suits without opening the selection screen). This will enable you to walk across the toxic sludge, which is blocking the way for Batman.
Once you make it across the toxic sludge, destroy all the objects there. Also shoot the valves next to the ladder and destroy the ones that fall on the ground. After smashing the bricks, go to the right side, next to the ladder, and build a mechanism that will lower the ladder, thus creating a way up for you.
Go up while smashing all the objects on the way, and stand on the first mechanism on the left, then jump on the one on the right (marked with red light). This way you will shut down the water-gates, which will put out the fire below, creating a path for Batman.
Switch characters to Batman and approach the pillar that supports the train. Use his special ability to destroy the pillar, thus creating a way upwards.
When you go up, switch characters to Robin, approach the lever before you and use it. You may smash the brick-made objects before doing that and create a rope, which will help you to collect the bricks you passed before, when making the jump.
Once you use the lever, jump to the other side. If your jump is not far enough, press the so-called double jump (when you jump, press the jump button again to perform a roll in the air, which increases the distance of the jump).
When you get into the larger room, start smashing all the objects there. After that, approach the sewer crate and build an object out of the bricks scattered around.
When you get to the other side of the sewer you will come to Killer Croc boss fight. The first thing you should do is switching characters to Batman and putting on the Sensor Suit. Walk to the central part of the room, and you will notice turbines on both sides of the room (see the picture). Approach them and use Batman's special ability. While being near either of the turbines, stand on it to unlock the passage beneath it. While you are standing on the platform, Croc will jump above the surface of water, throwing around bricks, which you need to build a cannon.
Now move to the center, smash all the objects there, and use thus acquired bricks to build a machine. After that, switch characters to Robin and put on the Hazard Suit. Approach the turbines, which you have unlocked before, and collect the bricks lying on the floor.
Once you have gathered the bricks from both turbines, approach the machine and move the bricks there to build a cannon. You also have to avoid Croc Henchmen attacks, although they are not very tough. Most of the fighting is done by your partner. Man the cannon you have just built, and as soon as Croc is in sight, shoot him.
When the job is done, you can review the mission summary. Do not worry about Minikits, Gold Bricks or saving Adam West, because you could not have done this at this point anyway. You could have however, earned True Hero status by collecting 70,000 points from studs. You should have had no problems with that, if you smashed all brick-made objects on the way.
When you resume control over characters, select Batman and put on the Sensor Suit. Approach the wall next to you and arrange the brick at their places. You will also find a switch in the middle, which unlocks a nearby locker.
Approach the now unlocked locker and collect a Batman's token (Power Suit). Smash all the objects on the platform (you can use explosives for that). The next step is building a mechanism out of bricks lying on the platform.
Once you have built the mechanism, approach it and turn it left. This way you extend a platform that allows you to get to the other side of the room.
When you get to the other side, wear the Sensor Suit and turn on invisibility (hold the interact button). Now you can enter the room ahead of you without being spotted by the camera. At the end of the small room, change to the Power Suit and plant a bomb on the locker. When it blows, approach the lever there and pull it.
When the security system is off, switch back to Robin, then enter the small room and destroy all objects there. One of them drops a Robin's token (Techno Suit)
Once you have collected the suit, approach the main panel as Robin and use it. The picture above shows the part when you have to match colors of the central square in each column with the colors of the squares on its either side. Place the cursor over the central light in the left column and wait until it changes its color to the one on its either side, then press the correct button. Repeat that for all lights in order to unlock the elevator next to you.
When you get to the next level, collect all the studs and head left as Robin. Above you, next to a rock, there is a spot you should fire at (see the picture). Use your special ability (hold the interact button as Robin) at this spot in order to unlock a path to Batman. Jump and grab the poles sticking out of the wall, until you reach Batman.
Once you have made the jump, disperse the bats (keep pressing the onscreen button), and when you jump down, switch to Alfred. While controlling Alfred you can get across flames. Approach the mechanism and use the bricks lying around to create a device able to put out the fire. Thus, you will create a path for Robin.
When playing as Robin, approach the bricks lying around and create an object. Wear the Techno Suit and summon a robot, whom you should move toward the console at the end of the path (once there, repeatedly press the action button). Again you get attacked by bats, so keep pressing the action button.
Go back to the center of the room and build an object out of the bricks lying on the floor. As Robin, put on the Techno Suit and approach the nearby console. There are two clamps which you have to use. Move the gunpoint on one of them and press the correct button. Repeat that on the second clamp to lower the platform next to you, which will take you to Batman.
On your way upwards you will find a Robin's token (Ollumination Suit). In order to get to the cave above, you will have to charge it up. Approach the object on the right and hold the correct button while wearing the suit.
On the second floor on the left there is a destructible object, which drops your first Minikit. As soon as you collect the studs enter the cave and destroy the obstacle blocking your way.
When you get through the cave, collect all the studs on the other side. Take the stairs down and use the energy charger as Robin to illuminate your path ahead.
Approach the dark cave on the left and illuminate the path as Robin. As soon as you do that, switch characters to Alfred and smash the objects there. After that you can use the resulting bricks to create another object (in order to get the second Minikit).
When it is done, more bricks appear near the cave, which you can use to create an object. Once it is read, approach the object as Robin and use the Techno Suit to unlock access to the boat.
Go to the left toward the boat and press the correct button. Once you enter the boat, aim at Batmobile and start shooting.
When the boat is destroyed, head left and switch characters to Alfred in order to get through the flames. On the higher platform construct a fire extinguisher to create a path for Robin, and enter the elevator together.
Once you leave the elevator, smash all the nearby objects, and use the resulting bricks to create the Batcycle. Use it to fire at the Batmobile, and when it destroys your Batcycle, go to the nearby ladder.
On the higher level, use the bricks on the ground to create a way for Robin's robot. Then put on the Techno Suit and summon the robot (customarily the interact button).
Get the robot under the hatch you have created, then press the correct button to get on the other side. After that, stand next to the nearby console and create a path for your characters.
On the higher level, approach the damaged computer and use the bricks to build a machine. Once it is ready, change to Hazard Suit as Robin and start collecting the bricks on the floor. After that, approach the machine and create a back-up computer.
Upon using the computer you get into virtual reality. Before starting the mission, go to the lower area to find lots of studs (worth even 10,000 points). The studs cannot be seen at first, so search the area carefully. As soon as you collect them you can go the first platform and hop on the glowing one. Do the same with other platforms.
Go down to the lower level and to the right side of the cave. Before you use the Batwing, it is a good idea to look around. You can find lots of studs nearby.
Once you have collected all the precious stuff, you can sit in the Batwing and fire at the Batmobile from a distance.
Batman boss fight awaits you. Try dodging his blows, and if bats get all around you, protect yourself from them (repeatedly press the action button). At one point Batman starts throwing objects at you, which get smashed into pieces. You have to use these to create spotlights. Avoid Batman's attacks, and as soon as you notice bricks on the ground run toward them and create another spotlight. When you manage to turn the spotlight at Batman, run toward him and hit him once. You will have to repeat these steps throughout the entire fight.
First, just as in the previous missions, collect all studs in the room. As the Martian Manhunter approach the wall shown in the picture, and use the special ability. A panel will eject from the wall, where you have to rearrange the bricks. Two on the left (up and down) and one on the right. Once the panel is activated, statues will rise in the center of the room.
First, use the central pillar. You just have to move the lever to activate the procedure. The other pillar stands on the left side of the room. Use Martian Manhunter's special ability, and as soon as the plug appears on the statue switch characters to Green Lantern and grapple the plug.
When the statue on the left is down, bricks get scattered across the floor, which you should use to build a platform. Stand on the platform as Green Lantern and use his special ability to create another object, which you need in order to destroy the last statue.
After a brief cut-scene, select Batman and put on the Power Suit. This will enable you to destroy objects made of silver bricks. Collect all studs and head on. You will encounter a laser barrier. In order to walk past it, you have to use Batman's explosives on the gate (it is made of silver bricks).
Head upstairs and smash the bricks there. Switch characters to Robin and wear the Techno Suit. Build a tool of the bricks scattered on the floor and summon a robot, which you should use to get access to a machine.
After that, rails will come out of the cave. Switch characters to Batman and use the Power Suit. Hold the correct button and aim at the silver brick above you (the one with Batman logo).
Once the entrance is open, grapple the plug to get up on the platform. Switch characters to Robin, approach the nearby console and keep pressing the correct button.
Go downstairs and collect a token for Batman. In order to get that, first you should destroy the silver objects that protects it (change to Power Suit and use explosives on that). Once you have collect the Sonar Suit, shatter the glass objects nearby.
Now, use Robin's Hazard Suit and collect all the bricks on the ground. Then change to Techno Suit and summon a robot. Send it through the hatch to get the platform on the right, and as soon as you get there head downstairs and extend the bridge for the heroes to pass.
Switch characters to Batman and smash all objects around you (glass objects can be destroyed when you are wearing the Sonar Suit).
After smashing the objects, switch back to Robin and approach the console while wearing the Techno Suit, in order to create a machine. Put on the Hazard Suit and collect the bricks from the floor, then put them inside the machine to create a fan.
Switch characters to Batman and hop up using the fan. When you are on the upper platform wear the Sensor Suit and approach the green wall.
Change the position of two bricks (one on the right and one on the left) in order to make the fuel flow toward rockets. Then grab the handle with any character in order start the flow.
As Batman wear the Sensor Suit and approach the tank on the right, and as soon as the door turns into glass put on the Sonar Suit and shatter it.
After shattering the glass door switch to Robin and put on the Hazard Suit. This is the only way to walk across the toxic sludge inside the tank without hurting yourself. At its other side use the grappling hook to create a way for Batman.
Get to the center of the platform and switch characters to Batman. Use the Sensor Suit to detect silver bricks inside the dark cave. Destroy them with the Power Suit and switch back to Robin. When playing as Robin put on the Illumination Suit and charge it up at the nearby generator. As soon as you do that, jump inside the dark cave and get into the vehicle.
While inside the vehicle, drive into the cave and look for silver bricks. You can search them with the interact button to receive studs. Once you have searched four of them, you will get a token (another suit for Batman).
Collect the token as Batman. While wearing the Space Suit you can destroy gold objects. Approach two such objects and destroy them, and use the resulting bricks to create new objects (the object on the right is only available after completing the mission in the free play, and only when you are accompanied by Green Lantern. More on that can be found in the chapter General tips).
After creating the object on the left side of the platform you will be able to refuel Batman's Space Suit, allowing him to fly around. After that, fly to the platform next to the fueling machine (when you jump press again the jump button in order to start flying).
You can smash all the objects on the platform in order to collect studs. Still using the Space Suit destroy the gold brick object in order to lower the ladder, creating a way for Robin.
Using Batman's Space Suit fly to another platform and cut through the gold brick wall with a laser. The shape of the cut is displayed on the screen - your job is to use direction keys to manipulate the laser.
When the gold wall is down, some bricks get scattered across the floor, which you can use to create a computer. In order to use the computer you need to switch to Robin. The only way to get to the higher platform is to fly there, so use Batman's Sensor Suit. Approach the right edge of the platform and press the correct button. This will create a way for Robin. Switch characters to Robin, use his staff on the socket (hold the correct button), and perform a series of jumps.
Use Robin's Techno Suit and start hacking the computer. While in the virtual reality you will have to unlock three buttons on the floor. Get through the maze, and after using the last button destroy the silver brick that appears there. This way you will get your first character. After that, go down through the maze and smash the first digit. The second one can be reached by performing perfectly timed jumps from one brick to another. Do not stand on the bricks that turn red, so not to fall down into nothingness.
When it comes to the third digit, first you have to learn how do the bricks move. They move in waves, and if you jump at a wrong moment, you will not in get to the other side. The picture shows the perfect moment for the jump. You need to jump when a wave just begins to lower at your side. Now you need to simply run toward the right spot.
After hacking the computer, the machine will put the last piece of the rocket in its place, and you can go to the bridge and fly off.
After a short cut-scene take control over the Batrocket as Batman. Learn the controls, while destroying the ships sent by Joker. At one point, when he sends a special rocket, search for a Minikit floating somewhere in the middle. Shoot at the rocket when it is not moving and avoid it when it is. Also collect power-ups dropped by downed enemies. These will grant you a shield, laser, or a destructive force field.
When you can control a character again, start collecting all studs around. In the central part (on the other side) you will find a gold object to be destroyed by Batman. The hatch contains the Magnet Suit for Cyborg. Approach the force field, as shown in the picture, and use Cyborg's special ability while wearing the Magnet Suit. Thus, you will destroy the obstacle and make the way clear.
After collecting all studs and other stuff, approach the force filed. As Cyborg wear Demolition Suit to destroy silver objects creating the force field.
As soon as a rocket hits the space station, switch characters to Batman, and use his Space Suit to cut through the gold object.
After destroying the rocket, create a flying machine. In order to do that, first you have to create a construction pad for Flash. When it is ready have Flash step inside the circle and press the correct button.
After a brief cut-scene, take control over Cyborg and wear the Magnet Suit. Approach the blue wall, as shown in the picture, and open it. After doing so, you will notice a gold wall. Use Batman's Space Suit, cut through it, and use the resulting bricks to create a machine.
As Cyborg wear the Space Suit and recharge it, then fly to the upper platform. When up there, approach the blue wall, as shown in the picture, and use the Magnet Suit to unlock access to the generator.
Switch characters to Batman and cut through the gold object below using the Space Suit.
Switch characters to Cyborg and fly to the platform on the right (you may also collect the studs by the main gate). If you need more fuel, use the machine below. Eliminate all the enemies and smash all objects in your reach. You should build a mechanism on the circle in the center, which can extend the bridge for your companions.
Use Batman's Power Suit to destroy silver bricks and build another machine in the center. Switch characters to Flash and get on the newly created machine. Thanks to Flash's speed you will be able to overload the generator and open the main gate.
After watching a cut-scene, destroy the two lasers by the nearby entrance. You can also look around the room to find lots of studs and destructible objects. After collecting the studs, switch to Robin and wear the Magnet Suit.
Go up the stairs and destroy the blue hatch. Switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Demolition Suit to smash the silver object next to you.
After destroying the object, use the resulting bricks to create a control panel, and unlock the locker next to you. You will notice a character token. In order to get to it, wear the Magnet Suit and smash the glass covering the token. Collect the token with Robin and use the newly acquired Sphere Suit to get inside the mechanism next to you. Unlock the door while using the Sphere Suit. Use direction keys to point at the door, and start moving.
Once you have regained control over your characters, collect all studs in the location you are in. Head right and destroy all objects there, and use the resulting bricks to create a control panel.
Approach the console next to you and hack it. First click on the LEGO minifigure icon and then on the appearing blocks. A hatch appears next to you, where you can find Cyborg's Giant Suit.
After dealing with opponents, use Cyborg's new suit, approach the locked door and press the correct button. As soon as you eliminate all enemies, destroy the main door and proceed to the next location.
A combat with Firefly awaits you. First, destroy all objects in the center of the room. You may also collect studs from other objects in this room (on its sides), but you need to avoid Firefly's attacks. The best character for this is Flash. As soon you collect the studs, create a water cannon from the bricks in the center of the room, and use it. Aim at Firefly and keep shooting. When you defeat him, extinguish fire by the blocked stairs and use Wonder Woman's hook to remove the obstacle.
The second boss is Cheetah. Start beating on her, and when she grabs you, change characters and smack her a few times so she let your other hero go. Repeat this until Cheetah runs off to the ceiling. In order to draw her down you have to build a platform for Wonder Woman and step into the circle. This will allow you to deflect the laser, as shown in the picture, into her. First, aim at the gold objects next to you so to collect studs, then aim at the platform she is on.
When you can control your characters again, approach the platform on the right as Cyborg, and wear the Demolition Suit. Destroy the silver crate and use the resulting bricks to build a platform. Stand on that as Robin and use the Sphere Suit to unlock the air tunnel.
After building the object, take Cyborg into the air tunnel, which will take him up. Change to the Space Suit, charge it up at the nearby generator, and fly over to the other side.
Wear the Giant Suit and destroy the nearby door. As soon as you do that, cut through the gold object to create a way for Robin.
Use Robin's Magnet Suit to get to the upper platform (you can climb up the blue metal pipes) and change to Techno Suit. Summon a robot and start hacking the door.
When you are on the upper platform, use Robin's Illumination Suit and charge it up at the nearby generator. Go to the center of the area and smash brick-made objects between the containers. Use the resulting bricks to build a lamp, then switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Giant Suit. This way you will be able to stand up to Grundy. In combat, press buttons as prompted on the screen.
After the fight, switch characters to Robin, charge up the energy at the generator, and head right. Illuminate the container an it will turn silver. Switch characters to Cyborg and destroy the container with the Demolition Suit, then use the resulting bricks to create a pump.
Once the container is pumped, start fighting Croc as Cyborg wearing the Giant Suit. In combat, press buttons as prompted onscreen in order to defeat him.
Next, you have to fight against Luthor and Joker. Switch to Superman and start fighting off Joker's henchmen. After eliminating all enemies, resume fighting with Luthor. The best strategy is shooting him with Superman's lasers. He will summon his henchmen several times, and you will have to deal with them while Luthor is inactive.
During combat, create a platform in the center of the room. Have Superman stand on it and select objects you want destroyed. This will allow you to construct another object. This new machine can be used by Batman in new suit. However, in order to reach it, you have to fly on the higher platform as Superman.
Destroy all the objects there (the gold brick can be destroyed with a laser) and create a ladder for Batman using bricks scattered on the floor. After doing that, take control over Batman and climb up on the ladder. Wear the Magnet Suit and shatter the glass covering the token. Pick up the token, and as soon as you change the suit, approach the generator (the generator is upstairs) and charge it up to maximum. Then jump down and transmit the energy to the machine in the center.
Move your characters to the left side of the Watchtower (the trail of purple bricks will show you the way to your destination).
Back in the prison cells, build a platform in the middle, and switch characters to Martian Manhunter. In order to build the platform, first you need to destroy the electric device. A good way to do that is by using Batman's Electricity Suit (so the electricity did not hurt you). As the Martian Manhunter stand on the platform and teleport beyond the force field.
As soon as you get on the other side of the field, you will notice a glass pane, and a bandit behind it. Approach the pane as Martian Manhunter and mind control the bandit. Use him to destroy the objects inside and pull the lever to turn off the force filed, creating a way for your companions.
Head left and switch characters to Batman. Wear the Power Suit and destroy the silver bricks blocking your way. Then select a character with lasers, e.g. Martian Manhunter or Batman in the Space Suit. Cut through the gold wall and proceed to the next location.
You and your friends get trapped inside Green Lantern's green force field. In order to get free you have to switch characters to Cyborg and put on the Magnet Suit. Go to the left side of the field and aim at the blue brick object. This way you will bring the janitor closer to Martian Manhunter. Switch characters to Martian Manhunter and approach as close to the janitor as possible. Press the correct button to take control over his mind.
While mind controlling the janitor you may first look around for studs. You can find up to 40,000 points, so it is good to spend some time on smashing all objects. Once you have collected all the studs, go to the right and hack the console there. Hacking the console is simple. You need to align the rings so that the colors matched. The best idea is to start from the outer ring, as the required colors are on the outside). If you manage to handle all three, hold on a second before clicking the icon in the center.
