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Where will be the URL address

Where will be the URL address
I'm not sure if i fully understand your question. The URL address is basically just the website. ie. So the URL address is located at the top of the screen in the address bar and will take the form shown above. Hope that answered your question.
It is the entire address of a website. For example, the URL of this webpage is

<a href=""> is a url adderess&action=edit&lt;/a&gt;

if you click on it, it will take you directly to this page.


URL stands for "Uniform Resource Locator".
As mentioned above, a URL could point to a specific page, or it could just point to a site such as <a href="">;/a&gt;

Once a URL is entered, it is cross-referenced using DNS (Domain Name Service) to an IP address (Internet Protocol). For example, when you type <a href="">;/a&gt; your computer is actually going to The http: means "Hypertext Transport Protocol" and is the language of web pages.