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Where can you find the hammer thing in Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue

Where can you find the hammer thing in Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue
in order to find hammer it is in under 7 like u said but in order to get there u have to do the folliwing which is beat flaman a in under 4 near the dead end of the entrance to under square,then when u beat him go to yoka 1 near the heater (equiped the oil body)if lucky u will encounter him if do beat him. note: he can be found at other areas as well (yoka 1), wen u beat him go to under 6 then go left and unlock the cube. keep going and u will and u will find a spikey virus wen u do he will leave and then go up to the top and u will see the hammer in one of those data thingies.