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What is the most popular video game in the world

What is the most popular video game in the world
There are a few different angle to take on this question. We could base popularity on high school-style clout or actual sales figures, so here is what I've found:

- Sales Records -
The article listing the top 25 selling games in history lists Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green as the best-selling game of all time at 20.08 Million copies sold. If one does not wish to count this as it includes three slightly different versions of the same game, Super Mario Bros. 3 clocks in at 18 Million copies.

- Pure Popularity -
If one is to base what game is the most popular on simply how many people know about or have played a particular game, the hands-down winner has to be Super Mario Bros. for the NES. This game expanded the industry by introducing a plot and basic storytelling, but it also established a franchise nearing its 25th year. That's right, the chubby plumber has been around for a quarter century, and it all started from one single game.