The screen shows different icons. The one on the right can unlock a Minikit (you must arrange the pieces into Batman's logo). Clicking on other icons will give you a lot of studs. When you collect all of them, click on the central icon to block visibility for Green Lantern and set your heroes free.
After a brief cut-scene, switch characters to Cheetah and approach the blocked passage. You will find there an object that can be dug out from the ground. After she unearths it, switch characters to Flash and stand on the platform to create another object. After killing the snake, look around the hall to find four destructible objects. If you manage to smash all four, you will be rewarded with a Minikit.
Move your characters on, and defeat some opponents. Climb up the ladder and move Wonder Woman near the wall plug. Once you have destroyed it, head downstairs. Smash the object in the middle inside the glass room, and use the resulting bricks to build a treadmill. Hop on the treadmill as Flash to activate lasers.
Once you activate the lasers, go upstairs and switch characters to Wonder Woman. Stand inside the circle on the floor an deflect the laser into the creature. In order to destroy it you need to aim at its gold parts.
Go through the previously blocked passage and use the bricks on the left to create a lever needed to start the elevators.
After the cut-scene switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Stealth Suit. Stand by the door upstairs, right next to the sensor (the Stealth Suit allows you to go through the door while Batman is busy). When Cyborg is in his place, switch characters to Batman, stand by the wall (wear the Sensor Suit), and start hacking the control panel. You need to rotate the circles so that the colors on the outside matched the colors in the inside.
As soon as you do that, a button will appear on the wall. Pressing it moves the upper pistons. You need to press the button so to lift the first one. Once you have done that, enter the glass room as Cyborg (still wearing the Stealth Suit). Keep pressing the button as Batman and walk past new obstacles as Cyborg, until he gets to the other room. Here you can change to the Giant Suit so to quickly eliminate the opponents. After doing that, extend the lover platforms using the lever.
Approach the gold wall as Batman and wear the Space Suit. Use lasers to cut through the wall, then switch characters to Joker and wear the Magnet Suit. As Joker approach the blue object and use his special ability to unlock the door for Cyborg. As soon as you open the door, approach the door on the right as Cyborg and put on the Giant Suit in order to destroy the door (after that you will have to change suits, because otherwise you will not be able to squeeze through such a small door).
After getting through the door, head toward the green wall as Batman, and align the bricks there in a line in the center. This will cause a crate with a token (Batman's Arctic Suit) to come out from the wall.
Once you have collected the suit as Batman, put on the Power Suit and fire a missile at the silver object on the left water tank. When the tank is destroyed, wear Batman's Arctic Suit and shoot at the creature that is blocking the way. When the tentacles are frozen, switch to Cyborg and wear the Giant Suit, then shatter the obstacle.
After getting through, switch characters to Joker and wear the Magnet Suit. Head right and eject the blue panel from the wall, which will enable you to use the console for unlocking the token on the left (behind lasers). Pick it up as Joker.
After putting on the Flower Suit, approach the glass on the left and mind control the worker on the other side. Use him to unlock the way for others.
When you regain control over your characters, switch to Croc and enter the water tank on the left. Use his strength to pull out the control panel from the wall.
After pulling out the panel, switch characters to Luthor and head to the center of the room. Use the bricks on the floor to build a charging station and charge up the Space Suit. After that use the Space Suit to fly up to the platform on the right, and create a way for Robin.
As Robin, approach the platform and press the correct button to get on it, then wear the Magnet Suit to remove the blue clamp. Before you go down to charge up the suit, head to the other room on that floor and put on the Techno Suit and hack the console there.
There are four buttons of different colors in the four corners. Robin has to press the correct buttons as prompted on the lower bar.
After unlocking the way on, have Robin approach the first station on the upper floor and charge up his Illumination Suit. Jump down and head left (you must jump into the water and use the ladder at the other end). When you get to a small passage, build a lamp that will illuminate your way on (in order to create the lamp, first you need to illuminate your way - you have to use fully charged Illumination Suit).
After creating the lamp put on the Techno Suit and activate the left grapple gun. As soon as you do that, head right and use the small bridge to get to the control panel. While wearing Robin's Techno Suit unlock the right grapple gun and go to the central elevator.
Wearing the Techno Suit as Robin use the console in the center and move the cursor at the Brainiac's ship to eject the docking tunnel.
When you can control your characters again, approach Plastic Man and learn how to open a locked, frozen door. You have to beat Mr. Freeze. Switch to Batman and wear the Sensor Suit. Keep smacking Mr. Freeze until he is down. For beating the boss you will be rewarded with a gold brick.
After defeating the boss use Batman's sensors and look up. There are icicles on the ceiling, which you have to destroy. Doing that will drop bricks, which you should use to build a platform. Switch characters to Plastic Man and stand on the platform, and he will destroy the ice blocking the door.
When you get to the next area, use the elevator on the right as Batman and wear the Arctic Suit. This allows you to put out the fire. The resulting bricks can be used to build a chair.
You will be taken into virtual reality. You must collect three digits. To do that you need to go through a series of mazes. To get the first one, head right, as you cannot make a jump to the left.
After hacking the door go to the next location. Switch characters to Luthor and wear the Stealth Suit. Lower the ladder and climb up. Turn on the stealth mode and use the lever up there.
After pulling the first lever put on the Hazard Suit and go across the toxic sludge. When you step out of the sludge, change back to the Stealth Suit and pull the second lever.
Once you have pulled the levers, the way is open. Switch character to Batman and approach the glass cover. In order to shatter it you have to put on the Sonar Suit.
When the platform is built, stand on it as Grundy and create a ball. In order to control it, you have to switch to a character who is shorter than him, e.g. Luthor.
Once you have dealt with the opponents, approach the glass cover in the middle as Batman, and shatter it with the Sonar Suit. Collect the token hidden under the cover as Luthor to get another suit for him (Shield Suit).
After collecting the suit, switch characters to Batman, wear the Electricity Suit, and head right toward the upper level. The electric current will not hurt you now, so approach the control panel and turn off the generator.
Head on as Batman, until you encounter a silver wall. Smash it with the Power Suit and cut through the gold fragment behind it with the Space Suit.
Go on the other side as Batman wearing Electricity Suit and transmit the power you previously gathered into the nearby console. This will hurt the tentacles and unlock the way forward.
There is fire on your way, and here you can use Luthor's new suit. Switch characters and wear the Shield Suit in order to be able to walk through flames. When you get to the other side change back to the Techno Suit and start the procedure in the console.
Create a brick object in the middle of the room and fight off Brainiac's henchmen, then leave the area through the door on the right.
In the next location head left as Robin and use the Techno Suit in order to unblock the pipes nearby. After that change back to the Magnet Suit and climb up on the blue pipes to the higher platform.
While up there, approach the box on the right and grapple the plug. The box will drop bricks needed to build a fueling machine for Cyborg. As Cyborg approach the newly created station and refuel the Space Suit. After that fly up to the higher platform and switch back to the Electric Suit and charge it up at the nearby generator.
As Cyborg wearing the Space Suit fly over to the right and transmit the energy from the Electricity Suit to the nearby generator. This will unblock the blue pipes there, creating a way for Robin.
While controlling Robin move to the right and wear the Magnet Suit, then climb up the pipes to the higher platform. When you get there, put on the Hazard Suit and walk into the green toxic goo, and use the lever there in order to unlock the main door.
When you can control your characters again, switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Magnet Suit to unblock the way. After that start jumping across the pads coming from the surface. At the end of the road wear the Demolition Suit and destroy two silver containers.
Deal with the opponents and collect the studs in the room. After collecting those, go upstairs and start spinning the mechanism on either side, in order to set the mirror so it redirected the laser at the door.
In order to deflect the central laser you need to create a platform for Wonder Woman and have her step into the circle. Direct the laser on the red light over the door and wait until it turns green.
Brainiac boss battle awaits you. First, you need to play as Robin, since others are being controlled by the boss. After eliminating all Brainiac's henchmen, defend other characters from the boss's influence (repeatedly press the button prompted onscreen). Repeat that for all characters.
After a brief cut-scene your chosen character plummets toward the Earth. Fly through the circles of studs in order to collect these. Also you will be passing a Minikit you may want to collect.
Move your characters to the hangar and approach the blue sphere in the center of the room (the trail of turquoise studs will show you the way). Using the world view in the sphere and look for Europe Against It mission to continue the main story.
Using any character (SUPERMAN!) smash all the objects around. This will give you a lot of studs. When you are ready destroy the object by the Eiffel Tower and walk underneath it.
Play as Superman or Batman (Space Suit required) in order to destroy the clamps on the truck and collect the token as Batman to unlock the Scuba Suit.
Wear the Scuba Suit, jump in the water and destroy two bridge supports in order to create a way into the city.
After collecting studs there, approach the truck blocking the way and destroy it using Batman's Power Suit. Once you have got to the triumphal arch, fight off Brainiac's henchmen.
When you get to the next part of the city use Batman's Scuba Suit and swim toward the plug on the bridge on the right. Lower the bridge so you could walk across it.
When you are on the other side of the bridge, Brainiac will block your way. Switch characters to Batman and wear the Sensor Suit to destroy the bus blocking your way.
After collecting studs and getting further down the streets, you will encounter another blockade. Put on Batman's Electricity Suit and use the brick on the ground to build a generator, then charge up the suit. In order to destroy the phone booth, you have to change back to the Sensor Suit and use your main ability.
When you get across the city, a toxic sludge gets spilt into the river. Switch characters to Superman and fly over the water. You will get to the bridge with three gold supports. Use the lasers to destroy these and enable your friends to move across the toxic sludge.
After dealing with opponents, switch characters to Batman and put on the Electricity Suit. Destroy all the objects near the fence and use the resulting bricks to create a generator. Transmit the energy from Electricity Suit to the generator in order to remove the blockade.
You will have to fight Brainiac himself. The first step is to defeat his henchmen. This is best done as Superman. Use the resulting bricks to create a mirror that will deflect the ray fired by the boss and stun him, giving you a chance to hurt him. Use Superman's lasers to quickly reduce his health.
Head right until Brainiac sends forth more of his henchmen. Defeat them and use the resulting bricks to create a mirror. In order to set the mirror right, you need to use either Batman or Wonder Woman.
Move to the last location. Brainiac gets hung on the Tower of Piza, and you have to deal with his henchmen first. As soon as you eliminate them, create an object of the resulting bricks and spin the device so to deflect the ray.
Sit on the chair and use the computer as Martian Manhunter. In Virtual Reality jump over obstacles until you manage to chase down Brainiac. In the second part of the mission avoid red bricks, and in the third one avoid Brainiac's henchmen.
When you arrive to Gotham, smash all the objects in the area and use the resulting bricks to create a machine. Approach the glass door on the right as Cyborg, and use the Sonar Suit to shatter it. This will enable Luthor to get on the rooftop.
As Luthor in the Hazard Suit collect bricks. When you gather all bricks on the roof, climb down and head left. Destroy the obstacle using Cyborg's missiles (the Demolition Suit) and use Luthor's Shield Suit to get through the fire. Smash all the objects at the end of the road and collect the bricks with the Hazard Suit.
Go back to the main area and switch characters to Cyborg. Put on the Magnet Suit and approach the containers on the left. Destroy them all - one drops bricks needed for the machine. Collect them as Luthor wearing the Hazard Suit. After collecting the required number of bricks, approach the machine and start building another object. Use the Giant Suit to pick up the object as Cyborg and throw it at Brainiac's ship.
Use Joker's Electricity Suit and head left, then charge up the suit at the nearby generator. As soon as you do that, destroy all the nearby objects in the middle of the room.
Use the resulting bricks to create a platform, and switch to Joker's Sphere Suit. Stand on the platform and start moving towards the curtain.
When the curtain opens, switch characters to Flash and wait for the right moment to jump on a higher platform. The best moment is when the trap only starts charging up. In order to jump higher you should perform wall jumps - only Flash can do that.
When you are up there, destroy all the objects and use the resulting bricks to build a treadmill. Hop on it and repeatedly press the button prompted onscreen. Use the bricks resulting from destroying the Ferris wheel to build a rollercoaster in the center. Then, switch characters to Joker, wear the Electricity Suit, approach the panel on the left and transmit the energy.
Switch characters to Grundy and start spreading havoc. Once you collect all studs, head left and jump on the building. Its roof is destructible, so perform a jump attack to smash it. As Cheetah approach the marked spots and start digging out the plants. In order to destroy them and enter the central greenhouse you must switch to Robin and head right.
Approach the tall water tank as Robin and press the correct button to lower the ladder. Climb up to find a Dive Suit. Jump into the water tank and use a laser on the valves on both sides, in order to drain the tank and allow Cheetah dig out another plant.
As soon as Cheetah digs out the third plant inside the tank, switch characters to Robin and start destroying the plants with lasers (you have to aim at the gold bricks in their tips).
Each destroyed plant unblocks one obstacle in the central greenhouse. When they are unblocked, go inside as Grundy and press the correct button. Once Grundy digs out a cannon, approach it as Robin and use his grappling hook to fire at Brainiac's ship.
After a brief cut-scene switch to Wonder Woman and destroy the first tentacle (on the left). You should preferably use her aerial special ability.
When you hit the first tentacle, it falls down. In order to completely destroy it, you need to switch characters to Batman, wear the Power Suit, and use his rockets. After destroying it, repeat the steps as Wonder Woman on another tentacle.
Once you have destroyed all tentacles, use bricks to build a platform for Wonder Woman. Step on it in order to deflect the laser at Brainiac's ship.
As soon as you deal with the ship, have Flash build a platform for himself. Hop on it and select required elements to build a cage that will trap the ship.
Approach the world map and select story mission Power of Love. Upon getting on the alien planet start smashing all objects and repel enemy attacks.
Get to the center of the area, where you will find glass crystals. In order to destroy these you need to control Cyborg and wear the Sonar Suit. Upon shattering the crystals, use the resulting bricks to build a platform for Flash.
As Flash hop on the freshly built platform and mark the objects you want to use to build a new machine. The flowers that grow up from the ground will help you get to the upper platform.
Jump on the upper level as Cyborg and wear the Electricity Suit, then charge it up on the nearby generator. As soon as you do, hop down and head right. Destroy the wall down there and transmit the power from Cyborg's Electric Suit to the panel to unblock the way.
When you get to the next area, destroy all objects there and switch to Martian Manhunter. Next to the force field there is a passage you can use. Once inside the sapphire sphere, approach the panel and pull it from the wall to turn off the force field (you need to play as big Martian Manhunter).
After destroying the objects and the sphere, build a treadmill for Flash and hop on it. Start spinning the statue to create a way.
When you get to the next sphere switch characters to Cyborg and destroy the giant objects next to the rock on the right. In order to destroy it you need to use the Magnet Suit. Use the resulting bricks to build a fueling station to refuel the Space Suit, so you could fly to the upper platform.
In order to unblock the door, first you need to charge the energy with the generator and transmit it to the panel. However, the generator is inside a sapphire sphere, so switch back to Martian Manhunter and approach the force field. Mind control one of the warriors inside and eliminate the rest. This will stop the force field from being regenerated and you will be able to get inside as Cyborg.
Move Cyborg on the left and charge up with the nearby generator. As soon as you do this, head right, wear the Space Suit, and fly to the upper platform. Then change back to the Electricity Suit and transmit the gathered energy to the panel in order to open the next passage.
While inside the force field you need to destroy all the nearby objects and use the resulting bricks to create a harp, which will attract a beast. While the beast is busy playing the harp, destroy the instrument with a laser (e.g. as Martian Manhunter).
In the next area use Martian Manhunter's sensors in order to detect the passage. Use the passage, and at the end of the corridor destroy flower roots on the ceiling (use a laser and aim at the gold bricks).
After getting to the next area, destroy all the silver flowers there. They will drop bricks needed for creating another object. Once you have built that, switch to Cyborg, wear the Magnet Suit, and destroy the beast.
Head right and avoid three laser shots coming from the beast (it is best to use Flash, as he is the fastest character). After the shots are fired, bricks will appear on the ground, which you should use to build a heart. Approach it with Martian Manhunter and aim at the beast.
Approach the world map and select mission All the Rage.
When you can control your characters again, approach the force field as Green Lantern and start digging out bricks from the ground. As soon as the crowbar destroys the barrier, aim at the green core and use lasers from the ring to destroy it.
When you get to the next area you will encounter a laser. Switch characters to Wonder Woman and stand on the platform. Start deflecting the laser into the blockade (the gold bricks) in order to destroy it.
In the spot shown in the picture take control over Grundy and destroy the glowing wall. Switch characters to any who has a grappling hook (e.g. Robin, Luthor) and pull out the bricks.
Use the resulting bricks to build a platform for Green Lantern and a bridge that will take you across the chasm.
Once you have got to the other side of the bridge, switch characters to Grundy and pick up the object lying nearby, then aim it at the bricks hanging over you. Once they are destroyed, approach the wall as Robin and use his grappling hook to pull the bricks down.
Build a spinner out of the resulting bricks and spin it. When a platform appears, hop on it as Grundy and wait until he digs out a drill. Use the drill as another character and destroy the force field.
Cross the bridge as Robin and jump over the chasm. There, use the grappling hook to pull the rock that will allow you to get to the other side.
Use the bricks on the ground to build a platform for Green Lantern and hop on it, then create a ship that will take you to the next area.
At the end, a boss fight awaits you. First, switch to Green Lantern and start flying around. This way you will avoid getting harmed by the bull's charges. When you notice the bull starts shooting at you with lasers do not stop moving around so to avoid the danger. After several charges and laser attacks the bull will get weaker. Jump at its back and repeatedly press the button prompted onscreen. Repeat that thrice to defeat the boss.
Approach the world map and select the mission Need for Greed.
When you can control your characters again, select Green Lantern and approach the blocked passage as shown in the picture (use the grappling hook to destroy the obstacle).
When you get to the next location, approach the bridge shown in the picture and use the hook again in order to lower it and allow other characters to pass.
Go to the blocked passage and destroy the flowers on the left. Below you will notice a platform which you can use as Grundy.
Use the cannon to destroy the blockade, then switch to Grundy, pick up a rock, and throw it at the blockade.
As Green Lantern approach the wall shown in the picture, and use the grappling hook in order to pull out the stairs. Get on the platform, approach the first flower (in the middle) and use the hook again.
Head left to find another flower. In order to get there you have to destroy the tree that is blocking it. As soon as you do, create a platform for Green Lantern, and hop on it. Once you have created a saw, approach the flower and use the grappling hook to unblock the left flower.
As Grundy walk to the spot shown in the picture and jump to the right. As soon as you land there, start smashing all nearby objects. This will unlock a platform for Grundy, so hop on it and dig out a cannon.
Use the cannon as Green Lantern. Stand on the button in the center, and the cannon will aim at the blocked passage, destroying silver bricks. You can now fly up to the cave above you, and use the grappling hook as Green Lantern to unblock the third flower. After that, go back to the main door and create a mechanism that you should spin to open the door.
When you get to the next location, head left as Green Lantern and destroy all objects there. Use the resulting bricks to build a platform, which you should hop on and create a passage.
Go up as Grundy and pull out a fragment of a pillar, then throw it at the right spot. A beam of light will get into the room, which you should reflect onto the colored symbols on the wall. The correct order will be briefly prompted onscreen (pink, orange, green, red).
