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What does shenmue mean

What does shenmue mean
The game's title is derived from a specific tree that makes a cameo near the ending of the second installment in the series. The tree is located, both literally and figuratively, at the center of the prophecy that is a constant thread throughout the saga (and which is featured in the cinematic intros to both games). The Shenmue tree resides in the same small village (Bailu, which is located in Guilin) that spawned both Shenhua and the game's notorious stone mirrors. There is further foreshadowing to this tree in Shenmue, although such references are very discreet. One example is the cassette named "Antiquity Tree", which Ryo may purchase at any point during the game. Antiquity means "ancient", hence "Ancient Tree". The musical score played from the cassette shares an uncanny resemblance to the musical score of the Main Shenmue Theme. Therefore, it is suggested that the Shenmue Tree is an ancient tree, probably reflecting the tree's mythology and its significance.