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How do you breed monkeys on Petz monkey house

How do you breed monkeys on Petz monkey house
1. Adopt a boy monkey and a girl monkey.
2. Let them play together for a while.
3. The red smiley face inbetween the pet portraits tells you if they are getting along. Once the open mouthed grin appears (and both monkeys are fully grown!), they will fall in love! When this happens, the monkeys will sit across from each other in the middle of the room and hearts will flood about the screen.
5. Sign the pedigree papers.
6. Discover your new baby monkey, name it, raise it, and restart the cycle!

Hints: I recommend breeding at the park, however, because the monkeys will fall in love quicker. Also, some babies will look exactly the same as only one parent, but may show resemblance of the other parent as it grows older. Lastly, there is a special cheat code that unlocks the mystery monkey! I'm not sure what the mystery monkey is, but I do know that on dogz pack it's the German shepherd, on catz clan the Egyptian Mau, and on horseshoe ranch the Mustang. Hope this helps you out!