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How do you beat Wheatley in Portal 2

How do you beat Wheatley in Portal 2
To beat Wheatley, you must first go behind the conversion gel pipe when he starts throwing bombs, and bust the pipe. After that, it will be all over the room. What you need to do now is: First, put a portal on one of the panels near the top of the room, doesn't really matter where. Now, let him start throwing bombs, move out of the way, and put the other portal where the bombs are landing. They should hit Wheatley, and GLaDOS will deliver a corrupted core, so go get that, use the newfound repulsion gel to attach it to Wheatley. He will move his shields. Now, do the same thing, but instead of putting a portal on a panel, put it directly under Wheatley. The bombs should hit him again. Another core comes in the same place, so go grab it, but it's a bit trickier this time. After attaching it to him, do the same thing once more, but make sure the panel you put your portal on is behind Wheatley so the bombs will hit him and not the shields. Put the last portal where the bombs are falling. He will be stunned again. This time, instead of the core coming up the catwalk, look to the left of the broken conversion gel pipe and wait a moment for the last core to come out. Under the propulsion gel pipe to the left of the broken conv. gel pipe, there should be a panel with conversion gel on it. Put a portal on that, then one on the ground next to it. Use the gel to fly out the portal, grab the final core, and attach it to Wheatley. After a short cutscene, go over and put a portal above the stalemate resolution button and a portal under Wheatley. Jump through the portal, press the button, and watch the best ending to the best game ever! Congratulations, you beat Portal 2!