Head right and fly over the chasm as Green Lantern. Destroy all objects there and create a platform. Then, build a bridge that will allow your friends to walk over the chasm.
Switch characters to Grundy and smash the glowing wall, then create another platform as Green Lantern. Hop on it and press the correct button to turn into a sphere. When your companions stand on the elevator, you should start moving in order to lift them up.
Pull out the rock as Grundy and destroy all the remaining objects. Switch characters to Green Lantern and create another platform. Stand on it and reflect the light on the colored symbols on the wall (blue, orange, purple, red). This way you will open the second passage.
Fly up to the platform as shown in the picture and use the grappling hook to unlock the panel below. In order to unlock the door, you need to spin the mechanism.
A fight against Larfleeze awaits you. Start killing his henchmen, and when a dragon comes out, perform a series of dodges. The dragon will destroy parts of the floor, revealing a platform for Grundy. Hop on it and dig out a bomb. After using the bomb Larfleeze himself will go down to you - you can start smacking him.
The fight continues, as Larfleeze manages to escape and summon the dragon again. Perform a series of dodges and head left. At one point, the dragon will again smash a part of the floor and bricks will appear, which you should use to create a platform for Green Lantern. Use it to create a giant jack-in-the-box. After it hits the dragon, Larfleeze will come down again, so keep smacking him until he has had enough.
Use the map and select the mission Jailhouse Nok.
Approach the blocked passage on the right as Martian Manhunter. In order to open it, you need to use lasers on the gold brick, then switch characters to Cyborg, wear the Magnet Suit, and destroy the obstacle.
Switch characters to Martian Manhunter and fly over the chasm. You will get to the place shown in the picture. In order to get rid of the spider, you need to shoot laser at the gold brick. As soon as you do that, destroy all the plants blocking the wall, then scan it with your special ability and arrange bricks in such a way so they glittered blue.
This will extend a bridge, allowing your characters to get to the next area. Switch characters to Cyborg and approach the passage on the right. Use the Magnet Suit in order to destroy the obstacle.
You need to perform a series of steps in order to proceed. Switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Demolition Suit. Aim rockets at the shackles of the statue, as shown in the picture, and use the resulting bricks to create a platform. Hop on it to unlock three gates. First, take the left one, then right, and finally the one in the middle.
In the next area switch characters to Martian Manhunter and start beating enemies. Once you have eliminated them, approach the glowing wall and turn into big Martian Manhunter. This will allow you to destroy the glowing wall.
Switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Magnet Suit. Use bricks to complete the pipeline and climb up on that. When you are on the upper floor, approach the generator and gather power in the Electricity Suit. This will unlock the next location.
Go downstairs, destroy objects there, and use the resulting bricks to build a treadmill for Flash. As Flash hop on the treadmill and repeatedly press the correct button. This will start the elevator that will take you to the upper level.
Approach the cage as Cyborg and use the grappling hook in order to destroy it. Use the resulting bricks to build a generator, change to the Electricity Suit and transmit the previously gathered power to open the door.
Move to the next area and deal with opponents there. After the fight, step on the platforms on the ground with two of your characters. This time you will unlock three gates. In order to get to the next location you have to walk through these in the following order (from the left: 1-4-3-2).
In the next location you will have to fight against Indigo-1. First, defeat her henchmen. As soon as you do, start smacking Indigo until she runs off to a higher position. Head right as Martian Manhunter and use his supersight. You will notice some blue bricks, so switch character to Cyborg and use the Magnet Suit to pull the boss down.
The second phase of the fight is identical as the first one. Finish off the boss's henchmen and smack her until she runs off, this time to the left. Use Martian Manhunter's supersight and then Cyborg's Magnet Suit to pull her down. Finally, use the bricks scattered on the floor to create a platform for Flash, hop on it and rebuild Indigo energy core.
Use the map and select the mission A Blue Hope.
An exciting space fight awaits you. Start destroying enemy units and at the same time collect improvements for your space ship.
During the fight with the alien mother ship, tentacles will start coming out of it, which you have to destroy. The only way to do this, is by using rockets dropped by eliminated enemy units. Repeat these steps with all three tentacles in order to destroy the alien ship.
When you regain direct control over your characters, fight off an enemy attack and destroy all objects in the center of the area. You will find a platform for Flash on the ground. Hop on it and select three objects which you want to use to build the machine.
When the machine is ready, approach it from the right as Martian Manhunter and turn on his supersight. In the wall you will find a passage to the other side. When you get up higher use Martian Manhunter's lasers to cut through the monster's tentacle and create a way.
Approach the monster as Cyborg and look up. You will notice a silver object, which you can destroy with the Demolition Suit (aim the rocket at the silver objects, while holding the attack button). The creature will flee, leaving the rope for you. Walk across it and start bouncing on it in order to reach the higher shelf.
Approach the blocked passage as Cyborg and fire a rocket at the silver object. This will unblock the way.
Fight off spiders and use the destroyed objects to create a platform for Flash. Build a flower which will eat the spider and allow you to pass.
Approach the cave as Martian Manhunter and climb up. Stand next to the tentacle at the end of the tunnel.
When Martian Manhunter gets on the upper level, have Cyborg stand next to the tentacle shown in the picture, and use the Magnet Suit to move it (Martian Manhunter will automatically go to the other side of the tentacle). As soon as he does, switch characters to Martian Manhunter and destroy the gold brick in the tentacle with lasers.
When you get to the next area switch characters to Cyborg and start fighting off spiders. As soon as you defeat them, approach the large mecha spider and use the Magnet Suit to release his grasp.
Walk to the center as Martian Manhunter and use his supersight, then switch characters to Saint Walker and build a platform for him.
Approach the map and select the mission Aw-Qward Situation.
When you resume control over the characters, start destroying all enemy ships. At some point you will be attacked by a train created by Sinestro. In order to destroy it you need to shoot it with rockets. The rockets are dropped by destroyed ships.
Switch characters to Batman and head left. You will notice silver rings up in a drill. Put on the Demolition Suit and fire a rocket at them. Use the resulting bricks to create an object for Grundy to pick up, which he can use to destroy the obstacle.
Proceed to the next area and deal with opponents there. As soon as you do, switch characters to Batman and wear the Electricity Suit. The machine will automatically move you upwards, so be patient. The picture shows the exact moment when you should jump on the mechanism. The first light on the piston has to be green and the other red. As soon as you jump on the first platform, the second piston will hit the deck and raise as you get close.
When you manage to get through that, wear the Sensor Suit and climb up using the grappling hook. Head left and gather power from the generator, thus turning off the machine and enabling your companions to get through.
Once you have got on the other side of the machine, you get hit by a laser. Switch characters to Wonder Woman and use her deflect ability while standing on a platform. Aim the laser at the Sinestro's henchman to eliminate him.
As soon as he hits the ground switch characters to Grundy and start fighting him (repeatedly press the correct button to dig him under the ground). Once you have dealt with him, approach the platform as Batman and use the Sensor Suit. After that, switch back to Grundy and destroy the glowing piece of floor.
Once you have got free from Sinestro's hands, destroy all the objects on the right and create a machine of the resulting bricks. The conveyor below will start moving. Jump on one of the objects on it as Batman and when you get to the end of the way, hang on the ledge on the left. Perform a jump again in order to get up.
As Batman wear the Sensor Suit and become invisible. This way you can walk past the motion sensor and climb higher.
When you get to the upper level, wait for a good moment to make a jump (a perfect moment is right after the wheel spins). Once on the other side, put on the Electricity Suit, approach the generator and transmit previously gathered power. This will start the elevator and allow Grundy to proceed.
Up there a fight with Sinestro awaits you. He will raise a defensive wall, which you have to destroy while fighting off his henchmen. First eliminate some of the attacking enemies. This will increase your freedom to maneuver. Switch characters to Grundy and pull out the cylinder form the ground (it does not matter where you throw it). Destroying the objects near the cylinder will result in scattering bricks on the ground, which you should use to build a platform for the Green Lantern. As soon as you do, hop on it and create a ram, which will destroy the wall protecting Sinestro.
Once the wall is down, start smacking Sinestro (repeatedly press buttons prompted onscreen).
Select the last mission from the world map, called Breaking the Ice.
A fight with two bosses awaits you. First, deal with Larfleeze's henchmen. As soon as the boss jumps down start smacking him. At the end of the fight deflect his laser into the spot where other lasers meet. After the fight, deal with Brainiac's henchmen - after eliminating a few dozen or so, switch characters to Grundy. Get near the boss and repeatedly press the correct button. Aim this laser at the meeting spot of other beams.
Then you have to fight against Superman. Fight off Brainiac's henchmen, while trying to avoid Superman's attacks. During fight some rocks will come out of the ground, which you should smash. Create a sonar out of them, use it, then aim at the Superman and take the shot.
Once the sonar gets destroyed, avoid Superman's attacks again while fighting off Brainiac's henchmen. Rocks full of bricks will appear on the scene, so use them to build a platform for Flash and hop on it. While on it select the required objects in order to create an electric machine which will electrocute Superman.
Killer Croc boss fight appears in the first mission, Pursuers in the Sewers. While fighting with Killer Croc you have to do several things. First, head right and use Batman's Sensor Suit. Then you will be able to create a platform you can stand on. When you activate it, turbine's cover will move and Croc will jump out, scattering around bricks that you should use. Repeat that for the left turbine and collect all bricks as Robin while wearing the Hazard Suit.
Another step you should take is destroy all object in the center of this area. Use them to build a machine. Approach the machine as Robin and give it all the required bricks. As soon as you do take control of the cannon and shoot at Killer Croc.
Batman boss fight appears in Breaking BATS! mission. While fighting Batman try to avoid his direct attacks. One hit is enough to destroy you. When you have dodged enough of these, Batman performs a strong hit that causes some objects to drop from the ceiling. Approach them, destroy, then use the resulting bricks to build spotlights.
You will have to repeat that thrice. Each time you turn a spotlight at Batman you have to approach and smack him. As in the first case, after you turn the spotlight at Batman (you have to turn the spinner to hit him with the light), you also have to smack him. In the final phase of the duel you have to build a radio on the right while dodging attacks. After that hit Batman once more to knock him out.
Firefly boss fight appears in the mission Space Station Infestation. The fight is rather simple. First of all, remember to avoid his fire attacks - the best character for that is Flash with his superhuman speed. When you feel used to dodging, start smashing all objects in the central part of the location. As soon as you do, create a special platform for Flash.
Once you have created the platform, climb on it as Flash and mark three special objects visible on the screen. This way you will create a water cannon. Use that newly created weapon and start shooting at Firefly. You have to take gravitation under consideration, so aim slightly above the boss in order to hit him with water. Firefly will try to avoid your attacks, so you have to move the gunpoint after him.
Cheetah boss fight appears in the story mission Space Station Infestation. At the beginning of the fight try to smack Cheetah several times. While doing that, Cheetah will grab your character, and the only way to get free is by using another character. Switch characters and smack her a few times so she let the other hero go. Repeat that several times until Cheetah runs off to the platform under the ceiling. In order to pull her down, you have to create an objects out of bricks. Use the bricks in the center to build a platform for Wonder Woman and hop on it, so to deflect the laser beam. Aim at the gold platform Cheetah is standing on, so to get her down. After that start smacking her again.
The fight against Joker and Luthor appears in the mission Space Station Infestation. When fighting Joker and Luthor use Superman's skills. He is "immortal" so he cannot be hurt in this fight. When Luthor sends his henchmen against you, destroy them, and as soon as you do, fire at him with a laser. Luthor will try to avoid your attacks, so you have to move the gunpoint after him.
When Luthor's health drops to about 30%, have Superman fly up to the higher platform and destroy all the bricks there (gold objects can be destroyed with a laser). Use them to create a platform for Batman. Then fly down to the lower floor and use bricks to build a generator in the center. In order to use that, you have to move Batman to the higher level and destroy the glass with the Sonar Suit. Collect the token that drops from there and wear the Electricity Suit. Before you go down approach the generator and gather power from it. After that go down and transmit the power into the generator in the middle.
Brainiac boss fight appears in the mission Europe Against It. First, deal with Brainiac's henchmen. For this you should preferably use Superman to save yourself from being hurt by Brainiac. Once you have dealt with the henchmen, use the resulting bricks to create a mirror. Approach the mirror and turn it at Brainiac's direction.
Repeat that step thrice. When Brainiac's ship lands on one of the buildings, fight off some more henchmen and use the resulting bricks to create mirrors that will deflect the beam into Brainiac.
The second part of the Brainiac boss fight occurs in Gotham, in the mission Big Trouble in Little Gotham. Start the fight as Wonder Woman. Fly upwards and head left. You have to use her special ability to shoot at the left tentacle (hold the attack button and aim at the tip of the tentacle). As soon as the tentacle hits the ground, it gets exposed. You will notice a silver object at its tip, which you can destroy as Batman. Take control over him, wear the Power Suit and shoot the rocket at the silver object to destroy the tentacle.
Repeat that for the right tentacle, and use the resulting bricks to build a platform for Wonder Woman. Brainiac will start shooting lasers at you, so deflect his laser as Wonder Woman and head to the platform (this way you will avoid much damage before you get there). Once you get on the platform deflect the laser into the red bricks as shown in the picture.
In the last phase of the fight you have use the resulting bricks to create a platform for Flash and us it. Mark three objects that you can see in the picture in order to create a cage that will trap Brainiac.
The fight with Atrocitus appears in the mission All the Rage. At the beginning, you need to switch to Green Lantern, so you could perform perfect dodges when others would not. The most important is his ability to fly. The Red Bull will charge at you every several seconds, and characters who cannot fly would not be able to dodge that. Apart from charging, the Bull also can shoot with a laser. In order to avoid that, you should keep flying around. After several charges and laser attacks, the Bull gets exposed and you will be able to ride it. Approach it when it is exposed and jump on its back. During the rodeo you will have to repeatedly press the correct button in order not to fall down. Repeat that thrice to win the fight.
Larfleeze boss fight appears in the mission Need for Greed. Avoid Larfleeze's attacks, but do not fly around as Green Lantern, because the boss can quickly knock you down. During combat the boss will smash the floor, revealing platform for Grundy. Hop on it, and the hero will dig out a bomb. When Larfleeze gets down, start smacking him with any character.
In the second phase of the fight head right and use the bricks scattered across the floor to build a platform for Green Lantern. Hop on it when it is ready and create a green jack-in-the-box. This will allow you to defeat the giant Larfleeze and the small one will get down. Smack him until you knock him out.
Indigo-1 fight appears in the mission Jailhouse Nok. At first, start beating Indygo-1 until she runs off to a higher position. Approach her as Martian Manhunter and use the supersight. As soon as the blue bricks get revealed, switch characters to Cyborg and wear the Magnet Suit. This way you will be able to destroy the platform Indygo is standing on and make her fall down.
Repeat that and this time Indygo-1 will run off to the platform on the left. As soon as you destroy it, use the resulting bricks to build a platform for Flash. Hop on it and mark objects which you will use to recreate the electric core.
Sinestro boss fight appears in the mission Aw-Qward Situation. At the beginning, Sinestro builds a protective wall around himself, from where he sends his henchmen against you.
Switch characters to Grundy and tear off the cylinder on the left. After you do that, destroy the remaining objects and use them to create a platform for Green Lantern. Hop on it as Green Lantern and create a ram, which will destroy Sinestro's wall. Finally, while fighting Sinestro himself, press the buttons prompted onscreen.
Superman boss fight appears in the mission Breaking the Ice. At the beginning, avoid his attacks while smashing all the objects around. At one point rocks will come out of the ground, which you should destroy and use the resulting bricks to create a sonar. Take control over it and shoot at the Superman.
Because your attack failed, you have to avoid Superman's strikes again. Destroy the appearing objects and use them for creating a platform for Flash. Mark all the required objects to create an electronic device. In order to use that, have Flash hop on the treadmill and repeatedly press the correct button.
You can collect the first Minikit when destroying the five golden toilets. You find the first toilet right after the moment where you had to use the sensors (as Batman) to pump water in and unlocking the passage onto the other side.
The second toilet is located above the fire trap, to the left of the switches.
The third toilet can be found near the fire trap, behind the ladder.
You will find the fourth toilet above the fire trap and the switches. Fly up and the toilet will be on the left, on the second floor.
The fifth toilet is located at the end, near Adam West's raft.
You will find the second Minikit above the fire trap. Destroy the golden blockage on the pipe using Superman's laser and then use Cyborg's Magnet Suit to crush the blue valve on the right. The Minikit is located in the pipe, behind the fire wall and the valve will allow you to put out the fire.
The third Minikit is located above the fire trap and the switches. Switch to Martian Manhunter and fly up. After doing that, you will be in the moment shown in the picture. Here you also destroyed the third golden toilet. Approach the worker located behind the wall of water and use mind control. Pull the green lever and the blockage on the left will start to lower. Go through them immediately and you will find the third Minikit at the end of the road.
To find the fourth Minikit, you will need Green Lantern and Robin. At the beginning of the location, you have to build a cannon that will remove the blockage on the road (this way you will allow the machine to restart and collect more bricks). As it was mentioned earlier, you need 25 bricks. The first five bricks can be found on the second floor, near the exit. Choose Green Lantern and fly up. Switch to Robin, activate Protection Suit and collect the bricks from the ground.
You can find the next five bricks near the part where you've jumped through the gates. On the other side, theirs is a cart with bricks.
The third set of five bricks is located near the train.
The next five bricks can be found near the fire trap, to the left of the switches.
The fifth set of five bricks is located in the first part of the location, on a high platform (where you've used the lever to pump the water).
After collecting 25 bricks, use the machine at the beginning (use Robin's Protection Suit to put the bricks into the device). The machine will build a Minikit.
You can unlock the fifth Minikit by destroying four golden objects shown on the picture. Fly up, as Superman, and use your laser. After destroying the fourth object, you will receive a Minikit.
The sixth Minikit is located on a pipe, on the right side of the arena. Fly up and land on the pipe shown on the picture to collect the Minikit.
Minikit number 7 can be found in a secret room. As Cyborg, go to the right side and switch to Magnet Suit. Destroy the blue pipes and jump into them.
Go to the right and you will notice a connection of pipes. You have to move the blue orb to the end, using the Magnet Suit. Stand on the first switch and unlock the way. Then, use Cyborg's main power to move the orb. Repeat this with the second switch and when you move the orb to the end, you will receive a Minikit.
The eighth Minikit can be obtained by destroying the golden wall in the same room. Approach it with Cyborg and use the laser to destroy it. When you're done switch to a flying character and take the Minikit from the niche.
The ninth Minikit, you can dig out from the ground. Switch to Grundy and approach the green platform on the left. Use it and Grundy will dig out a silver box.
As Cyborg, approach the box and change to Demolition Suit. Plant a bomb under the box to destroy it and you will find the next Minikit.
You can obtain the last, tenth, Minikit by flying onto a pipe located to the right of Killer Croc. As soon as you get there, switch to Cyborg and wear the Demolition Suit. Plant a bomb under the silver object to obtain the Minikit.
Adam West is located in the first location. You will find him on a raft. There's a shark circling him all the time. Change to Grundy and stand on the green platform above Adam. He will dig out a weapon that you can use against the shark. Jump onto the vessel to activate it. The shark will swim away and you will rescue Adam.
