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What is Stick Arena

What is Stick Arena
Stick Arena is an online multiplayer non-downloading game of stick figures using weapons to kill each other. Like most free online games, there's an option to unlock more features of the game at the cost of real-life money. In this game, it's called a Lab Pass, which gains you more weapons, more masks, and other features.

 Free Weapons:
  1. Fists - 12 damage, 12 hit kill
  2. Glock - 20 damage, 5 hit kill
  3. Bat - 33 damage, 4 hit kill
  4. AK-47 - 17 damage, 6 hit kill
  5. Shotgun - 35 damage, 3 hit kill
  6. Sledgehammer - 100 damage, instant kill (however very slow)
  7. Katana - 13 damage, 7 hit kill
 Lab Pass Weapons:
  1. Laser Sword - 17 damage, 6 hit kill
  2. Chainsaw - 35 damage, 3 hit kill
  3. Tesla Helmet - 10 damage, 10 hit kill
  4. Chaingun - 13 damage, 8 hit kill
  5. Flamethrower - 17 damage, 6 hit kill
  6. Rail Gun - 90 damage, 2 hit kill
 Credits By logging in at the most frequent every 8 hours (3 times/24 hours), you can gain a random amount of credits, with is the game's monetary unit. If you gain enough, you can go to the Ballistick Shop to buy various Spinners (and Pets if you buy a Lab Pass) customized to your favorite color combinations.
 Profile Each account's profile displays the person's overall statistics: credits, kills, deaths, kill/death ratio, and games played, Rank, and number of kills until next Rank.
The Profile also allows you to select from a list of your current Spinners and Pets to show how you look when you play the game.
Pets don't really do anything. They just stand beside and follow you while you play, but they provide neither assistance nor vice.
 Lobby On the first page you see when you log in, you can chat to other people in the same server or switch to a different server. A server is basically a room with players in it. Each server has different games, depending on how the people in the server make it.
You can join a game or create your own game (public or private).
 Gameplay Throughout the game, you view the whole scene from the ceiling, so you're looking down at the top of the stick figures' heads. You pick up either a melee weapon for a crowded place or a gun for long distance combat. Hide behind some shelter if you want, but make sure you manage to hurt your opponent more than they hurt you in order to win the match.
Only up to 4 people can play per map, but people with Lab passes can join a full match, meaning that a game can even have at least 5 players.
There is no medic (no source of replenishing your HP), so you may either try to never get hit or just try to die less often than your foe does.
 Keyboarding Use the keys WASD or the D-pad to move your character. Use your mouse to aim and fire your weapon. If you have a laptop, you should get a mouse to connect to it, since the mousepad is harder for controlling the weapon.
If you want to send a public text to all the players in a game (there's no private text), press t to type, then hit Enter. Be careful though, while you're typing, you'll be vulnerable to anyone's attack, so hide in a safe place, or wait until you kill or die before you announce something.
 Ranks As you progress through the game and gain more kills, your Rank will eventually increase. The higher your Rank is, the longer it will take to gain the next Rank. Your Rank is determined by the total number of kills for your account, so there's no way for your number of kills or your Rank to ever decrease.
Naturally, the higher you raise your Rank, the better you will be at the game, since it would mean that you've played longer and have more experience at how the game works.
The highest rank is 15, with 150K kills.
 Teams This isn't an official thing, since it relies solely on trust. Using the game's texting function while in-game, you can ask a player agree so that you two stop shooting each other. Players often do this to gain themselves more kills against the other players. Teaming up can create 2vs2 or even 3vs1 matches.