Once you gain control of Alan Wake, look at the light source above the character. Decide, whether you want to change to controls or not, by choosing the right option.
Move forward. You have to get to the lighthouse. From the main road, walk on a wooden platform on the right and continue your journey.
After a short cut-scene, keep moving forward. The path ahead is simple and very narrow, there is no way you will get lost in here. During your walk, you'll find a horizontal obstacle. Jump over it by pressing the [A] button.
Then, you will encounter an enemy with an axe. Use [RB] button and the left analog stick in order to dodge the axe. Do it a few times and the enemy will vanish. Continue your walk towards the lighthouse.
A gate nearby will open suddenly. Walk right through is and move forward. Keep running, until you reach a guy called Clay, and the bridge behind you fall apart.
Enter Clay's cabin and watch the cut-scene. Right after it, wait a little while for the cabin's back door to open. You will be able to continue the game, however Alan will lose some of his health. In order to regenerate, you must walk into the light of the light post nearby.
Wait for the stairs ahead of you to assemble. Walk downstairs and go towards the lighthouse. Once again, the guy with an axe will appear in front of you. Pick up the flashlight from a snag nearby, enlighten your enemy and hold [LT] to focus the light and eradicate the Darkness inside him. Then, pick up the gun from the snag and shoot your opponent by pressing [RT]. Notice the ammo crate lying nearby.
Keep moving forward. You'll find another enemy. Deal with him in the same way you did with the last one - light him up and shoot to death. In the bushes ahead of you, there are two more opponents, so approach them cautiously. Once they jump out of the bushes, back up a little and finish them.
There's an emergency box near the light post right ahead of you. Open it, take the flare gun and its ammunition.
Use the D-pad in order to choose between different types of weapons. Pull out the recently found flare gun and keep moving forward. A few enemies will appear in front of you. Aim at the guy in the middle and shoot one flare to defeat them all.
Continue the walk. Kill one more guy and go towards the asphalt road nearby.
Once you reach that road, start running through the bridge towards the lighthouse. Be careful, as the Dark Presence throws cars at the bridge, making holes in it. Enter the lighthouse as soon as possible.
The dream will end. Alan is on a ferry, heading towards Bright Falls. Approach the old man, Pat Maine, standing nearby. After the conversation, come back to Alice. Alan's agent, Barry, will call. After the talk, wait a little while for the ferry to reach the shore. Enter the red car as a passenger.
Next scene takes place in a diner. Take the aisle on the left. You will come to an old man, asking you to play his favorite tune by using the jukebox standing nearby. Do it if you want (you'll need to hit it by pressing the [A] button). Keep moving forward and you'll meet a woman talking about the darkness in the corridor up ahead. Enter that corridor, turn left and knock to the men's room. Watch the cut-scene and walk out of the diner through the front door.
Go towards the rented cabin. Looks like the power is out. Go to the shed and turn on the generator located inside, by pressing the [A] button in the right moments.
Walk out of the shed and watch the cut-scene. If you want, examine the snag located next to the shed. Go to the cabin and look for Alice.
You'll find her upstairs. Alice will tell you that there's a surprise for Alan in the study. Enter the other room located on the upper floor and watch another cut-scene.
Alan will exit the cabin. You will regain control of him once he walks on the bridge. Run towards the house, trying to avoid birds on your way by dodging them or lighting them up with your flashlight.
In the next scene, Alan wakes up in a crashed car. Examine the trunk of the car take the mountain path. You'll notice a gas station in the distance - your new destination. Keep walking the path.
You'll reach a bright, blinding light. Enter it, and you will receive two first pages of the manuscript. And you'll notice a few buildings and a bright light in of them.
Run forward. Walk over the fallen tree to get to the other side of the damaged fence. Walk among the wood towards the building with bright light you saw a second ago. Watch the cut-scene and continue your journey through the wood supply point.
On your way, you'll find Carl Stucky, armed with a n axe. He will try to kill you, dodge his weapon and run away, to the enlightened building. Inside, you will find a gun and a flashlight. Finally, both sides have equal chances.
Pick up four batteries to your flashlight from the table, collect the ammunition lying on the shelf. Approach the desk and use the telephone located in there.
The phone won't work, and what is more, Stucky is about to push the whole building into abyss. Jump out of the building through the back door as soon as you can. The gate nearby will open, walk right through and prepare yourself to fight two enemies armed with sickles.