The Red Brick is located on the second floor, in the last part of the location. As Superman, fly up (you can use any character that can fly) and land on the platform that you can see on the picture.
Switch to Plastic Man and stand on the red platform. Press the button that appears on the screen and the Red Brick will fall out.
You can unlock a new character in Pursuers in the Sewers in the part shown in the picture. After pumping the water in, fly down with any character and use the yellow duck. Start to swim, crushing into other ducks in the location. After destroying five ducks, you will receive a token, which you have to collect with a flying character. After picking up the token, you will unlock Croc Henchman.
The second character can be unlocked in Croc's secret room. As Cyborg, approach the right side in Magnet Suit and destroy the blue pipes. Go into the pipe and you will get into the secret chamber.
As Cyborg, in the Magnet Suit, go to the left side and destroy the washing machine. A pair of pants will drop out of it - take them and go to the beginning of the location. Give the pants to Bat-Mite. As a reward, you will receive another new character - Black Manta.
The third and the last character can be obtained near the man to which you gave the pants. Notice water dripping nearby. Switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Freeze the water to create an ice statue of Killer Croc. Destroy the statue with using laser (Green Lantern for example). After melting the ice, you will receive another character token (Bane).
To start this quest, you have to located Batgirl and Batdog. They can be found near the entrance to the Lab (in the right part of the Batcave). After the conversation, follow Batdog. Defeat waves of bandits in the places to which Batdog leads you. At the end, talk to Batdog and you will receive a Gold Brick and Batgirl character token as reward.
After completing the previous task, talk to Batdog again to receive another one. Destroy the object located near the barriers and create a lever from the bricks. Use the lever and you will receive a Gold Brick and Batdog character token.
This mission is available only after completing the Sleep Well side quest. Talk to Smith, who can be found in the central part of the Batcave. He will tell you that you have to look like a polar bear to receive the quest.
To change your appearance, you have to enter the room in the middle of the Batcave. Select Polar Bear shirt (costs 1000 gold coins). Before you leave, you also need to put something on your head (select Polar Bear as well). When you create the new character, save it on one of the character slots. Only after completing these two steps, Smith will give you the task. You can return to the main hall and talk to him. As a reward for dressing up, you will receive a Gold Brick and Kevin Smith Character Token.
The next mission is available as soon as you step into the Batcave. Go to the Lab and fly upstairs (or use the lift). You will notice Bat-Cow - talk to her and you will learn that to receive the task, you have to look similarly to her. Go to the character creating machine and select Cow features (2000 coins for torso and head). Go back and talk to Bat-Cow again. You will receive a Gold Brick.
You will obtain this mission after completing the America's Next Top Sidekick side quest. Wearing the cow outfit, talk to Bat-Cow near the entrance to the Lab to get the task.
Your task here is to complete a training in Virtual Reality. Sit on the chair in the next room and select the appropriate mission. To successfully complete the training, you have to do three thins. The first one is destroying the red characters on the arena. Approach them and start hitting to throw them out of the arena. The second task is also to destroy red enemies, but this time you can simply crush them using melee attacks. However, watch out for the special attack, when the ground starts to shake and you have to jump in the right moment to survive.
The third and the last step is running towards the exit. The bricks will start to move and you have to jump onto next levels. You can just stand in one place and jump when two levels of bricks start to overlap. For completing this quest, you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing the Churning As We Go side quest. You can receive it in the Lab. Approach the chimpanzee on the right and talk to him.
He will tell you that there is a treasure hidden somewhere in the Lab. Switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. Go left in the Lab, discovering hints one after another. At the end, switch to Green Lantern and dig out the treasure. The chest is locked with a gold padlock, so switch to Superman and use the laser. As a reward for completing this mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Detective Chimp Character Token.
To start this mission, you first have to complete The Secret of Chimpanzees side quest. Go to the Trophy Room and talk to Riddle. You will receive a task to find a switch - otherwise, the city will explode.
Go left and you will find an hourglass with Riddle's logo. Next to it, there is a lever which you should use. After activating the lever, the mission will end and you will receive a Gold Brick.
You can receive this mission after completing the Polarizing Decision and The Secret of Chimpanzees side quests. Go to the Lab and talk to Smith. Your task will be to face Superboy on arena in VR.
Sit on the chair and select the appropriate mission. To successfully complete the task, you have to let Superboy win. Superboy will be attacking one of three platforms. You have to check which platform he's aiming at and quickly go there. After you loose the fight, you will receive a Gold Brick as a reward.
You can start this mission after completing the Bear-fisted Beatdown side quest. If you've just ended this quest, you have to leave the Lab and go in again. The missions will restart and you will be able to start the next one. Talk to Smith and enter VR.
Inside, you have to fight with red bandits. You also have to protect two civilians, so attack wisely. The enemies will attack not you, but the civilians. You have to complete three steps. The first one is to destroy a few of the bandits. The second one is to throw the out of the arena. The third and the last task is to defeat the rest of the bandits, while avoiding the lasers. At the end, enter the white light and you will complete the mission.
Attention! The mission is completed only when both the civilians step into the light with you. If you've noticed that one of them got stuck, you have to restart the mission. For completing it, you will receive a Gold Brick and Toyman Character Token.
This mission is available on the left side of the Main Room, after completing the Virtual Insanity side quest. Talk to Smith and you will learn that his newest film reel has been stolen. Switch to Batman and use Sensor Suit. Then, follow the trails left by Catwoman.
To find all the hints, you have to search for the piles of LEGO, visible in the picture. After destroying them, Batman will be able to use the "Sense" ability and it will lead you to another pile. When you find the last one, take the film reel and return to Smith. For returning the reel, you will receive a Gold Brick
This mission is available after completing the Everybody's a Critic side quest. To receive the task right after completing the previous mission, you have to leave the Main Room and then go back in. Talk to Smith and a battle with bandits will start.
The battle is divided into three parts. The first one consists in taking 30% of Polka-Dot Man's hp and fighting his companions. Do that three times and talk to Smith again. As a reward for rescuing him, you will receive a Gold Brick and Polka-Dot Man Character Token.
You can receive this mission quest after completing the Dot and Bothered side quest. You have to leave the Main Room and go back in to reset missions. After you do that, Talk to Nightwing.
The task consists in defeating twenty bandits that will start to attack you. Fight the enemies until you reach the required number and you will complete the mission. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick and Nightwing Character Token.
After completing Rose-tinted Rumble, you have to leave the Main Room and go back in. head to the docks and talk to Aquaman. He will ask you to help him get rid of the water contamination.
To complete this mission, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. On the water, you will notice some "water bricks" that can be frozen. After freezing one section, Black Manta will crush the ice and emerge from the water. Start attacking him and he will go back to the water after you take 30% of his hp. Do that three times and you will get rid of the contamination. For completing the quest, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Sit on the chair and select SpaceShip Shooter 1. You have to destroy all enemy units that you can see on the screen.
The normal, red ships move very slowly. They are the weakest of all the units and the most numerous. Try to make half-circles and shoot at them to destroy them with one hit. The medium, yellow units are way faster than the red ones. The best strategy is the so called "hit and run". Shoot a few times and retreat. Then, repeat this a few times.
The elite, blue units are the fastest and you cannot use the same strategy for them. The best tactic will be to shoot and jump over them. Before they return, you will be at a safe distance. After destroying all the units, you will receive a Gold Brick and a new vehicle - Javelin.
This mission is very similar to SpaceShip Shooter 1. Destroy the enemy units that approach you. The red enemies are the easiest to defeat. Eliminate them in groups, making circles and shooting at the same time. Yellow units are faster, but also easy. Destroy them before fighting red units. Blue units will charge at you with high speed. Avoid the attacks by jumping.
Green units are new in this mission. They move in groups, in a straight line and if you do not get rid of them quickly, they will spread onto entire arena, preventing you from escaping. Purple units also move quite fast. You will have troubles hitting them, because they make a circle when approaching you. The best way is to use the same strategy.
Move in a circular manner and keep your distance from the enemies. At the end of the battle, you will see a orb moving your way. At first, you have to destroy all the small units and only then attack the orb. To destroy it, you have to shoot at it constantly. When you stop, the orb will change its color back to default and you will have to start all over. For completing this mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and a vehicle - Bane's Mole Machine.
This mission is available only after you complete SpaceShip Shooter 2. You will be fighting on an arena with a hole in the middle, so watch out not to fall down. Eliminate the enemies, moving in a circular manner (the best way is to move around the hole).
During the battle, a new unit will appear - small orbs with a laser between them that will charge at you. You have to eliminate them first. At the end, destroy the big orb and you will receive a Gold Brick and The Flash Mobile.
In this mission, you have to defeat all the enemies that charge at you. You cannot the destroy them, so you have to throw them off the edge. During the fight, try to stay in the middle of the arena and hit the enemies that are the closest to the edge. After defeating ten of them, you will receive a Gold Brick and Banana Truck.
Ring Master 2 is available after completing the previous level of this mission. Just like in the previous one, here you have to defeat the enemies by throwing them off the edge. The reward is a Gold Brick and Jim Lee Character Token.
Ring Master 3 is the next part of the missions in which you have to throw the opponents off the edge. After defeating all of them, you will receive a Gold Brick and Invisible Ship.
The rules are identical as in Pac-man. You have to collect all the coins on the arena, avoiding contact with the red enemies. After completing this mission, you will receive Classic TV Mini Batmobile.
This mission consists in jumping from one block onto another, to reach a white light. Gold blocks don't move at all, so you can treat them as safe spots when planning your next moves. Red blocks fall down and then reset and turn white (after a while they turn red again). After completing this mission, you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing Block Hopper 1. The rules are exactly the same. Jump from on block onto another and reach the white light to receive a Gold Brick.
Block Hopper 3 is available after completing the previous part. Do exactly the same.
Block Hopper 4 is available after completing Block Hopper 3. Again, do the same as in the previous parts.
This mission consists in surviving on the arena for a given amount of time, without receiving any damage. Avoid the lasers by jumping over them. The red bricks warn you about the danger. After completing the task you will receive Geof Johns Character Token.
Shooting Range 1 is another mission in VR. Your task is to defeat a given amount of enemies using a laser and avoiding hitting civilians. You can perform killing combos that increase the amount of points you receive. After you successfully complete this mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Bat-Rocket.
This mission is the next part of the Shooting Range series. The task is exactly the same. Aim at the red bandits and avoid hitting the civilians. After killing 30 enemies, you will receive a Gold Brick.
The Race Track mission consists in driving through checkpoints on the arena. Collect coins and get to the finish before the time runs out and you will receive a Gold Brick and Supergirl (classic) Character Token.
Snake is a game that everybody knows. You have to collect coins that will increase your size of your tail by one field. Avoid hitting your own tail or any other obstacle on the arena. You will complete the mission after collecting the required amount of coins. As a reward, you will obtain a Gold Brick and Invisible Jet.
This mission is a continuation of the previous one. This part is slightly more difficult, because there are several holes in the arena. For completing the mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Batman's Buggy.
Another part of these series of missions. Collect coins and avoid obstacles (there are much more of them in this mission). Another difficulty is the increased amount of enemy snake. After collecting the required amount of coins, you will receive a Gold Brick and White Lantern Character Token.
In this mission, you have to collect all the coins, avoiding being seen by the enemies. If you step onto a red field (the red bricks on the arena show the range of view of your opponents), you will fail. After completing the mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and The Batcycle.
Stealth Collector 2 is the next part of the stealth mission. This time, the arena is more open and there are less pots in which you can hide. Collect the coins and after completing the missions, you will obtain a Gold Brick and The Joker Steam Roller.
Stealth Collector 2 is the continuation of the two previous missions. Just like in the first and the second part, you have to avoid being seen by the enemies. This time, the walls on the arena are not solid and change their position every few seconds, so plan your moves carefully. After collecting all the coins, you will receive a Gold Brick and Batman's Whirly-Bat.
Switch to Green Lantern and fly to the right side (shown in the picture). You will notice a Character Token below, which you can unlock. To do so, you have to destroy five Batman flags. After destroying one flag, you have ten seconds for destroying another one. The picture shows all the five flags. After completing the task, the time will stop and you can collect the Token. It unlocks the first character in the Batcave - Joker Clown Henchman.
You can unlock the second character as Batman. After collecting the first Token, go down and you will notice another one, hidden behind a motion sensor. Switch to Sensor Suit. This way, you can access the Token and take it. The character that you unlock is Batman (Darkest Knight).
The third character can be found near the shoreline. Switch to Batman and wear the Sonar Suit. Approach the glass and smash it into pieces. Go inside, wear Sensor Suit and use the special ability to reconstruct the object. You will notice a gold container inside. Wear Space Suit and destroy the container with your laser. You will obtain a Character Token, which will unlock Bruce Wayne.
The fourth character that you can unlock here is located at the very bottom of the Batcave. You need to have The Atom (if you don't and you don't know where to find him, check the How to unlock The Atom chapter).
Approach the Batcomputer in the Batcave and destroy all the objects that are located there. From the bricks on the ground, build an Electricity Terminal. Switch to Batman and wear Electricity Suit. Then, use the terminal to gather energy.
Go to the right side and deposit the energy in the other terminal. This way, you will unlock a silver box nearby. Take the Character Token from the box and unlock Grayson.
The next character can be unlocked in the Trophy Room. Approach the Chessboard in the middle and destroy the chess pieces and from the bricks on the ground, build new ones that will enable you to checkmate the king. This way, you will make the king fall down and drop a Character Token. Take it and you will unlock Catwoman.
You can unlock the seventh character in the Trophy Room. You have to activate three lights that will unlock the silver box. The first one can be found right next to the chest. Destroy the object on the right and build a lever from the bricks. Use it to activate the first light.
You activate the second light using another lever, located above. Fly up and land on the rock shown in the picture. Switch to Cyborg and plant a bomb under the silver object. After destroying it, use the lever to activate the second light.
The third light is located under the main platform Destroy the objects located there and you will notice a switch on the ground. Step onto it and you will be able to access the chest. Inside, there is another Character Token - Batman (Zur-En-Arrh).
The eighth character can be unlocked in the Character Customizer. Destroy the small computers shown in the screen. After destroying five of them, the laser barrier will deactivate and you will e able to access The Gray Ghost Character Token.
You can find the first vehicle in the Trophy Room. Approach The Batmobile and smash it into pieces. From the bricks on the ground, build The Batmobile (1989), which you will then unlock.
You can find this Gold Brick near the mechanism for The Atom, in which you unlock the character. In the picture above, you can see five underwater objects that you need to destroy. After destroying each object, time will start running out and you will have to quickly destroy another one. After destroying the fifth object, a Gold Brick will appear.
You can obtain the second Gold Brick in the Trophy Room. Approach the place shown in the picture and you will notice Batman's logo. You have to destroy five such objects to unlock the Gold Brick. One of the objects can be seen in the picture, three of the are located near the Batmobile and the last one is on the right side of the location. You have to destroy them in a given amount of time.
The third Gold Brick can be found in the Character Customizer Approach the place visible in the picture and switch to Batman. Go to the right side and destroy all the objects located there (use the Sonar Suit to destroy the glass barrier). After doing that, switch to Robin and wear Technology Suit. Approach the console on the left and unlock the silver box. You will find a Gold Brick inside.
You will have the first opportunity to rescue Adam West in the right side of the Batcave. In the place shown in the picture, switch to Batman and wear Sonar Suit. Smash the glass barrier and you will save Adam West.
The second chance to save Adam will occur in the Trophy Room. Head to the right side of the location, until you reach the place shown in the picture. You will notice a picture of Adam West. Destroy the objects on the left and build a hook to open the secret door. Behind the door, you will find Adam.
You can obtain the first Minikit when completing the main quest, or in free play. You have to destroy three globes, located on the same platform. After destroying the third one, you will receive a Minikit.
The second Minikit is located near Adam West. Fly up to the higher level (choose any character that can fly) and switch to Cyborg. Wear Demolition Suit and destroy the silver plate on the ceiling. A Minikit will fall down.
The third Minikit can be found in the right part of the location. Fly up onto the platform and destroy the gold objects located there.
Switch to Cyborg and plant a bomb under the silver wall, behind which you will find a Minikit.
When completing missions in the dark cave, use Robin to light the way and switch to Alfred to destroy the objects. Build a new object from the bricks and a Minikit will fall out of it.
You can also obtain a Minikit when playing as Alfred. When you're in the cave, where you had to activate the boat and shoot at the Batmobile, jump into the water and swim towards the right side. You will find a small island, on which there are some objects that Alfred can destroy. After doing so, build a duck from the bricks and it will swim to a place where you can find a Minikit and some coins.
Another Minikit can be found behind the blue gate, on the higher level of this mission (on the left). Access the platform with Green Lantern and switch to Cyborg. Use Magnet Suit to open the blue gate and you will find the sixth Minikit.
You will also find a Minikit not far from where you've found the third one. Go up the stairs and go left to the end. You will see a green wall that you can interact with as Batman. Wear Sensor Suit and unlock the bricks in the wall. You will open the gate and find a Minikit.
There's also a Minikit located on the highest level of the Batcave (where the costumes are). You can see it behind one of the glass barriers. It cannot be destroyed with a sonar, so go to the place shown in the picture (as Batman) and wear Sensor Suit. You will notice a platform that you can use as Martian Manhunter. Step onto it and you will appear behind the barrier.
You can also obtain a Minikit by destroying the stalactites. In the place shown in the picture, you will notice three silver stalactites that you can smash as Cyborg in Demolition Suit. Shoot rockets at them (use aiming mode).
To obtain the Minikit, you have to destroy five such objects. Go left and reach the Batcomputer. On the screen, you can see another two stalactites. After destroying them, you will receive the Minikit.
The last Minikit in Breaking BATS! Is available only after you build the machine and rebuild Batcomputer using it. The moment that can be seen in the picture, is after you've shoot at Batman twice and used the ladder. To go up. Switch to Robin and collect all the bricks.
When you are on the higher level and after rebuilding the Batcomputer, collect the bricks again. Put them into the machine and you will obtain a Minikit.
Attention! If you're having trouble collecting the last Minikit, check the solution to this mission in the Walkthrough chapter - Breaking BATS!.
You can find Adam West in the central part of this location. He will be trapped above a waterfall. To pull him down, you have to fly up and, as Superman, destroy the gold objects near Adam.
As soon as you do that, switch to Green Lantern and create a platform. Stand on the platform and make an escape way for Adam.
The Red Brick is located in the left part, on the lower level. Go to the place that you can see in the picture and use sensors as Batman.
You will create a platform. Switch to Plastic Man and step onto the platform. Then, press the switch. You will be transformed into a crane and you will be able to pull the Red Brick out of the water.
To unlock the first Character, you have to go to the end of this location (to the right) and destroy the objects located there. Build an Electricity Terminal and switch to Robin. Wear Technology Suit and approach the terminal - use it by pressing the appropriate switch. After doing that, switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. After pressing the right switch, build a generator.
You now have to gather some energy. Go to the other end of the location (left) and destroy all the objects located there. You will discover a generator. Wear Electricity Suit and charge. You can now return to the first generator and transfer the energy.
You will see a Character Token falling out of the sun. You can collect it with any flying character. You will unlock Man-Bat.
This character is located behind a glass barrier on the lower level (on the right). Destroy it using Batman's Sonar Suit and you will unlock Hush.
