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Are old games better than modern games

Are old games better than modern games
This is assuming that you refer to video games, comparing the old and new games as a whole. Games have definitely changed over time, but old games are not necessarily better than modern ones. Although older games are known to have been more frustrating and often more difficult, that was for accessibility reasons. For example, an old 2-d sidescrolling game with only 3 control buttons and 10 levels would rely on the player mastering a limited amount of skills skills (like jumping), and one would need to be extremely good to beat the game.

Modern games tend to be designed with more involved storylines and gameplay mechanics, with developers intending for the majority of players to actually be able to beat and fully experience the game. It's possible to beat such games without becoming extremely good at certain skills, but they do help a lot when experiencing the entire game (harder levels, multiplayer, etc.). So basically, newer games are focused more on enjoying the game experience itself. They tend to be easier but have more content (including harder modes). Older games are more focused on a highscore system instead of the actual simplistic gameplay.