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How do you change a baby sims name

How do you change a baby sims name
1.)Pull up the cheat box (Ctr+Shift+C) enter in the box, boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. 2.)Doesn't matter what sim you are, Press shift and click on the baby that you want to change the name of, of the many options there are, select *MAKE SELECTABLE (most likely, if your baby disappears off the family string on the left side, press shift again and click on the baby again and select *MAKE SELECTABLE again.) 3.) now you can select the baby on the left side family string, click on the babies icon on the string. 4.) shift and click on the sim baby like before, choose spawn, then tomb stone of L and D. 5.) being the baby sim still, click on the tomb stone and select rename sim. 6.) choose a snazzy name for your baby like frazzlehead-mcspazatron.

There is an easier way,
1- select the baby [or toddler, whatever]
2- go to map view
3- click on 'city hall' and click 'change name'
4- then the mum or dad [or an older sim] will take the baby to change its name

[NOTE- this method works with all sim ages - newborn to elder- even ghosts]