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How do you get artix silver axe in aqw

How do you get artix silver axe in aqw
It is a rare item (the silver axe). you cant get it anymore. it was from the beta shop. And artix's golden axe, you cant get it.
if u got hell quest* gamma v0.885, u can. in the load shop area, type 42. u will load the shop and be able to buy the platinum axe of destiny. The gold axe is a very different story though... u will need to hack** and see if u can find the code of the axe. it can be very dangerous with the report button now, so do it in an area with no one around.
*hell quest gamma v0.885 is a hacking system (that i don't understand) that alows u to do all kinds of things.
**like with hell quest, AQWin, AQWacker, etc.

You can get a chaorrupted version of the axe tho when you've saved swordhaven and drakoth comes and theres 2 cutscenes after a shop comes there you can buy his chaorrupted wep for 500 gold but only for mems. Type in /join castleundead to get there.