You can unlock this character by completing two simple steps. Head to the place where the Batcomputer is (the central part on the higher level) and switch to Batman. Wear Sonar Suit and smash the glass barrier. Pick up the weapon located there.
To unlock the new character, you have to give the weapon to Bat-Mite. You will find him at the end of the location (on the right). You will receive Red Hood Character Token.
You will have the first occasion to save Adam West in the Containment Cells. Go to the right side and you will see Adam. Switch to Batman and gather energy from the generator nearby. You will save him by doing that.
Next, you will find Adam in the Lab. Go to the right side and you will see him behind flame. To get him out of there, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Put out the fire with the special power and you will save Adam.
Attention! This part may not be available from the beginning, so you should first complete the side quests and return here later.
You can find the first Gold Brick in the Lab. Approach the terminal shown in the picture and wear Technology Suit as Robin. After gaining access, go downstairs and switch to Batman. Using Sonar Suit, destroy the glass barrier and collect the Gold Brick.
You will find the second Gold Brick in the Containment Cells. Go to the place shown in the picture and switch to Green Lantern. Here, you have to use two characters simultaneously. There are three levers that you have to pull "at the same time". The first should be the left, then the right and then the middle one. The time that you have to pull the right lever after pulling the left one is more than ten seconds, so you will have no problem activating them with one flying character.
The trouble begins when it comes to the middle lever, as you have less than one second to pull it, after activating the right one. Place a character near the middle lever and switch to the first one. After pulling the left lever, fly to the right and activate the second one. As soon as you do that, quickly switch characters and activate the middle lever. Don't worry if you fail for the first time. You can try as many times as you want. When you complete the task, a Gold Brick will fall out of the container in the middle.
The third Gold Brick can be obtained in the Main Room. You have to destroy five signs located above the doors. One of them can be seen in the picture. You can find the signs above all the doors to rooms in the Watchtower. After destroying the fifth one, you will receive a Gold Brick
You can unlock the first character in the Main Room. You have to destroy several silver statues that you can see in the picture (one on each platform). You have to make it in a specified amount of time. If you fail, the statues will appear back on their places
First, locate all of them and then destroy them. This way, you won't be returning to platforms that you've already smashed. When you complete the task, go to the central part and you will be able to collect the Character Token. You will unlock Kid-Flash.
The next character is available for unlocking in the left part of the location. You will notice a blue container, which you can open using Magnet Suit (Cyborg for example). However, before you do that, you have to go to the place shown in the picture, switch to Batman and use Sensor Suit. After opening the container, you will obtain Question Character Token.
You can unlock the third character in the Main Room. Approach the device shown in the picture and use the lever on the right. You will have to press the buttons on the ground in the right order (starting from the left: 1, 2, 3 - you have to press 1, 3, then 2). You will unlock Music Meister.
You can unlock the next character in the Trophy Room. Fly up onto the platform that you can see in the picture and switch to Batman. Destroy the silver statues using an explosive attack and then, use the "Senses" ability to detect a silver box. Once again, use an explosive attack on the box and you will unlock Platinum.
You will find the fifth Character Token in the same room (Trophy Room). Fly onto the platform shown in the picture and switch to Brainiac. Use his main power to shrink the black statues and you will unlock Black Adam.
You will find the sixth character in the Hangar. Fly to the top and go right. You will find a laser barrier here. To go past it, you have to switch to Robin and wear Technology Suit. Summon Toy Wonder and go through the first hatch. When you're on the other side, approach the Techno Terminal and hack it. This way, you will open a container located nearby.
To collect the Toke, you have to send the robot through the second hatch. You will emerge near the Token and you will unlock Tim Drake.
The seventh character can be unlocked in the Containment Cells. Go to the left and switch to Batman. Wear Space Suit and use your laser to burn the gold padlock. In the container, there is a Character Token that unlocks Joker Space Henchman.
You can start this mission in the Main Room, on the right side. Talk to Aquaman and listen to what he has to say. You will have to find an oyster and bring it to him.
You will find the oyster in the Main Room. Go to the place shown in the picture and locate a silver box. Switch to Batman and use the explosive attack to destroy the box. Wear Sonar Suit and smash the glass barrier. After you do that, you can take the oyster and bring it to Aquaman. You will receive a Gold Brick and Black Canary Character Token.
To start this mission, you have to talk to Green Loontern. You will find him at the bottom of the Watchtower. After listening to what he has to say, start building the passage.
Build the second part of the passage from the bricks on the ground. When you do that, Green Loontern will give you a Gold Brick. After completing this mission, you will be able to access the Space Station
This mission can be started in the Containment Cells. Talk to Kevin Smith, who will tell you that you have to face Condiment King.
First you have to defeat his companions. When you do that, the King will jump down and you will be able to hit him.
Attention! The only way to defeat him is hitting him when his dazed. Switch to Superman and use his laser. You will see stars over the King's head. Get close to him and attack. You have to repeat this pattern until you defeat him. As a reward, you will receive Condiment King Character Token.
You can obtain this mission after completing the Saucy Showdown side quest. Go to the left side of the Containment Cells and talk to Killer Moth. He will show you a hint, by pressing a switch on the ground and lighting a bulb, to which he will fly. You have to do exactly the same. To know which switch to press, follow the line of coins.
When you finish the part with the bulbs, Killer Moth will open a silver box, in which you will find a Gold Brick. For completing the mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Killer Moth Character Token.
Go to the Lab and talk Booster Gold. You will start the Going for Gold mission. First, you have to switch your suit.
Go to the right and use Character Customizer. To complete this mission, you have to complete two steps. The first step is to change your shirt to Booster Gold. It will cost you 1000 coins. The second step is to change your hat. Accept the new character and go back to Booster Gold. You will receive a Gold Brick, but you will be attacked by bandits. After dealing with them, you will complete the mission.
You will be able to start this mission after completing the quest with Booster Gold. In this mission, you have to do the same as in Going for Gold. Approach the Character Customizer and create a new one. Select Penguin hat and shirt.
After creating the new character, accept it and talk to Penguin. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick.
After completing the Going for Gold mission, right after stepping out of the Lab, you will meet Booster Gold again. Talk to him and listen to what he has to say.
To successfully complete the mission, you have to destroy the Bronze sign. Approach the sign shown in the picture and destroy the objects located nearby. Build magnetic panels from the bricks and they will go onto the sign. To move them, you have to choose a character that can use Magnet Suit (for example Cyborg). After moving the panels, you will complete the mission and you will receive a Gold Brick and Booster Gold Character Token.
You can start this mission in the Trophy Room, by talking to Catwoman. She will want to make a deal with you. If you bring her a cat statue, you will receive a reward.
To obtain the statue, you have to go to the higher floor. You can find the statue behind a laser barrier. To deactivate the barrier, switch to Cyborg and wear Demolition Suit and destroy the silver object on the right using explosives. After doing that, use the lever located there to deactivate the barrier. Take the statue and bring it to Catwoman. You will receive a Gold Brick and Catwoman (pre-59) and a Gold Brick
Go to the Hangar and fly up to the highest level on the right. You will find Man-Bat here. He will ask to help him find a secret ingredient. Man-Bat will want a green flask and you cannot make a mistake when using it.
Go to the left side and you will find various ingredients on the table. The right one is located on the left table, shown in the picture. After collecting the flask, return to Man-Bat and give it to him. You will receive a Gold Brick.
Attention! This mission is available only after you complete the Five Studs, Please mission in the Hall of Doom (check the Hall of Doom - side quests chapter to learn more).
Talk to Batgirl and start searching the purple boxes spread around the hangar. You have to find several civilians and bring them to Batgirl. After rescuing all the civilians, you will receive a Gold Brick.
You will obtain the first Minikit after opening three blue containers. One is located at the beginning and the next two, on the upper level. To open them, you have to use Magnet Suit (for example Cyborg).
The second Minikit will be available after building the platform for Green Lantern. Go maximally to the right and destroy the gold object using laser attack (Superman for example). From the bricks on the ground, build a platform for Green Lantern and use it. After creating the object, go to the to of the rocket and collect the Minikit.
The third Minikit can be obtained from the machine, for bricks.
Attention! You can build the machine only after you destroy all the objects around and creating a Terminal from them. You will find the bricks on a platform on the left and in the place where the machine is. You have to collect 50 of them to create a Minikit.
You can collect the fourth Minikit in the right part of the location, Destroy the object near the glass and switch to Robin. Approach the generator and charge your Illumination Suit. After doing that, go to the left and switch to Plastic Man.
After getting to the other side, switch to Robin and wear Illumination Suit. You will notice three objects under the ceiling. Destroy the objects and build a telephone booth from the bricks. Destroy the ringing phone and you will obtain a Minikit.
You can find the Minikit when flying around the Space Station. It shows up when you fight Joker's forces.
The next Minikit can be obtain when walking on the surface of the base. You will find it at the end.
You will obtain this Minikit after destroying all of Joker's boxes. The objects are spread around the whole station so look carefully. The boxes are purple, so you shouldn't have much trouble locating them. After you destroy the fifth one, a Minikit will drop out.
You will find the Minikit at the end of the location. In the picture above, you can see its location. Approach the flames with Superman and put out the fire. Destroy the objects located there and you will obtain another Minikit.
This Minikit is located inside the station. Destroy the purple presents and boxes floating in the air (shown in the picture). After destroying five of them, you will obtain a Minikit.
The Minikit is located on the left, on the highest level of the station. Approach the pipes as Brainiac and shrink the, so you can access the small passage. Switch to The Atom (if you haven't unlocked this character yet, you need to check the "How to unlock The Atom" chapter"), shrink and go inside.
At the end, push the parts of the Minikit out of the pipe and go out by destroying the end of the road. From the bricks on the ground, build a Minikit.
You can rescue Adam West when you're at the space station. You will find him at the beginning of the location, trapped in the air, so walk from one side to another until you see him. Switch to Superman and shoot your laser at the gold platform on which Adam is standing to save him.
When inside the station, as Superman, fly to the right side and pull the lever to stop the electricity flowing to the ship that you can see in the picture. When you do that, build a platform for Plastic Man. Use it and you will obtain a Red Brick.
You can unlock the first character at the highest floor of the location. You will find a gold wall here, which you should destroy with a laser (use for example Superman). Destroy all the objects near the gate and switch to Plastic Man. Use the gate in the floor to get to the other side and collect Batman's mask located there.
You have to give the mask to Bat-Mite, at the beginning of the location. When you do that, you will unlock Hawkgirl.
You can unlock the second character also on the top floor. You have to build a computer (more info about it in the Space Suits You, Sir! Mission walkthrough). The character that you unlock is Shazam.
When inside, go to the right and pull the object from behind the wall (use Cyborg's Magnet Suit). When you do that, burn the gold wall shown in the picture using a laser. To go inside, you will need The Atom. After collecting the Token from inside, you will unlock Miss Martian.
The first Minikit can be collected after destroying four boxes attached to balloons. Two of them are located in the place shown in the picture and three of them behind the flame wall.
You can collect the Minikit by hacking the terminal shown in the picture. You can do it as Cyborg or Robin in Technology suit. A platform will show up and you will be able to take the Minikit.
The third Minikit is located behind the barrier, in space. To reach it, you have to use the Toy Wonder panel in the wall and send it to get the Minikit. Wear Robin's Technology Suit to summon the robot.
To unlock the third Minikit, you have to find five glowing posters with a warning sign (shown in the picture). Two of them are located in the first part and three in the second part.
To unlock the fifth Minikit, you need to approach the glass barrier shown in the picture (as Martian Manhunter) and start to control the mind of the worker standing there. When controlling the worker, use the lever and open the door. Destroy the gold object using a laser and a Minikit will drop out.
To obtain the sixth Minikit, approach the blue chest in the middle of the room (as Cyborg in Magnet Suit) and open it. The Minikit is inside.
The next Minikit is hanging in the left part of the main hall. You can access it with Robin (using the bars) or with a flying character.
The eight Minikit is located on the arena where you fight Joker. To access it, jump down (as Cyborg) and hack the terminal on the left. The door will open and you will be able to collect the Minikit.
The next Minikit is in the right part of the arena where you fight Luthor. Approach the terminal and hack it (as Cyborg or Robin) and the door will open. As Superman, fly into the room and destroy the golden chest using laser. You will obtain another Minikit.
The last Minikit can be found also in the right part of the Luthor arena. Switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Then, destroy the objects that block your way to the cell. After doing that, jump down and collect the Minikit
As Plastic Man, approach the platform on the left and get to the other side.
When you're there, build a platform from the bricks and, as Green Lantern, step onto it. Start to create an object and the cell in front of you will open. This way, you will rescue Adam West.
When you're on the other side, go to the other end of the arena and use the second platform, as Plastic Man. To do that, you first have to pull the lever located on the right. This way, you will disable the motion sensor and you will be able to access the platform.
After getting onto the other side, you can collect the Red Brick and go back.
You can unlock the first character when fighting Firefly. As Cyborg, go to the left and use Magnet Suit to open the metal door nearby. As Superman, fly inside and collect the Character Token. This way, you will unlock John Stewart.
The second character can be unlocked when fighting Grundy. Approach the platform above the main door. Switch to Brainiac and shrink the rocket that blocks your way. When the road is clear, fly onto the platform above, switch to Cyborg and wear Demolition Suit. Using explosives, destroy the chest and you will obtain Reverse Flash Character Token.
The first character can be unlocked in the same room as the second one. Fly onto higher floor, switch to Cyborg and wear Electricity Suit. Gather some energy from the generator shown in the picture and fly down. You will find a locked chest and an inactive generator nearby. Charge the generator and the chest will be opened. Take the object from the chest and head left. Fly up and give it to Bat-Mite to obtain Green Arrow Character Token.
The first Minikit can be collected after going through the barrier. To do that, you need Plastic Man.
You can obtain the second Minikit near the platform that Plastic Man can access. As Batman, approach the wall and use your Sensor Suit. After creating a platform for Green Lantern, step onto it and create a drill, which will unscrew four screws. This way, you will be able to access the second Minikit.
Go to the left and use the hook on the platform visible in the screen. After destroying it, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Put out the fire on the left. For completing the task, you will receive another Minikit.
You can find the fourth Minikit in the computer on the right. After hacking the terminal, five icons will be visible on the screen. Click on the right one and create Batman sign from the cubes. After doing that, leave the computer and you will find a Minikit to your right.
You can obtain the fifth Minikit by destroying five brick-meals left by the snakes that block the way.
As Batman, approach the wall on the second floor and use Sensor Suit to move the mirrors. The light beam should reach its destination. After you complete the task, a Minikit will drop out nearby.
As Robin, go onto the higher level and use the terminal while wearing Technology Suit. A gold box will show up from the ground. Destroy it using Superman's laser and you will obtain another Minikit.
As Cyborg, approach the blocked passage in Stealth Suit and when inside, switch to Magnet Suit. After doing that, go through the blue pipes, onto the higher level.
Using Electricity Suit, go to the other side and deactivate the generator. Switch to Giant Suit and pull out the blockage. Lastly, wear Sonar Suit and destroy the glass barrier under the ceiling. Another Minikit will appear.
You can find the ninth Minikit at the end of the location. Activate the mech, using Electricity Suit and it will leave a Minikit.
You can find the last Minikit underwater, in the container on the right. As Batman, Approach the lever in Scuba Suit and activate it. A silver box will appear from the ground, which you should destroy using an explosive attack. You will obtain the tenth Minikit.
After getting out of Green Lantern's protection field, go to the left side. Switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Put out the fire on the right and you will save Adam West.
You can obtain the Red Brick when fighting snakes. Approach the red platform on the right and as Plastic Man, pull out the Red Brick.
As Plastic Man, head to the place where Green Lantern is.
The place that you can see in the picture is where you can unlock The Atom. Destroy all the silver objects and build a machine from the bricks. You can use Cyborg's Demolition Suit to smash the items.
After completing the previous task, go left and put out the fire using Batman's Arctic Suit. Use the hook to lower the lever located higher.
Go left and use the vehicle located there. Aim at the machine that you've built (if you have troubles moving the camera, just press the key responsible for looking down). When driving, clean the green substance from the floor.
After aiming at the machine, the vehicle will land automatically. Get out and use the levers that show up. When you use both of them, you will be able to access The Atom Character Token.
The second character can be obtained by hacking the terminal located in the right part of the room. After doing that, a box with an item inside will show up. Take it and go to Bat-Mite, who is standing in the middle of the room. As a reward, you will obtain Beast Boy.
In the room with water containers, go to the right side and use Robin's Magnet Suit to access the box. When it falls down, switch to Batman and wear Sonar Suit to smash the glass barrier. After picking up the Token, you will unlock Stargirl.
You will see the first Minikit when going through the blockage. To access it, you have to use Magnet Suit. After doing that, jump into the pipe and collect the Minikit.
You will find the next Minikit above the second blockage. To be able to take it, use Batman's Sonar Suit and smash the glass barrier. Switch to Space Suit and use the laser to burn the gold box. A Minikit will drop out of the box.
The third Minikit is located in the main hall. Go to the right and smash the glass that blocks your way to it. Use Cyborg's Demolition Suit.
You will find the fourth Minikit near the third one. As Batman, approach the blue box and use Sensor Suit. When two handles appear on the door, switch to Grundy and pull out the door. After doing that, you will obtain a Minikit.
You can obtain the fifth Minikit when controlling Martian Manhunter. Destroy all the objects in the central part of the room and you will notice a passage behind them. After going to the other side, fly up and collect the Minikit.
You will find the sixth Minikit after destroying five flying objects in the third part of the location. The first one is the least visible. Fly up and look right (as shown in the picture). You will find the rest of the objects in the next chamber.
You can obtain the seventh Minikit by destroying the box on the right, using Batman's Sonar Suit.
You can obtain the eighth Minikit by destroying the object on the right, using Batman's Sonar Suit.
The next Minikit is located on the arena where you fight Brainiac. Using rockets, destroy four flying objects (use Cyborg's Demolition Suit) and you will obtain the Minikit. To collect it, you have to fly to the place where the last object was.
You will obtain the last Minikit when going back.
To rescue Adam West, go to the right at the beginning of the location and use the platform for Green Lantern. After digging out the bricks, create a lever and use it. A container with Adam inside will appear. To open it, use Superman's laser on the gold lock.
Go to the right side and use Cyborg's Magnet Suit on the blue pillar. After destroying it, build a platform for Plastic Man from the bricks and go onto it. When Plastic Man completes the task, go left and press the switch on the mechanism. A Red Brick will fall down.
Go to the main hall and use Batman's Sensor Suit. You will see two objects on the right side of the screen. Move them using Robin's Magnet Suit. After doing that, a Character Token will appear in the middle. As Green Lantern, fly up and collect it. You will unlock Brainiac Minion.
In the last-but-one room, as Batman, approach the mechanism and use Sensor Suit. When a switch appears on the ground, step onto it and you will see a helmet showing up from the container. Take it and go back to the beginning of the location, to Bat-Mite. As a reward, you will obtain Orion Character Token.
The third and the last character can be obtained when fighting Brainiac. The Character Token is well-hidden and you will have to control a flying character without seeing it on the screen. As Wonder Woman, get behind Brainiac's throne and go up. You will collect Doctor Fate Character Token.
