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What are some good video games

What are some good video games
gta4, call of duty 4

Personally, I'd recommend these based on genre:
Shooters: Half Life, Call of Duty 2 and 4
Super Mario 64 (If you want better graphics try the DS version), Super Mario Galaxy
RFG's: Etrian Odyssey (if you liked Dungeons and Dragons and/or are looking for a challenge)
If you like Zelda, try the Collector's Edition for the Game Cube. It has four Zelda games (the original, Adventure of Link, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask).
Tropico, definitely! You can play as a leader of a Caribbean nation, and the perk is, YOU can control the government. You can play as a democratic, communist, or fascist leader.(You can enact martial law and shoot anything on sight, even!)

PC is much easier to play online, but there are more hackers and laggers. Consoles have little kids playing, and sucking at the game.