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Who is considered the best Jedi Knight in the Star Wars epic

Who is considered the best Jedi Knight in the Star Wars epic
There are a lot of different answers about who is the most powerful Jedi, like Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker. The real answer is Luke Skywalker. Why? He turned Darth Vader to the light side, made Vader kill the Emperor, resisted the dark side, and created the New Republic. Even though it was alsmost destroyed by the Emperor's clones, Dark Jedi, Yuuzhan Vong, Lumiya, and Darth Cadeus, he built it back up every time.

**Actually Anakin Skywalker is the most powerful jedi. He is the chosen one and the only one who could bring balance to the force. Not to mention that his midiclorian counts were unheard of. Luke did not make Vader kill the emperor, Vader killed the emperor because he witnessed him killing his only son, that sight made him find the light and destroy the emperor, thus returning balance to the force.**

Re: Anakin is probably considered the best cause he is in every star wars movie (counts as Darth Vader too)

*I would say they're tied, alright

**almost all other jedi on the jedi council are considered great jedi too