At the beginning of the location, switch to Cyborg and open the blue magnetice levers using Magnet Suit. When the stage appears, get two of your characters to jump on the ropes on both sides of the curtain and it will open. As a reward, you will obtain a Minikit.
As Cheetah or Green Lantern, start to dig up bricks from the piles of dirt. After completing the task, build a generator and approach it as Batman. After charging it, you will obtain a Minikit.
Attention! There's no active generator nearby that you could take energy from, so you have to unlock unlimited energy for Red Bricks.
You can obtain the third Minikit by using the hook on every duck in the lake.
You will collect the fourth Minikit by using the hook on the rooftops that you can see in the picture.
Attention! The last rooftop is available when you fight Brainiac's minions. You have to destroy it before killing the last minion, otherwise you will have to restart the mission.
You will obtain the fifth Minikit with the help of Grundy. Step onto the platform that you can see in the picture and he will dig up a Vehicle for you. Use it and go to the other side. You will find a pile of dirt. Use it as Green Lantern and you will receive a Minikit.
The sixth Minikit can be collected in the part where the telephone booth blocks your way. Fly onto the building and destroy the white billboard. From the bricks, build your own helicopter. Go to the fountain and you will find a Minikit inside.
You will find the next Minikit in the place shown in the picture. To collect it, you need to have The Atom. Use his ability to shrink and fly into the hole in the ground. Go to the middle of the junction and you will obtain a Minikit.
The eighth Minikit can be obtained using Brainiac. Approach the small building visible in the picture and use the special ability to make it bigger. After opening the door, destroy the objects inside and you will obtain a Minikit.
The next Minikit can be found in the greenhouse on the right. To get inside, you have to go left and use Plastic Man on the red window that you can see in the picture. After getting there, you can collect the Minikit.
You can receive the last Minikit after destroying several Italy flags.
To rescue Adam, use the terminal shown in the picture. You will see some ships appearing on the right. Build a platform using the ships and you will save Adam.
Approach the building shown in the picture and destroy the gold barrier using Superman's laser. When fire breaks out, use the platform as Plastic Man to receive a Red Brick.
When fighting Brainiac's minions, near the triumphal arch, instead of killing them, approach the piles of dirt and, as Green Lantern, start searching through them. After exploring the last pile, you will receive Cheshire Character Token.
When going across the bridge, look to the right and you will find an object for Brainiac. After destroying the boat, a Character Token will drop out and you will unlock Lobo.
During the last battle with Brainiac, approach the greenhouse and start hacking the terminal. You have to switch colors on the terminal to those visible on the Tower of Piza. After completing the task, collect the items and return to Bat-Mite, who is standing at the beginning of the location. As a reward, you will receive Manchester Black Character Token.
You can find the first Minikit on the right, on the first floor of the building that you can see in the picture. As Cyborg, approach the building and use Demolition Suit to shoot a rocket at the silver railing. You will receive a Minikit as a reward.
You can receive the second Minikit for destroying the silver tank. As Cyborg, go near the tank and start shooting lasers at the golden snake. After destroying it, the tank will explode. Finish the task by destroying the rest of the objects and create a Minikit from the bricks.
Go to the left side and use a laser attack to destroy the gold pipe. After doing that, you will see a Minikit that you can collect.
The fourth Minikit is located on the rooftop, on the right side. As Superman, fly onto the building and switch to Batman. Wear Sonar Suit and destroy the glass barrier. You will obtain another Minikit.
You will find the fifth Minikit in the at the carnival. Approach the bumper cars and start hacking the terminal (as Cyborg or Robin in Technology Suit). After you do that, a Minikit will fall onto the ground.
You can find the next Minikit on a rooftop on the left. As Superman, fly onto the building and use your laser on the bricks inside the Batman's sign. After doing that, use the bricks to build an object and hop onto it. The Minikit will appear at the end of the object and you can access it with a flying character.
You can obtain the next Minikit in the second phase of the battle with Brainiac. As Batman, approach the greenhouse on the left and use Sonar Suit to destroy it. From the bricks on the ground, build a fountain that you can destroy and obtain a Minikit.
The eighth Minikit can be obtained when going to the next greenhouse. As Poison Ivy, make it to the other side with a special platform and collect the Minikit.
Attention! If you don't have Poison Ivy yet and you don't know how to unlock this character, read the How to unlock Poison Ivy chapter.
The ninth Minikit can be collected after destroying five trees with a blue crown. All the trees are located near the lake.
During the last phase of the battle with Brainiac, approach his ship and put out the fire using Batman's Arctic Suit or Superman. After doing that, destroy the object that you can see near the fire and you will obtain the last Minikit.
To rescue Adam West, you have to destroy the silver statue that you can see in the picture. From the bricks on the ground, build a platform for Green Lantern. Step onto the platform and start to build a boat that will rescue Adam.
During the last battle with Brainiac, go to the right and, as Green Lantern, dig up some bricks from the ground. Build a platform for Plastic Man and step onto it. After T-Rex rams the building, a Red Brick will fall out of it.
You can unlock the first character in the garden. Talk to Bat-Mite at the top of the container and return to the beginning of the location.
Behind the main greenhouse, you will find a few trees. Destroy them and you will see a glowing wall behind them. Destroy it too, as well as the objects inside and you will obtain the item you need. Return to Bat-Mite to receive a Character Token.
You can unlock the second character when at the carnival. Approach the big fish tank and go inside. You will find Deadshot Character Token.
The third character can be obtained by lighting up and destroying the fireworks spinners at the carnival. To do that, you have to use the hook and then destroy a spinner. After destroying the last one, you will obtain Deathstroke Character Token.
You can obtain the first Minikit after destroying five silver crystals. You can find them in the first location.
You can find the second Minikit on a rock in the second part of the location. As Green Lantern, fly onto the rock and use the platform. By doing that, you will destroy a blockage in the nearby cave and you will find a Minikit inside.
The third Minikit can be found on a rock in the passage between locations. Fly onto it and smash the crystal to receive the Minikit.
You will obtain the fourth one right after defeating the tribe warriors and deactivating the barrier. Destroy the objects located there and build a telephone booth from the bricks. Go inside and you will see a rocket exploding and dropping out a Minikit.
You will obtain the fifth Minikit by digging in a few piles of dirt in the ground. As Green Lantern, fly from one pile to another. You can find the last one on the second floor, near the exit from the location. When you search through it, you will obtain a Minikit.
You will obtain another Minikit in the next part of the location. Approach the rock that you can see in the picture and switch to Brainiac. Shoot at the rock so that it would shrink. You will notice a Minikit.
When going up, you will notice a pile of dirt. Use it, as Green Lantern, and you will dig up another Minikit.
When unlocking the way up (using the flowers), you will notice a glowing wall near you. As Superman, destroy it and create an oven from the bricks. Another Minikit will appear.
You will find the ninth Minikit near the flowers (and the eighth Minikit). As, Martian Manhunter, use super vision. When you notice the passage, use it and get to the higher level.
On the lower level, switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Aim at the blue levers and collect the Minikit with a flying character.
The last Minikit can be obtained when completing the main mission. As Martian Manhunter, or Cyborg, approach the beehive shown in the picture and destroy it using the hook. A Minikit will fall out of it, but it will be surrounded by bees. Use the bricks to build record player to get rid of them and you will be able to collect the Minikit.
When in the first location, approach the station near the dark cave and use it as Robin in Illumination Suit. After charging, go back to the cave and you will see Adam,
When in the last location, fly onto the level where the symbol on the rock is. You will notice a small green platform, which you should use as Grundy. You will dig up another platform, this time for Plastic Man, so switch characters and step onto it. A Red Brick will appear in the air.
When going from one location to another, you will notice two caves. The one on the left is the one where you can rescue Adam West and on the right, there is a Character Token. As Robin, in the Illumination Suit, use the station that you can see in the picture and go into the cave on the right. You will find Parasite Character Token there.
You will find the second character near the passage between dimensions. Open the magnetic lever using Cyborg's Magnet Suit, switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Put out the fire and collect the car model located there. Go back to Bat-Mite and give him the toy. You will receive Zamaron Warrior Character Token.
After the first confrontation with the flying monster, approach the pilar shown in the picture and use the hook to make it fall down. When you destroy it, the rock nearby will be damaged and you will notice Vibe Character Token.
You can obtain the first Minikit after destroying five gold chests. The first one can be found at the beginning of the location and the other ones after deactivating the force field.
You can find the second chest near the passage to another zone. You cannot see it from below, so you first have to go past it to destroy it later.
The next chamber is located on the second floor. You can reach it by using the platform for Green Lantern or just flying to it.
The fourth chest is located near the third one. Fly up and face the other side to see it. In the picture, you can see the last chest (in the distance). After destroying it, you will receive a Minikit.
You will find the second minikit near the gold chest. As Batman, in Arctic Suit, destroy the glass barrier and you will find a Minikit inside.
You can find the third Minikit in the cave, on the other side of the lava. Reach its location with a flying character and switch to Robin, after first charging his Illumination Suit. After discovering the silver object, switch to Batman and destroy it with explosive attack. You will obtain a Minikit.
Near the fourth gold chest, you can see also other objects. Create a platform for Green Lantern and build a boat. Enter it and swim to the two buoys on the water. You will obtain another Minikit.
In the next part of the location, you will notice a glowing wall. Switch to Superman and fly onto the rock near the wall. Destroy the wall and you will see a pile of dirt. Switch to Green Lantern and dig up a Minikit.
In the picture above, below Green Lantern, you can see a cave. Fly to the station on the right, charge Robin's Illumination Suit and go inside. After doing that, switch to Batman and use Sensor Suit to find an object. Destroy the object using the laser from Space Suit and a Minikit will appear from the water.
As Green Lantern, approach the pile of dirt that you can see in the picture and dig up an object. After destroying it, you will obtain a Minikit.
After digging out the seventh Minikit, head to the other side, as Green Lantern. Fly to the place shown in the picture and dig up a platform. Use it and a Minikit will drop out of the object.
After collecting the eighth Minikit, fly to the rock through which you go onto the arena and dig out a Minikit from the ground, on the right.
You will obtain the last Minikit when fighting the boss. Fly to the white skull shown in the picture and destroy it. After smashing three of such skulls, you will receive the tenth Minikit.
After destroying the fifth gold chest, you will have the chance to rescue Adam West. Fly to the object that you can see in the picture and switch to Batman. Using Sensor Suit, go past the motion sensor and the barrier will open. Use the lever to open the laser cage and you will save Adam.
You can obtain the Red Brick at the beginning of the mission. Approach the panel near the wall and hack it as Robin or Cyborg in Technology Suit. From the bricks on the ground, create a platform for Plastic Man and use it. After crushing the rocks in front of you, approach the silver object and destroy it using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. A Red Brick will drop you of the silver rock.
When exploring the first location, near the first force field, go to the right and look up. You will notice a beehive, which you should destroy using the hook. You will unlock the first character - Bleez.
To unlock the second character, go to the second location and approach the object shown in the picture (right near the precipice). Throw Robin's spear at the target and you will receive Green Lantern Warrior Character Token.
Talk to Bat-Mite in the second location (at the beginning of it) and learn what item he needs. Approach the object nearby and switch to Batman. Use Sensor Suit to find another object on the ground. Approach it and dig up a helmet, which you should give to Bat-Mite. As a reward for completing the task, you will receive Atrocitus Character Token.
At the beginning of the location, go to the right and, as Green Lantern, step onto the platform and create a crane. It will pull out the first Minikit for you.
When going across the bridge, you will notice a golden flower on the left. For now, you will have to ignore it (unless you already have unlimited light for Red Bricks).
Near the main door, at the end of the location, you will see a station for charging Robin's Illumination suit. Go there and get the energy and then return to the place where the flower was.
Burn the flower with a laser (use for example Superman) and switch to Robin. Where the Illumination Suit and light it up. In the cave, you will find the second Minikit.
When stepping off the bridge, as Green Lantern, fly to the rock on the right and dig up a flower from the ground. Hit the flower to obtain a Minikit.
You will find the fourth Minikit behind the gold door shown in the picture. To get through it, you have to destroy the force field using Grundy. After doing that, fly down and burn the door with laser. When you step inside, switch to Brainiac and think the rock that blocks your way. At the end, use the platform for Green Lantern and create and item that will crush the rock for you and you will obtain a Minikit.
You will find the fifth Minikit near the main stairs and the entrance to another location. Destroy the objects located there and switch to Batman. Where Sonar Suit and smash the glass barrier that you can see in the picture. A Minikit will drop out from the container.
You will find the sixth Minikit in the main cave, where you complete the task with the light beams. Fly to the right and you will find a gold door. Use Superman's laser to burn through it and you will find a Minikit inside.
When in the main cave, fly to the left and you will find a gold wall. Switch to Superman and use your laser to burn it. The banana shape will interest the monkey and it will drop a Minikit.
After obtaining the seventh Minikit, go to the left side of the cave and you will find a glowing wall here. As Superman or Croc, destroy the wall and you will find a gold totem behind it. After destroying the totem using Superman's laser, you will obtain a Minikit.
You will find the ninth Minikit on the arena where you fight Larfleez. Go to the left and destroy a pile of silver and gold object. Destroy it with Cyborg so that you don't need to switch characters all the time. For destroying the pile of objects, you will obtain a Minikit.
To obtain the last Minikit, you have to go to the right side of the arena on which you fight Larfleez. Use the hook to destroy the plant the blocks the pillar. From the bricks on the ground, create a lever. Go onto the pilar and use the lever to pull it out of the ground. After you do that, switch to Cyborg and wear Demolition Suit. Plant a bomb under the silver part of the pillar. For completing the task, you will receive a Minikit.
When in the main cave, go to the right and fly into the small niche, in which you will see a platform for Green Lantern. Use it and you will start to pull the teeth out of the sculpture. This way, you will save Adam.
When in the main cave, go to the right side and approach the mechanism with light. Next to it, you will find a silver gate, which you should destroy using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. After doing that, switch to Plastic Man ad use the platform that appears. You will notice a Red Brick near the biggest sculpture in the cave, so use a flying character to collect it.
To unlock the first character, you have to fly up near the first entrance to another location. You will find a bird and three eggs in the nest. Destroy it to obtain Kilowog Character Token.
You can find the second character near the main door. Talk to Bat-Mite and jump over the water. Using Batman's Sensor Suit, create a machine (you will find the bricks on the main square). Destroy all the objects to obtain bricks and put them into the machine, which will create the item you need. As a reward, you will receive Orange Construct Warrior Character Token.
You will find the third character in the main cave. Go to the lower level and start destroying all the objects from bricks. After doing that, start hitting the pillar until it's maximally pulled out. Approach the left pillar and use Batman's Sensor Suit. When the pillars collapse, you will notice two parts of the pillar are pressing two switches on the ground. Go to the right and step onto the last switch to finish pulling the pillar out. After destroying it, you will unlock Larfleez.
You can obtain the first Minikit at the beginning of the location. Near the door, you will find a red sign, between two blue ones. Shoot at the red sign until it turns blue. A Minikit will fall down.
You can find the second Minikit near the door to another area. Switch to Robin and wear Illumination Suit. Charge at the nearby generator and switch it one to find a Minikit in the cave.
You will find the third Minikit in the first location, when the door is opening. Destroy the rings on the skeleton's arms. First, you have to shoot a rocket towards the left ring and then you will have the chance to destroy the second one. After completing the task, you will notice a platform for Plastic Man, so switch characters and use it. You have to go through the passages to reach the Minikit.
You will find the fourth Minikit at the beginning of the second location. Approach the edge that you can see in the picture and use the hook to destroy the railing. After doing that, fly into the room and burn the gold container, from which you will obtain a Minikit.
Near the gold chest, you will notice a skeleton. You have to destroy five such skeletons to obtain the next Minikit.
You will find the sixth Minikit near the door that blocks your way. Switch to Brainiac and aim at the black object from bricks, located above the door. After shrinking the object, you will notice a Minikit. Switch to a flying character and collect it.
The seventh Minikit can be obtained when unlocking the elevator. Fly up and you will notice the object behind bars. Fly to the right and destroy the silver plate that blocks your way. After getting inside, switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Open the levers that protect the Minikit.
You can find the eighth Minikit near the part where you open the five door that lead to the next location. As Green Lantern, fly up and go into the cell. Use the platform located there. After destroying the bars of another cell, fly in, destroy all the objects and build a generator from the bricks. Switch to Batman, wear Electricity Suit and charge the energy. A Minikit will drop from the blue sign in the middle.
You can find the ninth Minikit when fighting Indigo-1. Go to the lower level, switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. After using the sensors, switch to Space Suit and use the laser to burn the gold lever. This way, you will be able to access the Minikit.
You will find the last Minikit in the let part of the arena on which you fight Indigo-1. Switch to Green Lantern and dig up bricks from the ground. Build a small passage on the wall and switch to Robin. Wear the Technology Suit and summon Toy Wonder. Go through the passage and locate a Minikit in the next room.
After going through the first door, approach the edge and, as Green Lantern, dig up an object from the ground. This way, you will save Adam.
You can find the Red Brick when fighting Indigo-1. Approach the central part of the arena and locate a platform for Plastic Man. Use it to make the Red Brick appear. Fly behind the energetic core to collect it.
You will find the first character in the part where you found the second Minikit. Switch to Robin and charge your Illumination Suit at the nearby generator. Go into the cave and light the way. Destroy the net located there and hit the statue behind it to obtain Indigo Tribe Warrior Character Token.
You can find the second character when creating the blue pipes and trying to destroy the generator. Go onto the platform below and destroy the device that generates electricity to access the silver barrier. As Cyborg, in Demolition Suit, plant a bomb under the barrier. After the explosion, you will notice Black Hand Character Token.
The third character can be obtain by talking to Bat-Mite before crossing the electric bridge. Jump down, switch to Brainiac and shrink the rock that blocks your way. When you do that, switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. Switch stealth mode on to go past the motion sensor and collect the item. Now you can return to Bat-Mite and receive Ultra-Humanite Character Token as a reward.
You will find the first Minikit when fighting against enemies near the alien ship. Destroy the silver container at the bottom of the station to collect the Minikit.
You will find the second Minikit after destroying five objects that you can see in the picture.
The Minikit can be found on a rock, above the place where you start the mission. Fly onto it and switch to Brainiac to shrink the black rock. After doing that, switch to Cyborg and destroy the silver object on the top of the monster's head. When it hides, switch to Robin and charge your Illumination Suit. Go inside the cave and burn the gold object using Superman's laser. You can collect the Minikit.
You will find the next Minikit also in the place where you start the mission. On the left, there's a small lake, in which you can see something glowing. To collect the Minikit, switch to Batman, wear Scuba Suit and jump into the water.
You will obtain the fifth Minikit by destroying five objects. The first one is located on a rock, near the place where you start the mission.
The next silver object can be found near the part where you encounter a spider. Shoot a rocket at the object to destroy it.
The third object can be found near the part where you destroy the tentacle.
The fourth one is located near the end of the map, in the place where you rescue the Saint Walker. Shoot a rocket to destroy it.
You will find the fifth object under the main arena, where you save the Saint Walker. To go down, you have to use a flying character. When you're on the lower level, go left and stand on the last shelf to see a silver object.
The sixth Minikit can be found in the cave, under the monster's tentacle. If you lack energy in the Illumination Suit, you can return to the beginning of the location and charge it at the generator. Go inside the cave and light the way. Switch to Superman and burn through the gold wall to find a Minikit.
