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In Lego batman the video game how do you get the 1st power brick

In Lego batman the video game how do you get the 1st power brick
With no spoilers here is the locations, all hero levels are Suit Upgrades and all Villain levels are Extras!

1.1-Fast Grapple (all suits)
1.2-Fast Batarangs (all suits)
1.3-More Batarang Targets (all suits)
1.4-Flaming Batarang (Heat Protection Suit)
1.5-Slam (glide suit)
2.1-More Detonators (demolition Suit)
2.2-Armour Plating (demolition suit)
2.3-Sonic Pain (sonic suit)
2.4-Area Effect (sonic suit)
2.5-Bats (sonic suit)
3.1-Freeze Batarang (water suit)
3.2-Decoy (technology Suit)
3.3-Fast Walk (magnet suit)
3.4-Faster Pieces (attract Suit)
3.5-Piece Detector (attract suit)

1.1 -x2 score
1.2 -x4 score
1.3-x6 score
1.4-x8 score
1.5-x10 score
2.1-Stud Magnet
2.2-Character Studs
2.3-Minikit Detector
2.4-Power Brick Detector
2.5- Always Score Multiply
3.1-Fast Build
3.2-Immune to Freeze
3.3- Regenerate Hearts
3.4-Extra Hearts
3.5- Invincibility