You will find the seventh Minikit after destroying one of the monster's tentacles. You will notice three purple-blue objects on the ceiling. Destroy them by shooting at them and move them sing Cyborg's Magnet Suit, straight into the mouth of the giant flower. After feeding the third object to the flower, it will give you a Minikit.
The eighth Minikit can be found on the arena on which you rescue the Saint Walker. You have to destroy three birds build from bricks. You will find two of them on the left and one on the right (the one in the picture). After destroying all three, you will obtain a Minikit.
You will find the ninth Minikit behind the monster. Notice the glowing wall, which you can destroy with Superman or Grundy. In the cave behind the wall, you will find a green liana. Hang on it to obtain a Minikit.
You will find the last Minikit also in the place where you save the Saint Walker. Go to the right and, as Grundy, dig up a machine from the ground. After doing that, step onto the switch next to it to water the flower. The flower will open and you will see a gold object. Destroy it using Superman's laser to obtain the ninth Minikit.
You will find Adam in the place where you get rid of the spider. Fly up and switch to Brainiac. Shrink the rock that you can see in the picture. After you do that, a boulder will start rolling from the slope and it will knock out the bird. You will save Adam this way.
When rescuing the Saint Walker, approach the monster and, as Brainiac, aim at the dark rock nearby. Under the rock, you will find a platform for Plastic Man. Use it and an object from bricks will be created. Approach the glasses on the object, switch to Batman and wear Sonar Suit. After smashing the glass barrier, you will obtain a Red Brick.
You can find the first character when going across the water. To obtain the item, you have to jump into the water using Batman's Scuba Suit and place yourself to the right of the container that you can see in the picture. Use your harpoon to shoot at the container and it will float up to the surface. Step onto the shore and use the hook to open the chest. This way, you will obtain the item that Bat-Mite wants. Go to the beginning of the location, give the item to Bat-Mite and you will receive Blue Scarab Character Token.
You can obtain the second character when you arrive at the arena on which you have to save Saint Walker. Fly down to the place that you can see in the picture and switch to Brainiac. Shrink the rock that blocks your way, switch to Robin, wear Illumination Suit and summon Toy Wonder. Controlling the robot, go through the small passage and you will appear on lower level, where you can collect Reach Warrior Character Token.
Fly to the lower level of the arena on which you rescue the Saint Walker and head to the purple-blue flower at the end.
After reaching the flower, switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Using the magnets, move the blue petals and you will find Captain Cold Character Token.
You will obtain the first Minikit during the flight. Destroy five silver objects spread around the base and you will obtain a Minikit.
You can obtain the second Minikit by smashing the silver object in space. To obtain it while completing the mission, you have to build a rocket from the parts that you find on the shipwrecks and shoot it at the object.
At the beginning of the mission, approach the terminal that you can see in the picture and start to hack it. After completing this task, switch to Flash or Superman and step onto the red platform. Select three objects to build a crane, which will pull out the third Minikit for you.
After collecting the third Minikit, you can collect the fourth one. In the picture, on the right, you can see a laser barrier. To get past it, you have to switch to The Atom and enter through a small hole that you can see above the lasers. When inside, you can collect the fourth Minikit.
The fifth Minikit can be obtained pulling ropes attached to five objects. The first one is located near the drill, which you use to unlock the passage.
The second rope is located in the part where you control the worker and pull the lever
The third rope can be found near the generator which you use to open the passage and disable the hammers.
The fourth rope is located in the place where you fight Sinestro's minion and destroy his laser.
You can find the fifth rope near the entrance to the arena, on which you fight Sinestro.
The sixth Minikit can be found in the part where you can see the hammers. As Green Lantern, approach the edge and dig up some bricks from the ground. Build a skull from the bricks and you will find a Minikit between its teeth.
You will find the seventh Minikit under the hammer mechanism, to the right of the niche. To access it, you have to first disable the hammers.
When going to the next part of the location (in the moment when you fall down), use the platform, as Plastic Man or Martian Manhunter and get inside the cell. Switch to Green Lantern and approach the pile of dirt to dig up a Minikit.
The next Minikit can be found near Bat-Mite. As Green Lantern, step onto the platform and create an item that will destroy the rock. After doing that, you will see a Minikit.
In the part where you fall down and escape Sinestro, you will find a gold statue in a cave. Use Superman's laser to destroy it and you will be able to collect the last Minikit.
In the second part of the mission, go onto the pipes on the left and switch to Martian Manhunter. Start controlling the worker's mind, who stands behind the laser barrier.
Controlling the worker, approach the lever and disable the barrier. Defeat everyone in the room and you will save Adam.
You can find the Red Brick during your fight with Sinestro. Go to the right and, as Plastic Man, use the red platform. After performing a trick, a Red Brick will appear next to you.
You can unlock the first character in the part when you encounter the electric barrier with hammers. Go to the left, switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Move the blue valve that you can see on the screen and create a terminal from the bricks on the ground. Start hacking it and open a container, in which you will find Arkillo Character Token.
You can unlock the second character when fighting Arkillo. Approach the black rock and use Brainiac's skills to shrink it. After doing that, switch to Robin, wear Technology Suit and start hacking the terminal. You will notice a container appearing from the lava, in which you will find Sinestro Character Token.
The third character can be unlocked right after the fight with Arkillo. Go down and talk to Bat-Mite. Go back up with a flying character.
Approach the rock that you can see in the picture and switch to Batman. Wear Sensor Suit and use the hook to get higher. Use the sensors and you will notice a gold object in the cave. Take it to Bat-Mite and you will obtain Sinestro Corps Warrior Character Token.
When fighting Superman, go to the right and use the Green Lantern platform to create an object. The hammer you create will smash a rock on the right and you will obtain the first Minikit.
Attention! In this part, using the red platform will teleport you to a secret level. If you want to return to the battle with Superman, you have to use the Plastic Man platform in the secret room.
You will obtain the second Minikit after destroying five statues. The first one can be found near a passage for Plastic Man.
You will find the second one on a rock near a gold wall.
The third one can be found at the end, in a cave on the left.
You will find the fourth one in at the end, in a cave on the right.
You will find the fifth one in the highest located cave (near the main area).
You can obtain the first Minikit by leading all the cows to the pen. Hop onto them and go to the pen located on the right. After leading the third cow, you will obtain a Minikit.
The fourth Minikit can be obtained after completing the task with cows. Switch to Robin, wear Technology Suit and summon Toy Wonder. Send him to a small passage in the wall. Start hacking the terminal to unlock the Minikit.
The fifth Minikit can be found in the central part of the cave. Approach the big container and use the hook to open the door. After doing that, switch to Superman and use your laser to burn through the gold wall. From the bricks on the ground, create and object and you will obtain a Minikit.
As Batman, in Electricity Suit, approach the generator near the gold wall and charge the suit. You will activate a flying vehicle which you have to follow. After arriving at your destination, you will receive a Minikit.
Jump onto a rock in the central part of the cave and destroy the crystal shown in the picture, using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. From the bricks, build a lever, which you should use and jump down. Switch to Sonar Suit and smash the glass barrier to obtain a Minikit.
Fly to the right and charge Robin's Illumination Suit at the generator. When you do that, switch to a flying character and head right.
Enter the cave, lighting your way and find a Minikit at the bottom,.
Fly to the right part of the cave and go onto higher level. You will find a blue object. Switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit to open the object. Inside, you will find a Minikit.
In the left part of the cave, you will find a small lake on a rock. Switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Start shooting at the water until the statue grows. Switch to Superman and destroy the statue using your laser. This way, you will obtain a Minikit.
Near the gold wall, where you've obtained a Minikit, you will find a blue object. Destroy it, as well as other objects and build a machine from the bricks. This way, Adam will be teleported to you and you will save him.
Go to the last part of the cave and use the Plastic Man platform. After creating the object, destroy the rock nearby and a Red Brick will drop out.
Go to the middle of the cave and talk to Bat-Mite. The item you're looking for is located in a secret room near Bat-Mite.
Go onto the rock that you can see in the picture and switch to Batman. Using Sensor Suit, activate stealth mode and reach the room in front of you. Approach the cabinet and activate the sensor. Switch to Cyborg and destroy the gold padlock on the shelf. Take the required item from the cabinet and return to Bat-Mite. You will unlock Composite-Superman.
Go to a small alcove in the last part of the cave and, as Martian Manhunter, approach the terminal and start solving the puzzle. The part on the top has to fit the part on the bottom. For completing the task, you will receive Superman (Solar Suit).
Go to the lat part of the cave and destroy the rock located there. Create objects from the bricks on the ground and approach the generator to switch it on.
Your task here is to dance. Jump onto the colors that are shown on the screen near the wall. After completing the mission, you will receive Cyborg Superman Character Token.
You can obtain the first Minikit with Plastic Man. Enter the cave on the right and get through the passage in the ground. On the other side of the laser barrier, you will find a Minikit.
You can find the second Minikit in the left part of the cave. As Robin, wearing Technology Suit, use the platform and build a vehicle. Get inside the vehicle and drive through the three gates in the middle of the room. You will receive a Minikit.
Go to the right and, as Batman in Electricity Suit, use the generator. Some objects will show up on the conveyor belt - use the Sensor Suit as Batman. Switch to Green Lantern and start digging out bricks from the ground. Build a lever to pull out the Minikit.
GO to the small cave in the middle of the room and jump up to collect a Minikit.
You will receive the fifth Minikit after destroying three red phones in the cave. One is located on the left (picture), the second in the central part and the third on the right.
The next Minikit can be obtained when chasing Joker. Start controlling the helicopter and fly to the right. Then, controlling the car, shoot at the helicopter.
You can obtain the seventh Minikit when chasing Joker. Start controlling the helicopter and shoot when you see a silver box. When you shoot it down, you will receive a Minikit.
The eighth Minikit can be found in the bar. Go upstairs and head right. Destroy the glass container, using laser and you will be able to collect the Minikit.
After collecting the eighth Minikit, approach the teeth on the left and destroy it to obtain another Minikit.
This Minikit is located also in the bar. Go to the right and fly up. Notice the teeth. Inside, there's a Minikit.
When Joker arrives, approach his car and destroy the gold steamroller using Superman's laser. This way, you will rescue Adam.
When in the bar, go upstairs and destroy the objects on the right. After building a platform, switch to Plastic Man and step onto it. After performing a trick, you will be able to collect the Red Brick.
When in the cave, go to the left and talk to Bat-Mite. Create a small pool from the bricks. Go to the central part of the cave that Bat-Mite needs from the desk. As a reward, you will obtain Penguin (1966) Character Token.
Go to the central part of the cave and destroy the objects located there. Create a platform for Green Lantern and build a safe. After opening the safe, you will find Catwoman (1966) Character Token.
As Batgirl (or any other character that can dig), go to the right and dig up the Token of the last character.
When in the Hall of Justice, fly onto the higher level and talk to the cat. Your task will be to defeat a dozen-or-so enemies. After doing that, you will receive a Gold Brick.
To start this quest, you have to go to the Watchtower or the Batcave and use the character creation option. Choose Superman 52 shirt (other parts don't matter). After creating the character, accept it and return to the Hall of Justice.
Talk to Superboy and Supergirl, who are on the second floor, on the right and you will receive a Gold Brick.
Go to the Hall of Doom and talk to Mxyzptlk. Your task will be to defeat Lobo. After jumping down, start to attack him and after you take 1/3 of his hp, he will return onto the stone and send two minions. Do that three times and you will receive a Gold Brick.
This quest is available in the main part of the Hall of Doom. Talk to Batgirl and listen to what she has to say.
The task consists in searching (destroying) several cabinets that you can find in the room. Four of them are located on the lower level and one on the higher level. After destroying them all, you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing The Pain Man. Talk to Mxyzptlk and listen to him.
You have to defend Mxyzptlk from a bird attack. Get rid of all the birds that attack you and you will receive a Gold Brick. You will also unlock Mr. Mxyzptlk.
This mission is available after completing Super Club. Talk to Supergirl, who stands in the left part of the Hall of Justice and listen to what she has to say.
You are to rescue four people. Two of them are trapped above the water. Switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Shoot at the water to save them.
The third person that you have to rescue is Superboy. You will find him on the left, on the second floor. To rescue him, switch to Cyborg and wear Magnet Suit. Start pulling out blue statues from the container and after you take all of them, you will save Superboy.
The fourth and the last person is located in the right part of the Hall of Justice. As Cyborg, approach the terminal and select first two icons. From completing the task, you will receive a Gold Brick and Superboy Character Token.
This mission is available after completing The Best Laid Plans of Bats and Men. Talk to Batgirl in the Hall of Justice.
Your task will be to throw the hats of the heads of the people located to the right of where Batgirl is. Go there and hit the people in green hats. At the end, get rid of the bad guys and you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing Hat Trick. Talk to Bat-Mite.
You have to defeat the bad guys that attack you. After killing fifteen of them, Bat-Mite will give you a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing Not-So-Scare Crows. Talk to Penguin and listen to what he has to say.
Your task will be to bring back the small penguins in one piece. Approach the first blockage and use Cyborg's Magnet Suit to destroy it. Each time you rescue a penguin, you have to bring him back home.
Use Cyborg's Demolition Suit to destroy the second blockage and rescue the penguin.
Use Electricity Suit to get rid of the third barrier. Approach the terminal and take energy from the generator to disable the lasers. After bringing the last penguin back, you will receive a Gold Brick and Penguin Character Token.
This mission is available after completing Penguin in the Hall of Justice. Talk to Poison Ivy and listen to her.
You have to escort her to the monster. Switch to Superman (or any other character that has Arctic Suit) and start putting out fires in front of Poison Ivy. For completing the mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Swamp Thing Character Token.
To complete this mission, you have to use the Lab in the Watchtower and also create a new character. Remember to select Crash Test Dummy hat and shirt. After you do that, return to Harley and talk to her. You will receive a Gold Brick.
This quest is available after completing The Garden of Love. Talk to Poison Ivy.
You have to find a stinking concoction, which will repel the Swamp Thing. Use the machine on the right. There are three items inside that you can interact with - a red button on the ground (on the left), a blue lever (in the middle) and a container (on the right). First, use the lever to create a flask. Step on the button to pour in the substance and mix it in the container. You have to use a character that has Magnet Suit to interact with the lever and the container.
Take the substance from the machine and give it to Poison Ivy. You will receive Gold Brick and Poison Ivy Character Token.
This mission is available after completing Think Bike and a series of quests in the Watchtower. Talk to Harley in the Hall of Doom.
Your task will be to bring five people to her. All of them are located in the same room as you. Approach them and press the appropriate button, then bring the, to Harley. You will receive a Gold Brick and Harley Quinn Character Token.
This mission is available after completing Proof Is In the Pummeling. Talk to Smith.
You have to disable nine traps located in the Hall of Justice. You can destroy the gold yo-yos using laser. As for the present traps, you have to destroy the mechanism that you see on the right and create a lock from the bricks. Grapple the bear traps to disable them. For completing the task, you will receive a Gold Brick and Trickster Character Token.
This mission is available after completing Five Studs Please. Talk to Nightwing.
Your task is to jump through the rings to gather more time. After you reach the last one, you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available after completing Nightwing of Fire. Approach The Riddler and listen to what he has to say.
You have to solve three riddles. During the first one, stand on the right color of brick so that you can grapple the plug.
The second riddle consists in matching the colors displayed in the front to those that are below. To do that, you have to quickly run through all the buttons on the ground. Only this way you can activate them all at once.
In the third riddle, you have to match the colors above to the bricks below (picture). After you solve all the riddles, you will receive a Gold Brick and The Riddler Character Token.
You will find the first character in the Hall of Justice. Go to the left and destroy the object that you can see on the screen. Behind the object, there is a glowing wall which you can destroy with Grundy or Superman. After destroying the wall, you will see a gold chest. Destroy it using lasers and you will unlock Thunderer.
You can find the second character also in the Hall of Justice. Go to the second floor and destroy the objects located to the right of the chest. From the bricks, build a lever and activate it - the, go left. To get rid of the laser barrier, you have to shoot at the two targets. When the barrier is down, activate the lever and another Token will appear. You will unlock Lex Luthor (Hawkman Disguise).
The third Character Token can be found in the right part of the Hall of Justice. The structure visible in the picture will be accessible only if you've already unlocked The Atom (more on that in the How to unlock The Atom chapter). Switch to The Atom, shrink and go inside. Jump until you reach the highest floor and collect the Token. You will unlock Wonder Girl.
You can collect the fourth Character Token from the Joker's present. Go to the right in the Hall of Justice and go up. To the right of the stairs, you will notice a box. To access it, you have to shoot at the target above it. After destroying the box, you will obtain Joker Mime Henchman.
You will find the fifth character in the Hall of Doom. Go to the right side of the main room and destroy the gold box using laser attack. From the bricks on the ground, create a lever that will enable you to access the generator. Step onto the platform and use Batman's Electricity Suit to unlock the passage. Go down and collect the Token from the silver box - you will unlock Frankenstein.
You can find the next character in the right part of the Hall of Doom (near the entrance to the main room). Switch to Cyborg or Robin and wear Technology Suit. Start hacking the terminal and when you're done, the container nearby will open and you will be able to collect Lexbot Character Token.
You can unlock the seventh character in the main room. Destroy five computers located around the table within the time limit and you will receive Metallo Character Token.
You can unlock the eighth character in the central room of the Hall of Doom. Destroy all the objects located there and build a generator. After gathering energy from it, he container will open and you will be able to collect Red Tornado Character Token.
The next character can be unlocked in the main room of the Hall of Doom. Fly on to higher level, to the left and destroy all the objects there. You will notice a silver statue, which you should destroy using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. You will obtain Erigan Character Token.
The tenth character can be unlocked into the central part of the Hall of Doom. Jump onto the first mushroom and a quest will begin, in which you can obtain the Token. You have to jump from one mushroom onto another in the right time. After completing the task, you will obtain Doomsday Character Token.
The next character can be unlocked in the Hall of Justice. Fly to first floor and melt the ice barrier on the left (use Superman's laser). Collect Firestorm Character Token.
The last character can be unlocked in the Hall of Justice, on the highest level, on the left. Talk to the parrot and accept the race. Controlling a flying character, go through the rings. For completing the task, you will receive Hawkman Character Token.
You will obtain the first Gold Brick after destroying five gold statues in the Hall of Justice.
You can obtain the second Gold Brick by using the rocket located in the Hall of Justice (you have to sit in it and ride for a while).
The third Gold Brick can be obtained by killing five fireflies that fly around the Hall of Doom. You have to get rid of them within the time limit.
The fourth Gold Brick can be found in the main room of the Hall of Doom. You have to destroy five targets to access the Brick. After destroying the fifth target, the laser barrier will be deactivated and you will be able to enter the room with a gold statue.
Use a laser attack to destroy the statue and you will obtain a Gold Brick.
The first opportunity to save Adam West will appear in the Hall of Justice. Destroy the silver object located on the second floor and you will find Adam.
The second chance to rescue Adam will be again in the Hall of Justice. Go to the second floor, to the right and you will see a machine, in which Adam is stuck. To rescue him, use Cyborg's Magnet Suit and interact with the generator.
You can rescue Adam again in the Hall of Doom. You have to first complete the Penguin mission. Approach Adam and defend him against the crocodiles. After defeating a dozen-or-so of them, Adam will be safe.
The fourth opportunity to rescue Adam appears in the Hall of Doom. It is available after completing the Love Stinks mission. Enter the main room of the Hall of Doom and go to the right. Build a terminal from the bricks and start hacking it (as Cyborg or Robin in Technology Suit). Select two colors on the panel and you will save Adam.
After reaching the Nok planet, talk to Green Loontern and follow him after the conversation. You will be attacked by enemies. Get rid of them and follow Green Loontern again. When you arrive at your destination, the mission will end and you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern and enter the ancient ruins. Your task is to defend yourself against the warriors. Switch to Superman to avoid damage and after you kill enough enemies, you will end the mission. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick.
This mission is available only after completing the Nok Nok Nok-ing on Prison's Door mission. Talk to Supergirl in the ancient ruins. Your task is to kill the prisoners that escaped because of Supergirl's lack of attention. After killing enough of them, you will complete the mission. You will receive a Gold Brick and Supergirl Character Token.
Talk to Ambush Bug and listen to what he has to say. Your task is to fight silver bugs. After the battle is over, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Ambush Bug. Your task will be to bring three silver bugs to him. To do that, you have to fly up and locate them. When looking at Ambush Bug, one of them is located behind him, one of the left and one on the right side. When you find a bug, hit it and bring it to Ambush. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick and Ambush Bug Character Token.
You will obtain the first character in the ruins. As Superman, fly to the place shown in the picture or use the alternative road and go up the stairs located on the other side of the planet.
In the cave, approach the pile of dirt and dig up a Character Token. You will unlock Kalibak.
As Brainiac, approach the statues that you can see in the picture and start shrinking every one. On the other side of the woods, you will find the last statue and a place to attach your hook. Switch to Batman and destroy the object to obtain a Character Token. You will unlock Bronze Tiger.
In the place where you can see a column of light, you will find a locked chest. To open it, you have to follow the yellow wire.
On the other side of the woods, you will find the power source. Destroy the plants and pull the lever to switch it of. You can now return to the chest and unlock Classic Batmobile.
To obtain this Gold Brick, you have to shoot at the target located on the wall of the temple. When the colors change, the container will open and you will be able to collect the Brick.
The second Gold Brick can be found in the ruins. Approach the left wall and destroy the floor as Superman. Switch to Batman and gather energy from the generator located nearby. This way, you will switch off the first power source of the chest located in the main room.
You will find the second generator at the very top, on the right. You can use the ladder or a flying character. Use the generator to block the second power source.
The third source is located in the main room, on the left. You have to move the camera to see it and shoot at it from below. When you do that, the chest in the main room will be opened and you will be able to collect the Gold Brick.
You will find the third Gold Brick in the ruins underground. Destroy five gold statues to obtain it.
You will obtain the fourth Gold Brick after destroying several blue flag with Batman logo on them within the time limit. All the flags are hanged on the building shown in the picture.
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
To rescue Adam, you have to use the hook on the nest.
As Batman, wear Sensor Suit and fly onto the rock above. Use Green Lantern to dig up the bricks from the ground and build a terminal. Start hacking it and you will open a chest, in which there is a Character Token. You will unlock Lex Luthor (Wonder Woman Disguise).
To open the gate, you have to shoot at several targets shown in the picture. After shooting the last one, the door will open and you will unlock Joker (Batman Disguise).
To unlock the chest on the pillar, go to the right, switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. After a button appears, step on it an you will open the left door. Unlock the first power source and go right. When the right door are opens, use an explosive attack to destroy the silver object. From the bricks on the ground, create a lever to open the chest in the middle. Inside, you will find a Token and you will unlock Bruce Wayne Sports Car.
To unlock this Vehicle, you have to destroy five brick birds within the time limit. All of them are located near the road on which currently are. After destroying the last one, you will obtain Bane's Tumbler.
To get inside the Temple, you have to destroy all the skeletons. As Superman, Go inside and destroy the floor. Step on the button on the ground and the chest in the middle will open. You will unlock Cheetah (Robin Disguise).
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
Destroy the gold padlock on the door using Superman's laser and switch to Robin. Using Technology Suit, start hacking the terminal located inside the building. When you're done, the chest outside the building will open and you will be able to collect a Gold Brick.
Go onto the rock with a character that can hack (preferably Martian Manhunter) and use the terminal. Two platforms will appear. Instead of jumping from one onto another, as Martian Manhunter, fly to the platform on which the lever is and pull it. Do that with every lever and at the top, you will find a chest with a Gold Brick inside.
As Batman, approach the cabin, wear Sensor Suit and use stealth mode. The door will not close and you will be able to access the lever.
On the left, you will find a barrier on the ground. As Superman, destroy it and activate the switch underneath. You will unlock the second power source.
Go to the right and destroy the barrier that block the way to the generator. Switch to Batman, wear Electricity Suit and use the generator. After unlock the third power source, the laser barrier will be deactivated and you will be able to collect the Gold Brick.
To reach the last Gold Brick, you have to switch to The Atom and shrink. Go inside a small maze and activate the switch on the way to unlock the passage in the further part. At the end of the maze, press the button on the ground and you will open a chest nearby. You can collect the Gold Brick.
After arriving at Odym, talk to Green Loontern and follow him after the conversation. You will be attacked by enemies a few times. Defeat them and continue following Green Loontern. When you arrive at your destination, you will complete the mission and receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Aquaman and listen to what he has to say. Your task is to escort Aquaman and the crocodile to a place where he belongs. On the road, the animal will start attacking civilians so hit him until he stops. As a reward for completing the mission, you will receive a Gold Brick and Aquaman Character Token.
Talk to Gorilla Grodd. Use the Sensor Suit to locate a pile of dirt. Dig up some bricks and ad an orange plug to a nearby tree. Use the hook to knock loose a banana. Take it back to Gorilla Grodd again and you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Grodd. Your task is to control the canon that he has built and shoot bananas at Giganta. Do this until she gives up. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick and Gorilla Grodd Character Token.
Talk to Giganta. Kill all the bugs that attack Grodd's invention and you will complete the mission. As a reward, you will obtain a Gold Brick and Giganta Character Token.
Destroy the chests near the hut and you will notice a silver padlock. Break it using Cyborg's Demolition Suit and you will be able to enter the hut. Inside, you will find Swamp Thing (New 52) Character Token.
To obtain the next Token, you have to destroy 10 gold statues around Odym. Only one of them is located on the ground. Nine statues can be seen from the other end of the planet. After destroying the statues, you will unlock The Bat.
The next Token can be obtained by destroying the boxes in the village. After doing that, use the hook to open the last box. You will unlock The Batmobile.
To be able to enter the hut, you have to shoot at the two targets. Each target activates a flame near the door when it changes its color. When two flames are burning, the door will open and you will unlock Catwoman's Motorcycle.
The first Gold Brick can be obtained after destroying several blue flags with Batman logo, spread around the village.
The second Gold Brick can be dug up from the ground. Approach the plants and switch to Green Lantern to collect the Gold Brick.
To obtain the third Gold Brick, you have to destroy silver objects near the chest. Use Cyborg's Demolition Suit and shoot rockets at the objects. The right object is located on the rock, so shoot a rocket and use a flying character to get there. Press the button on the ground and you will open the chest.
To obtain this Gold Brick, located behind a laser barrier, you have to destroy five power sources. Three of them are located inside the ship and two on the roof. After destroying the last one, you will be able to access the Gold Brick.
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
Adam West is trapped on the ship. Approach the generator and power it using the energy from your suit. Pull the lever and you will rescue Adam.
After arriving at Okaara, talk to Green Loontern and follow him after the conversation. You will be attacked by enemies several times. Get rid of them and continue to follow Green Loontern. When you reach your destination you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern and listen to what he has to say. Your task is to defeat a bunch of bad guys. After killing enough, the mission will end and you will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. He will ask you to help him find a statue. To find it, you have to use Batman's Sensor Suit and follow the trail on the ground. After reaching the ruins, take the statue and bring it to Green Loontern to obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. You have to make Loontern wake up from the state that he is currently in. To do that, you simply have to hit him. When he wakes up, the mission will be completed and you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Bat-cow. She will tell you about her dream which is to learn to fly. Follow her to a teacher and defeat against enemies. When you reach your destination, you will obtain a Gold Brick and also unlock Bat-Cow.
The Token can be obtained in the part where you unlock a passage to a small room. Start digging in the ground, as Green Lantern, until you dig up the bricks. Create a plug and use the hook to destroy the obstacle. Inside, you will find Cyborg's Sports Car Vehicle Token.
You will obtain this Vehicle in the part where you destroy eleven blue flags with Batman logo. All the flags are located near the lake so you will have no troubles destroying them. After you get rid of the last flag, you will unlock Orange Lantern Spacecraft.
The Token is hidden in a chest, underwater. Switch to Batman and wear Scuba Suit. Swim to the bottom of the lake and destroy the plants that block the chest. Open the chest and you will find Robin's Redbird Cycle Vehicle Token.
This Vehicle can be unlocked in the part when you access the chest on the roof. To reach it, you have to fly onto the rock on which you can see a flame (picture). Put out the flame using Batman's Arctic Suit and step onto the button on the floor to open the chest. You will unlock The Fierce Flame.
To open the chest located on the roof, you have to find a switch. Fly to the bottom and go to the other side of the building. You will find a plug covered with plants. Get rid of the plants and use your hook to move the plug. After you do that, a small door will open, behind which you will find a lever. Use it and you will be able to collect the first Gold Brick.
You will find the second Gold Brick in the temple. Approach the glowing door and use Superman's powers to destroy them. Inside, you will find a silver chest. Destroy it using Cyborg's Demolition Suit and user a laser attack to burn through a gold barrier. After opening the chest, you will obtain a Gold Brick.
After arriving at the place, use Batman's Sonar Suit to destroy the glass barrier and step inside. You will find a pile of dirt. As Green Lantern, dig up some bricks. Build a lever from them, which you should use to unlock the chest. Inside, you will a Gold Brick.
To be able to enter the temple, you have to switch to Batman and wear Scuba Suit. Swim to the bottom of the lake and press a button to open the door located there. Go inside and deal with the enemies. After you eliminate all of them, the chest will be opened and you will be able to collect the fourth Gold Brick.
To rescue Adam, you have to land on the roof and destroy the silver object under which Adam is trapped. Destroy it using Cyborg's Demolition Suit and you will save Adam.
After arriving at Qward, talk to Green Loontern and follow him. You will be attacked by enemies several times. Get rid of them and continue following Green Loontern. When you reach your destination, you will complete the mission and receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. Your task will be to fight against Sinestro's minions. After killing enough of them, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern and listen to what he has to say. Your task will be to rescue the workers that were imprisoned and forced to labor. Fly up and locate every one of them. Approach them and break the silver chains on their feet using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. You have to bring every one of them to Green Loontern. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. Your task will be to stop the conflict between the animals. To complete this quest, you have to hit every animal and bring it back to Green Loontern. Start from the biggest one and end on the smallest. As a reward, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Mr. Freeze and listen to him. You have to bring him a new mechanism for the fridge. To find it, fly up and land on the roof. Switch to Batman and use Sensor Suit. You will se a big arrow on the ground, so follow the directions it's pointing.
You will reach a big building, inside which you will find the required item. Smash the glass barrier using Batman's Sonar Suit and go inside. Destroy all the objects located there and collect the item. Go back to Mr. Freeze and the mission will be completed. You will obtain a Gold Brick and Mr. Freeze Character Token.
Using Batman's Sonar Suit, destroy the barrier and use the hook on the plug to open the door. After going inside, fly onto the platform (above the chest) and locate a lever. Destroy the barrier to reach it. After opening the chest, you will obtain Zatanna Character Token.
Fly onto the platform that you can see in the picture and destroy the wall using Superman's powers. Inside, you will find a gold chest, which you can destroy using the laser. After destroying the chest, you will obtain Firefly Character Token.
To unlock this vehicle, you have to destroy a dozen-or-so flags within the time limit. All the flags can be found on the building. After destroying the last one, you will be able to collect The Batwing Vehicle Token.
Destroy the glass barrier to access the lever. After using it, Switch to Batman and wear Electricity Suit. Gather energy from the generator and you will unlock the entrance on the other side.
Fly onto the platform and Switch to Batman. Wear Sonar Suit and destroy the glass barrier to obtain a Gold Brick.
Destroy the gold object located on the high chimney stack to collect a Gold Brick.
To obtain the Gold Brick, you have to go through a few small passages. Switch to Martian Manhunter and go through the first one.
After going through the second vent, fly onto the chimney stash nearby and destroy the barrier using Superman's powers. Use the vent to go to another stash and then fly onto the next one, to destroy another barrier. After doing that, go through the last vent and you will find yourself in the room protected by lasers. Collect the Gold Brick.
Fly to the roof and land in the place where you can see some objects from bricks. Destroy them and you will be able to access a terminal. Switch to Batman and wear Electricity Suit to gather energy from the terminal. After doing that, the passage at the bottom will be opened.
Go inside and destroy all the objects located there. Behind one of them, you will find a lever. Use it, and the chest in the middle of the room will open, allowing you to collect another Gold Brick.
Fly to the roof and switch to The Atom. Shrink and go inside the small structure on the edge. At the end of it, you will find a button on the ground. Step on it and you will deactivate the laser barrier, rescuing Adam.
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
After arriving at Ysmault, talk to Green Loontern and follow him after the conversation. You will be attacked by enemies several times. When you reach your destination, the mission will be completed and you will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. Your task is to defeat the enemies. After eliminating all of them, you will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. You will have to reduce the pressure in the geyser. To do that, you have to unlock three other geysers nearby.
The first one can be found near the big skeleton. Plant a bomb using Cyborg's Demolition Suit to unlock it.
The second one is located on a lava lake. Approach the edge of it and use a hook to unlock the geyser.
The third geyser is located inside a skull. Use the hook to unlock it. This way, you will complete the task and receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern and listen to what he has to say. Your task is to find a Popsicle for him. To locate it, follow the trail on the ground. Switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit to activate the hints. After finding the Popsicle, return to Green Loontern and you will receive a Gold Brick.
Talk to Catwoman. Your task will be to lead the second cat to the right place. Switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit. Approach the places marked on the screen and activate the sensors. Hit the chests to open them. The cat will run to each one and you have to repeat the process to complete the mission. You will obtain a Gold Brick and Dex-Starr Character Token.
To collect the Token, you have to destroy the flags within the time limit. After destroying all of them, you will unlock Batcopter.
As Superman, fly onto the roof and destroy it. Inside, you will find Brainiac Skull Ship Vehicle Token.
Switch to Batman and wear Arctic Suit. Put out the flame that blocks your way to the building. Inside, you will find Heat Wave Character Token.
Destroy the silver objects using Cyborg's Demolition Suit and switch to Superman to destroy the floor. Underneath, you will find a Gold Brick.
Land near the tree and switch to Batman. Wear Sensor Suit and activate the "Senses" ability. When you can see a pile of dirt, dig up some bricks as Green Lantern and create the first lever.
The second lever can be found inside the toxic waste. Switch to Superman and enter the substance to activate the lever.
The third lever is located inside the crystals. Switch to Batman and smash them using Sonar Suit. After using the third lever, the chest will open and you will be able to collect the Gold Brick.
To open the chest on the roof, you have to pull the lever located at the bottom. Destroy the objects that block your way, activate the lever and fly onto the roof. You will find an opened chest and a Gold Brick inside.
Destroy the bones that you can see in the picture using and use Superman's laser attack to burn the gold chest. You will obtain the next Gold Brick.
To rescue Adam, you have to lower the pressure in the geyser. Approach the other geyser and destroy the silver object that is blocking it using Cyborg's Demolition Suit. After doing that, Adam will be safe.
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
After arriving at the planet, talk to Green loontern. Follow him and fight the enemies. When you reach your destination, you will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. Your task will be to fight enemy warriors. After eliminating enough of them, you will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern and listen to what he has to say. Your task is to rescue Zamaron warriors from their villainous lovers. Fly up and locate them. Then, approach each one and start hitting their lover. After defeating the enemies, bring the warriors back to Green Loontern and you will complete the mission. You will obtain a Gold Brick.
Talk to Green Loontern. Your task will be to find a blue crystal for him. Switch to Batman and wear Sensor Suit to find the trail. After reaching the right place, destroy the crystals using Sonar Suit and collect the item. After giving it to Green Loontern, you will receive a Gold Brick.
Attention! If this is the last quest that you complete for Green Loontern, you will also unlock this character. The moment in which you obtain this character is directly connected to the order in which you complete the quests on the planets.
Talk to Krypto. The dog will tell you that he can fly well and will want to race you. Switch to Superman and win the race. You will obtain a Gold Brick and unlock Krypto the Superdog.
To obtain the Token, you have to destroy five birds spread around the planet. Each one is located quite high and you can see it from a long distance so you will have no troubles finding them. After destroying the last one, you will unlock Bat-Rocket (Robin-Pod).
Approach the temple and switch to Brainiac. Shrink the rock that blocks your way and use the passage as Martian Manhunter. On the other side, you will find Green Lantern Jet Vehicle Token.
Destroy all the objects that block the pile of dirts and then, as Green Lantern, start digging up bricks. After digging in the right one, you will unlock The Joker Helicopter.
Destroy the gold ring that the statue is holding to obtain the first Gold Brick.
Approach the wall and destroy the plate as Superman. The chest on the top of the tower will be opened and you will be able to collect the Gold Brick.
Fly onto the rock and switch to Batman. Wear Sensor Suit and when the chest appears, use an explosive attack to destroy it. You will find another Gold Brick.
To unlock the last Gold Brick, you have to destroy the blue flags with Batman logo. After destroying the last one, you will be able to collect the Brick.
Land between the rocks and switch to Batman. Wear Sonar Suit and destroy the glass objects to rescue Adam.
Attention! This is the last situation in which you save Adam. As a reward, you will unlock Adam West as a playable character. The moment in which you unlock the character maybe different as you may choose a different order of completing the quests.
Like in the case of every Green Lantern planet, you can obtain a Gold Brick by participating in a race. The best way to complete the race fast is to control a character, not a Vehicle. Flying characters (for example Superman) are way better in races than any Vehicle in the game.
LEGO Batman 3 - Beyond Gotham is another adventure game produces but Traveller's Tales containing DC heroes in the world of LEGO. The game is dedicated for multiple platforms, so its graphics is not very advanced and it doesn't require a high-end PC. It supports DirectX 11, but it's not necessary to have it to be able to play. This game guide was prepared using the PC version, run on the following configuration: Intel Core i5 4690k, 8GB RAM and Radeon r9270x graphics card. There was no trouble with maintaining 60 fps when playing on the maximum graphics options available and using DirectX 11. The gameplay itself contained a few bugs, but they didn't cause much annoyance. The ones that should be mentioned, are the bugs that occur when completing missions on the planets. In several of them, the enemy wouldn't appear and it was necessary to search for him. Besides this minor problem, the gameplay maintained a high level.
LEGO Batman 3 - Beyond Gotham game guide was prepared using the following PC configuration:
On this configuration, the game run with no problems. There were no fluency breakdowns throughout the whole gameplay.
Minimal system requirements:
Recommended system requirements